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Jixie Zhang, 12/22/2022 12:07 AM

Cable map (signal & HV)

For all SC, preshower and shower detectors, we look downstream to identify left or right!

Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
Front SC top 115 250 8.0 10.0
Front SC bottom 548 251 8.1 10.1
Back SC top 574 225 8.2 10.2
Back SC bottom 117 226 8.3 10.3
LASPD top 597 227 8.4 10.4
LASPD bottom 102 228 8.5 10.5
SPD 265 253 8.6 10.6
Preshower bottom left (SDU#1) 576 254 8.7 10.7
Preshower bottom right (THU#1) 374 255 8.8 10.8
Preshower top (SDU#2) 266 256 8.9 10.9
Shower bottom left (SDU#4) 429 261 8.10 2.0
Shower bottom right (THU#2) 354 262 8.11 2.1
Shower top (SDU#5) 566 263 8.12 2.2
Front SC top & Back SC top NA NA 8.15 NA
Looking from outside toward inside:
Cherenkov 0 (A bottom right) 538 269 7.0 2.3
Cherenkov 1 (A bottom left) 448 269 7.1 2.3
Cherenkov 2 (A top right) 451 269 7.2 2.3
Cherenkov 3 (A top left) 977 269 7.3 2.3
Cherenkov 4 (B bottom right) 577 270 7.4 2.4
Cherenkov 5 (B bottom left) 096 270 7.5 2.4
Cherenkov 6 (B top right) 093 270 7.6 2.4
Cherenkov 7 (B top left) 285 270 7.7 2.4
Cherenkov 8 (C bottom right) 475 271 7.8 2.5
Cherenkov 9 (C bottom left) 242 271 7.9 2.5
Cherenkov 10 (C top right) 443 271 7.10 2.5
Cherenkov 11 (C top left) 541 271 7.11 2.5
Cherenkov 12 (D bottom right) 279 272 7.12 2.6
Cherenkov 13 (D bottom left) 588 272 7.13 2.6
Cherenkov 14 (D top right) 092 272 7.14 2.6
Cherenkov 15 (D top left) 680 272 7.15 2.6
Standing with your face towards target:
GEM Detector GEM Plane Backplane HDMI Port HDMI Port Physical Location HDMI Cable Label HV cable label MPD Slot#.Channel# HV Channel#
Front GEM X-Plane (Horizontal) Digital Top board right 2 249 5.4 1
Front GEM X-Plane (Horizontal) Analog Top board left 1 249 5.0 1
Front GEM Y-Plane (Vertical) Digital Left board top A 249 4.4 1
Front GEM Y-Plane (Vertical) Analog Left board bottom B 249 4.0 1
Back GEM X-Plane (Horizontal) Digital Top board left G3-A1 252 5.5 2
Back GEM X-Plane (Horizontal) Analog Top board right G2-A1 252 5.1 2
Back GEM Y-Plane (Vertical) Digital Left board top G2-A2 252 4.5 2
Back GEM Y-Plane (Vertical) Analog Left board bottom G3-A2 252 4.1 2


MPOD HV Wiring Map board1
Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
Shower top (SDU#5) 566 263 8.12 A.0
Shower bottom left (SDU#4) 429 261 8.10 A.2
Preshower top (SDU#2) 266 256 8.9 A.3
Preshower bottom right (THU#1) 374 255 8.8 A.4
Preshower bottom left (SDU#1) 576 254 8.7 A.5
Back SC top 574 225 8.2 A.6
Front SC top 115 250 8.0 A.7

MPOD HV Wiring Map board2

Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
Back SC bottom 117 226 8.3 B.0
LASPD top 597 227 8.4 B.1
LASPD bottom 102 228 8.5 B.2
SPD 265 253 8.6 B.3
Cherenkov 0 (A bottom right) 538 269 7.0 B.4
Cherenkov 1 (A bottom left) 448 269 7.1 B.4
Cherenkov 2 (A top right) 451 269 7.2 B.4
Cherenkov 3 (A top left) 977 269 7.3 B.4
Cherenkov 4 (B bottom right) 577 270 7.4 B.5
Cherenkov 5 (B bottom left) 096 270 7.5 B.5
Cherenkov 6 (B top right) 093 270 7.6 B.5
Cherenkov 7 (B top left) 285 270 7.7 B.5
Cherenkov 8 (C bottom right) 475 271 7.8 B.6
Cherenkov 9 (C bottom left) 242 271 7.9 B.6
Cherenkov 10 (C top right) 443 271 7.10 B.6
Cherenkov 11 (C top left) 541 271 7.11 B.6
Cherenkov 12 (D bottom right) 279 272 7.12 B.7
Cherenkov 13 (D bottom left) 588 272 7.13 B.7
Cherenkov 14 (D top right) 092 272 7.14 B.7
Cherenkov 15 (D top left) 680 272 7.15 B.7
Front SC bottom 548 251 8.1 B.8
Shower bottom right (THU#2) 354 262 8.11 B.9


