


Hallc beamtest runlist » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Jixie Zhang, 10/20/2022 03:54 PM) → Revision 7/9 (Jixie Zhang, 10/20/2022 04:03 PM)

#This file record the run list for solid ecal beamtest in HallC. 
 #Do not delete 

 5-pass beam, 10.549 GeV 

 slot 7 FADC250_DAC 3300 (for all 16 channels) 
 slot 8 FADC250_DAC 3300 (for all 16 channels) 

 20220620 21:30 
 HV slot    2:      0      0      0      0      0      0      0 
 HV slot 10: 1500 1500 1500 1500      0      0      0      0      0      0      0 

 2925  	 FADC only 
 2926 	 FADC only 
 2927 	 FADC only 
 2928 	 FADC only 
 2929 	 FADC only 

 File not exist for run 2930-2949, debug DAQ 

 20220621 12:20 
 HV slot    2:    900    950    900      0      0      0      0 
 HV slot 10: 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1800 1800 1800 

 2950-2956 	 SSP only 
 2957 	 SSP only, trash 
 2958 	 debug DAQ, trash 
 2959 	 First run for FADC+SSP, good data 
 2960 	 good FADC+SSP data 
 2961-2964      DEBUG SSP, all trash 

 20220623 15:50 
 HV slot    2:    900    950    900 1500 1500 1500 1500  
 HV slot 10: 1600 1600 1700 1600 1500 1500 1500 1800 1800 1800 

 From this run, trigger lost due to FIFO has an 100mv offset 
 2965-2968 	 SSP only, no trigger and debug daq, trash 
 2969 	 FADC+SSP, no trigger, trash 
 2970 	 cosmic run, no trigger, trash 
 2971      beam run, no trigger, trash 

 From run 2972, trigger is connected to another FIFO unit which has 0 offset  
 20220624 12:20 
 HV slot    2:    900    950    900 1000 1000 1000 1000  
 HV slot 10: 1600 1600 1700 1600 1500 1500 1500 1800 1800 1800 
 2972 	 debug DAQ, trash 
 2973 	 good FADC+SSP data    <------- First run for good Cherenkov HV 
 2975      trash 
 2976-2981 	 good FADC+SSP data  	
 2982 	 trash 
 2983-3002 	 good FADC+SSP data  	
 3003-3005 	 debug DAQ, trash 
 3006-3013 	 good FADC+SSP data  	
 3014-3015 	 cosmic  
 3016 		 daq crash, no output files 
 3017-3018 	 debug daq, trash 
 3019 		 cosmic 
 3020-3021 	 debug daq for DAC values and HV, trash 
 For all runs before 3022, slot 7 and slot 8 FADC250_DAC are 3300 for all channels. Therefore some channels might not see signal. 

 20220629 16:20 
 HV slot    2:    900    950    900 1000 1000 1000 1000 
 HV slot 10: 1600 1600 1850 1750 1000 1100 1800 1680 1920 1800 

 slot 8 FADC250_DAC 3000  
 slot 8 FADC250_DAC 3300 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000  

 3022      First production run    <----------------- 
 3023      DAQ crashed 
 3024      production 
 3025      debug run, cosmic, trash 

 Cherenkov ch12 (started from 0) has cabling issue for runs before 3026 

 Change FADC DAC for Ecal channels 
 slot 8    FADC250_DAC 3300 3000 3300 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3300 3300 3000 3300 3000  

 3026      production, cosmic at the first 4 hours(~30 events), see beam around 6 pm 
 3027 	 production 
 3028      production   
 3029  	 production, no beam at the beginning (several hours) 
 3030 	 production 
 3031 	 production 
 3032  	 production 
 3033  	 production 
 3034  	 production 
 3035  	 production 
 3036  	 production 
 3037  	 production, daq machine tunl11 has some issue and vncserver crashed, so coda also crashed 
 3038  	 production, first test run after rebooting tunl11 and sbsvme22, data is good 
 3039  	 production, test auto log scripts, data is good 
 3040  	 production  
 3041      cosmic, trash 
 3042  	 debug daq,trash 
 3043      no files, daq crashed 

 FADC config file changed:   
 1) remove slot 9 
 2) slot 7 

 FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3205 3170 3170 3195 3195 3190 3200 3195 3180 3205 3190 3215 3170 3215 3175 3205 

