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Eric Fuchey, 07/09/2020 11:23 AM

Documentation of libsbsdig


This page is maintained by the UConn group (Eric Fuchey + Andrew Puckett) and as of February 14, 2020 is specific to the '''''master''''' branch of libsbsdig on github.


This page documents the libsbsdig code, which purpose is to transform the output data from [ G4SBS] to digital values such as ADCs or TDCs.
These produce files which can be analyzed with [ SBS-offline].

Getting the code and building the program


*Working [ ROOT] installation. '''libsbsdig is compatible with ROOT version 5 and ROOT version 6'''. '''''ROOT 6 is strongly recommended'''''
*Working [ analyzer] installation. '''libsbsdig is compatible with analyzer versions 1.6 and beyond'''.
*Working [ SBS-offline] installation.

Downloading the repository

The code is hosted on a github repository owned by JLab. To clone via ssh (preferred method on JLab batch farm), do:

git clone :JeffersonLab/libsbsdig.git

For this method to work, the ssh public key on the machine where you want to get the code must be added to your github account (see [ Guide] to generating ssh keys and adding to your account.)

Cloning the repository defaults to the "master" branch.

Building and installing the library

Create a "build" directory that is parallel to the "libsbsdig" source directory (this is not strictly required, but the build directory must be separate from the "SBS-offline" directory in any case).
You also need to have setup an installation path e.g. /path/to/libsbsdig-install
NB: similarly to the build directory, the /path/to/libsbsdig-install directory shall '''not''' be the same as the source directory!
The following instructions assume that "build" is parallel to "libsbsdig":
If successful, the libsbsdig library and several other files and folders will be created in the "build" and the "install" directory.

To build and install, the procedure needs to be completed. From scratch:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/libsbsdig-install ../libsbsdig
make install

Then, the following line should be added in the OS login configuration file to take advantage of this functionality:
  • source /path/to/libsbsdig-install/bin/ (or source /path/to/g4sbs_install/bin/sbsdigenv.csh on the batch farm)

digitization library use

how to use the digitization library

A working example script of using the digitization library is available in the libsbsdig repository at
The input arguments for this scripts are explained in the script comments.
It has to be executed with the Hall A analyzer:


.L digi_gmn.C
digi_gmn("simdig_outfile.root", 1000, "gmn13.5_elastic_prod.txt")

Root output documentation

For each detector, several structures are stored under the form of an ensemble of vectors of integers and doubles.
There are three types of structures:
- the "trackmchits" storing the information of the Monte Carlo track intercepting the detector;
- the "simhits" storing the true energy deposits and corresponding number of photoelectrons for each g4sbs hit processed by libsbsdig;
- the "hits", storing the adc and tdc information;

"trackmchit" structure

nhits (int): number of entries for this structure and this detector
source (std::vector<short>): type of file where the MC track comes from (0 if signal, >0 if background)
trid (std::vector<short>): track ID in G4SBS (mostly useful to distinguish primary tracks)
pid (std::vector<int>): track PDG PID
xhit (std::vector<double>) estimated point of intercept of the track at the detector surface, in the dispersive direction (transport coordinates)
yhit (std::vector<double>) estimated point of intercept of the track at the detector surface, in the non-dispersive direction (transport coordinate)
thit (std::vector<double>) estimated time of intercept of the track at the detector surface
e (std::vector<double>) track total energy
weight (std::vector<double>) weight of the event from which the track is issued (not implemented yet)

"simhit" structure
h5. "hit" structure

Updated by Eric Fuchey almost 4 years ago · 17 revisions