Wiki » History » Revision 12
Revision 11 (Eric Fuchey, 04/06/2020 02:39 PM) → Revision 12/13 (Eric Fuchey, 04/06/2020 02:49 PM)
h1. Wiki: Documentation of SBS software
This is the documentation of the SBS software. It is composed of three main modules:
* G4SBS (the Monte Carlo simulation);
* SBS-offline (the analysis code based on the Hall A analyzer);
* libsbsdig (the digitization library, which produces ADC and TDC values based on the SBS offline signal.
h2. Links to documentation of the three SBS software modules:
* [ Documentation of G4SBS]
* ["Documentation of G4SBS":]
* [[Documentation of SBS-offline]]
* [[Documentation of libsbsdig]]
h2. Useful links
*[ Git Documentation]
*[] and [ wiki] homepages for the analyzer
*[] homepage for libsbsdig
*[] homepage for SBS-offline