 3)slot 8 

 FADC250_W_WIDTH 400 

 FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3500 3200 3460 3190 3220 3210 3190 3220 3220 3190 3500 3520 3510 3500 3490 3450 

 3044  	 cosmic, slot 8 FADC250_W_WIDTH 400 
 3045  	 cosmic, slot 8 FADC250_W_WIDTH 400 

 changed slot 7 FADC250_W_WIDTH from 200 to 400 

 3046  	 both slot 7 and slot 8, FADC250_W_WIDTH = 400 
 3047 	 production 
 3048 	 production 
 3049      1 event only, cosmic, end it for changing config file 

 :::::::::::::::::::::::USEFUL DATA START:::::::::::::::::::::: 
 Before run 3050, only part of the pulse was recorded, therefore all these runs are gabages. 
 Runs 3050 - 3057 could be useful, but their HVs are not perfect.  
 for both slot #7 and #8, changed to the following 2 lines: 
 FADC250_W_OFFSET 1000 
 FADC250_W_WIDTH 1000 

 3050 	 debug fadc config file,FADC250_W_OFFSET=1000 and FADC250_W_WIDTH=1000 
 3051 	 debug fadc config file,FADC250_W_OFFSET=1000 and FADC250_W_WIDTH=1000 

 for both slot #7 and #8, changed to the following 2 lines: 
 FADC250_W_OFFSET 1060 
 FADC250_W_WIDTH 400 

 3052 	 debug fadc config file,FADC250_W_OFFSET=1060 and FADC250_W_WIDTH=400 
 3053      production 
 3054      production 

 HV changed 
 Slot 2 
 Name: Shower_L(SDU#4), Shower_R(THU#2), Shower_T(SDU#5), CherA, CherB, CherC, CherD 
 HV: 950 980 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 

 Slot 10 
 Name: SC0_T, SC0_B, SC1_T, SC1_B, LASPD_T, LASPD_B, SPD, Preshower_L(SDU#1), Preshower_R(THU#1), Preshower_T(SDU#2) 
 HV: 1600 1600 1750 1750 900 1000 1950 1580 1750 1750 

 3055      HV tripped, empty,trash 
 3056      production 
 3057      production 

 ::::::::::::::::::::::::GOODEN DATA START::::::::::::::::::::::: 
 HV changed 
 Slot 2 
 Name: Shower_L(SDU#4), Shower_R(THU#2), Shower_T(SDU#5), CherA, CherB, CherC, CherD 
 HV: 1000 1030 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 

 Slot 10 
 Name: SC0_T, SC0_B, SC1_T, SC1_B, LASPD_T, LASPD_B, SPD, Preshower_L(SDU#1), Preshower_R(THU#1), Preshower_T(SDU#2) 
 HV: 1600 1600 1750 1750 880 1000 1950 1550 1800 1750 
 3058      production, 05:15 July 9th - 03:50, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=7.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 
	 13:10 target changed to dummy, I=38uA, 
	 18:43 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, I=38uA 

 3059      production, 03:56-15:24 July 10th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=7.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 
 3060      production, 15:25-00:35, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=7.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 
 3061      production, 00:36-09:41 July 11th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=7.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 
	 05:55 SHMS rotated to 9.83deg, shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 

 3062      production, 09:41-10:15 July 11th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.83,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19, 
 3063      cosmic, 6 events 

	 12:53 SHMS rotated to 5.65deg 

 3064      production, 16:06-11:19 July 12th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 

 3065      production, 11:19-18:02 July 12th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3066      production, 18:02-00:43,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3067      production, 00:45-11:48 July 13th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3068      production, 11:48-02:04, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 13:15, target ladder moved to home, no target (absolute empty) 
	 14:50, target changed to dummy 
	 23:28, target changed to Loop 2 10cm LH2 

 3069      production, 02:04-09:54 July 14th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3070      production, 09:55 July 14th - 10:16 July 15th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3071      production, 10:16-03:26 July 15th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 16:38 target changed to dummy 
	 19:33 target changed to Loop 2 LH2 
 3072      production, 03:27-16:39 July 16th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=5.65,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 13:29 SHMS rotated to 9.65deg, tried to get I=80uA 

