Fermilab Test Beam Run¶
Shifter Roles¶
- Leader: Communicate with MCR regarding desired beam energy and other relevant details. Manage the DAQ (start and stop runs)
- Remote: Keep a shift log of actives during the shift. Decode runs as they are completed. Post a shift summary logbook entry at the conclusion of your shift.
VNC Connection Information (for Remote Shifts)¶
- Using terminal, ssh into login and then the computer that has the VNC server on it
ssh -L 5901:localhost:XXXXjanedoe@fnalu.fnal.gov
Replace XXXX with a port number of your choice (avoid 22). Log in using your credentials
- In the same session, ssh to the computer:
ssh -L XXXX:localhost:5901a-compton@clrlpc.dhcp.fnal.gov
Log in using JLab CUE credentials for user a-compton.
- On your machine, run the VNC application. When prompted for the VNC Server, use: localhost:5901
Encryption: Let VNC Server choose
Enter password set up on the VNC server
Log in using your credentials
How to make beam position plots using the MWPC data¶
Directions below are for the soliddaq.dhcp.fnal.gov machine.
The MWPC folder is located at: /home/a-compton/MWPC/
Raw data at: /home/a-compton/MWPC/data
decoder at: /home/a-compton/MWPC/analysis/basic
A script to run decoder and make one figure of beam position is available here:
You can run this script at any folder.
FADC channel map¶
0 SC1
1 SC2
2 left Ecal, SDU#4
3 top Ecal, SDU#5
4 right Ecal, THU#2
5 top preshower, SDU#2
6 left preshower, SDU#1
7 right preshower, THU#1
8 ftbf_trigger, logical signal
9 user_trigger, SC1&SC2, logical signal
10 Up Chrenkov
11 Down Chrenkov, Outer PMT
12 Down Chrenkov, Inner PMT
13 spill start, logical signal (out of timing)
14 spill end, logical signal
Updated by Jixie Zhang about 4 years ago · 12 revisions