FADC slot 7 signal map
Detector FADC Slot#.Channel#
Cherenkov A sum 7.0
Cherenkov B sum (without B3) 7.1
Cherenkov C sum 7.2
Cherenkov D sum 7.3
not use 7.4
not use 7.5
not use 7.6
not use 7.7
Cherenkov ABCD sum 7.8
PreShower sum 7.9
Shower sum 7.10
TS#1 7.11
TS#2 7.12
TS#3 7.13
not use 7.14
L1A Trigger 7.15
FADC slot 8 signal map
Detector FADC Slot#.Channel#
SC0_top 8.0
SC0_bottom 8.1
SC1_top 8.2
SC1_bottom 8.3
LASPD_top 8.4
LASPD_bottom 8.5
PreShower_left 8.7
PreShower_right 8.8
PreShower_top 8.9
Shower_left 8.10
Shower_right 8.11
Shower_top 8.12
not use 8.13
Shower_sum 8.14
L1A Trigger 8.15
MPOD HV Wiring Map board1
Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
not use X X X A.1
Preshower top (SDU#2) 266 256 8.9 A.3
Preshower bottom right (THU#1) 374 255 8.8 A.4
Preshower bottom left (SDU#1) 576 254 8.7 A.5
Back SC top 574 225 8.2 A.6
Front SC top 115 250 8.0 A.7
MPOD HV Wiring Map board2
Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
Back SC bottom 117 226 8.3 B.0
LASPD top 597 227 8.4 B.1
LASPD bottom 102 228 8.5 B.2
SPD 265 253 8.6 B.3
Cherenkov 0 (A bottom right) 538 269 7.0 B.4
Cherenkov 1 (A bottom left) 448 269 7.1 B.4
Cherenkov 2 (A top right) 451 269 7.2 B.4
Cherenkov 3 (A top left) 977 269 7.3 B.4
Cherenkov 4 (B bottom right) 577 270 7.4 B.5
Cherenkov 5 (B bottom left) 096 270 7.5 B.5
Cherenkov 6 (B top right) 093 270 7.6 B.5
Cherenkov 7 (B top left) 285 270 7.7 B.5
Cherenkov 8 (C bottom right) 475 271 7.8 B.6
Cherenkov 9 (C bottom left) 242 271 7.9 B.6
Cherenkov 10 (C top right) 443 271 7.10 B.6
Cherenkov 11 (C top left) 541 271 7.11 B.6
Cherenkov 12 (D bottom right) 279 272 7.12 B.7
Cherenkov 13 (D bottom left) 588 272 7.13 B.7
Cherenkov 14 (D top right) 092 272 7.14 B.7
Cherenkov 15 (D top left) 680 272 7.15 B.7
Front SC bottom 548 251 8.1 B.8
Shower bottom right (THU#2) 354 262 8.11 B.9
Shower bottom left (SDU#4) 429 261 8.10 B.10
Shower top (SDU#5) 566 263 8.12 B.11

20221221 Cosmic test in HallC

FADC slot 7 signal map
Detector FADC Slot#.Channel#
MaROC_# sum 7.0
MaROC_# sum 7.1
MaROC_# sum 7.2
MaROC_# sum 7.3
MaROC_# sum 7.4
MaROC_# sum 7.5
not use 7.6
not use 7.7
not use 7.8
PreShower sum 7.9
Shower sum 7.10
TS#1 7.11
TS#2 7.12
TS#3 7.13
not use 7.14
L1A Trigger 7.15
FADC slot 8 signal map
Detector FADC Slot#.Channel#
SC_bottom 8.0
SC_5cm_by_7.5cm 8.1
SC_top 8.2
SC_5cm_by_10cm 8.3
Function Generator 8.4
SC_light_guide_only 8.5
not use 8.6
PreShower_left 8.7
PreShower_right 8.8
PreShower_top 8.9
Shower_left 8.10
Shower_right 8.11
Shower_top 8.12
not use 8.13
Shower_sum 8.14
L1A Trigger 8.15
MPOD HV Wiring Map board1
Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
not_connected X X X A.0
GEM X 226 X A.1
not_connected X X X A.2
Preshower top (SDU#2) 266 256 8.9 A.3
Preshower bottom right (THU#1) 374 255 8.8 A.4
Preshower bottom left (SDU#1) 576 254 8.7 A.5
not_connected X X X A.6
not_connected X X X A.7
MPOD HV Wiring Map board2
Detector & PMT Signal Cable Label HV cable label FADC Slot#.Channel# HV Slot#.Channel#
SC_bottom(old SC0_b?t) 115 227 8.0 B.1
SC_5cm_by_7.5cm 540 264 8.1 B.8
SC_top(old SC1_b?t) 574 225 8.2 B.0
SC_5cm_by_10cm 117 228 8.3 B.2
Function Generator 597 X 8.4 X
SC_light_guide_only 102 253 8.5 B.3
could_not_find 265 X 8.6 X
Cherenkov 0 (A bottom right) 538 269 9.0 B.4
Cherenkov 1 (A bottom left) 448 269 9.1 B.4
Cherenkov 2 (A top right) 451 269 9.2 B.4
Cherenkov 3 (A top left) 977 269 9.3 B.4
Cherenkov 4 (B bottom right) 577 270 9.4 B.5
Cherenkov 5 (B bottom left) 096 270 9.5 B.5
Cherenkov 6 (B top right) 093 270 9.6 B.5
Cherenkov 7 (B top left) 285 270 9.7 B.5
Cherenkov 8 (C bottom right) 475 271 9.8 B.6
Cherenkov 9 (C bottom left) 242 271 9.9 B.6
Cherenkov 10 (C top right) 443 271 9.10 B.6
Cherenkov 11 (C top left) 541 271 9.11 B.6
Cherenkov 12 (D bottom right) 279 272 9.12 B.7
Cherenkov 13 (D bottom left) 588 272 9.13 B.7
Cherenkov 14 (D top right) 092 272 9.14 B.7
Cherenkov 15 (D top left) 680 272 9.15 B.7
Shower bottom right (THU#2) 354 262 8.11 B.9
Shower bottom left (SDU#4) 429 261 8.10 B.10
Shower top (SDU#5) 566 263 8.12 B.11
MaROC_# TBD 250 TBD B.12
MaROC_# TBD 251 TBD B.13

Updated by Jixie Zhang about 2 years ago · 41 revisions