 3073      production, 16:42-14:26 July 17th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3074      production, 14:26-02:11,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3075      production, 02:11-10:35 July 18th,target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3076      production, 10:16-00:39, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
 3077      production, 00:39-09:42 July 19th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 06:51 target changed to dummy 
 3078      production, 09:43-00:29 July 20th, target=dummy,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 10:04 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=8.035,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-2.398,hms_theta=28.19 
	 12:00-ish, SHMS rotated to 8.68deg, HMS rotated to 34.15deg,  
	 target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 

	 beam stopped at 19:00-ish, no beam for whole day of July 20th 
 3079      pulse trigger 
 3080      pulse trigger 
 3081      pulse trigger 
 3082      pulse trigger 
 3083-3084 trash, no data file 
 3085      debug daq 
 3086      production, 03:11-09:42 July 21st, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3087      production, 09:43-16:07 July 21st, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3088      production, 16:07-12:23 July 22nd, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3089      production, 12:23-04:28 July 23rd, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3090      production, 04:28-15:44 July 23rd, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3091      production, 15:47-05:28 July 24th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3092      production, 05:28-18:22 July 24th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3093      production, 18:22-09:32 July 25th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3094      production, 09:33-23:40 July 25th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3095      production, 23:41-09:29 July 26th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
 3096      production, 09:29-15:35,July 26th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
	 13:45 target changed to dummy 
	 beam stopped at ~15:10 due to thunderstorm. 
 3097      production, 15:35 July 26th - 04:56 July 28th, target=dummy,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
	 Dummy target when this run was started. At 22:45 July 26, target ladder was changed to home(empty). 
	 Tune beam cane at 11:27 July 27th. 
	 12:15 July 27th, beam was stable to reach 65uA, changed target to Loop 2 LH2.  
	       target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15 
	 17:06 July 27th, changed target to dummy. 
	 22:06 July 27th, changed target to Loop 2 LH2.  

 3098      production, 04:56-09:48 July 28th, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15 

 updating readout list ...... 
 Bryan added a feature to run the fixed pulser at some frequency until some number of sync events. 
 It's currently configured (ti_list.c) with the structure:  

 typedef struct 
   int enable;         // enable (1) / disable (0) 
   int interval;       // 1 sync event every *interval* events 
   int pedestal;       // disable (0) / Disable after *pedestal* sync events 
   int current;        // sync event counter for pedestal feature 
   int pulser_arg1;    // fixed pulser argument.    Units of 120ns. 

 TI_SYNCEVENT_CONFIG tiSyncEventConfig = {1, 1000, 100, 0, 83}; 

 using hallc_ti configuation, with new ti_list.c 
 HV is off 
 3100     pulse, HV off, beam off 
 3101     pulse, HV off, beam off 
 3102     pulse, HV off, beam off 

 HV is on 
 3103     pulse, HV on, beam on 
 3104     pulse, HV on, beam on 
 3105     pulse, HV on, beam on 

 go back to use hallc_fadc_ssp configuration, with new ti_list.c 
 3106     production, 11:41-12:19, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 

 FADC config changed to make pedestal arround 100 
 slot 7:  
 #FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3205 3170 3170 3195 3195 3190 3200 3195 3180 3205 3190 3215 3170 3215 3175 3205  
 FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3150 3120 3120 3150 3150 3140 3150 3150 3130 3160 3140 3270 3120 3170 3130 3160  

 slot 8: 
 #FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3500 3200 3460 3190 3220 3210 3190 3220 3220 3190 3500 3520 3510 3500 3490 3450  
 FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3450 3150 3390 3140 3160 3150 3140 3170 3170 3130 3450 3470 3460 3450 3440 3390 

 3107-3111 debug daq, could be good for pedestal 
 3112    production, daq crashed, could be good for pedestal 

 3113    no data file, coda can not start 

 Reboot tunl11 and sbsvme22 

 3114     production, 03:02-16:52,target_type=dummy, shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
        11:21, target changed to Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 

 3115     production, 16:53-14:10 July 31st,target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=7.913,shms_theta=8.68,hms_p=-2.341,hms_theta=34.15, 
        17:14    SHMS rotated to 10.86deg, HMS rotated to 13.43deg,  
        beam came back at 19:35, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=10.86,hms_p=-4.256,hms_theta=13.43, 
        01:01 target changed to dummy, 
        01:50 SHMS rotated to 8.86 deg,  
        01:53 target changed back to Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.86,hms_p=-4.256,hms_theta=13.43, 
        05:12 target changed to dummy,  
        06:31 target changed back to Loop 2 10cm LH2, 
        13:12 SHMS rotated to 6.76deg, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=6.76,hms_p=-4.256,hms_theta=13.43, 

 3116     production, 14:10-23:18 July 31st, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=6.76,hms_p=-4.256,hms_theta=13.43,I=40uA 
        Target changed to dummp at 14:35, then changed back to Loop 2 at 15:34,  
        17:58 SHMS angle changed to 7.91 deg, shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5,I=40-65uA 

 3117     production, 23:18-09:24, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=40uA 
        Target changed to dummy at 01:40, then to Loop 1 10 cm LD2 at 02:40, beam stopped at 05:00 

 3118     production, 09:24-21:59, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=40uA 
 3119     production, 21:59-11:40, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=40uA,  
        SHMS rotated to 9.915deg at 5:25 20220802, after that, shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=50-65uA 

 3120     production,11:42-23:49, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5 
        Target changed to 10cm dummy at 17:39, then changed to Loop 2 10 cm LH2 at 18:47, this run finished at 23:49  
 3121     production, 23:51-08:56, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	
        no beam for the fisrt 8 hours 

 GEM gas bottle might be emtpy ... need to verify from data 

 3122     production, 08:56-11:14, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	
        SHMS rotated to 11.91 deg at 10:25, shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, 

 3123     production, 11:14-14:47, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	
 3124     production, 14:48-17:39, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	

 GEM HV is off 

 3125     production, 17:45-20:07, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	

 change target to dummy 
 3126     production, 20:22-21:07, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	

 FADC slot 7.11 DAC value changed from 3270 to 3170 
 slot 7:  
 #FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3205 3170 3170 3195 3195 3190 3200 3195 3180 3205 3190 3215 3170 3215 3175 3205  
 #FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3150 3120 3120 3150 3150 3140 3150 3150 3130 3160 3140 3270 3120 3170 3130 3160  
  FADC250_ALLCH_DAC 3150 3120 3120 3150 3150 3140 3150 3150 3130 3160 3140 3170 3120 3170 3130 3160  

 3127     production, 20:22-21:07, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	
        about 85k events only, but they are good events 

 changed target to Loop 1 

 3128     production, 21:11-22:41, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	
 3129     production, 22:42-02:35, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=11.91,hms_p=-3.944,hms_theta=17.5, I=70uA 	

 changed target to Loop 2 LH2, then changed target to Loop 2 LH2.  
 HMS was rotated 20.57deg,    SHMS was rotated to 8.46deg.  

 3130     production, 02:41-08:15, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, 
 3131     production, 08:16-12:41, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, 
 3132     production, 12:41-17:03, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, 	
        no beam since 15:30, thunderstorems affect accelerator 

 changed target to dummy 

 3133     no beam, pedestal run, 17:05-17:05 
 3134     no beam, pedestal run, 17:07-17:07 
 3135     production, 17:11-21:06, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, 
        no beam for the first 100k events 	
 3136     production, 17:11-23:58, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 
        no beam for the first 100k events 	
 3137     production, 23:58-0:16, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=8.46,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 
        SHMS rotated to    10.475deg at 0:08 
 3138     production, 0:16-1:09, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 
 3139     production, 1:10-02:11, target_type=dummy,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 

 changed target to Loop 2 10cm LH2 

 3140     production, 2:13-8:25, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 
 3141     no beam, pedestal run 

 08:43 HV is off 
 10:23 HV is ON 

 3142     no beam, pedestal run 
 3143     no beam, pedestal run 

 3144     production, 14:08-21:39, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=40uA 
        no beam during the first 100k events. Beam was on for just several minutes. 
 3145     production, 21:40-11:20, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=70uA 
        no beam during the first 100k events. beam started at 4:05 
 3146     production, 11:20-15:44, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=10.475,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58, I=70uA 
        SHMS angle changed to 12.49 deg at 12:16 

 3147     production, 15:44-01:39 August 7th, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=12.49,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58 
        daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=70uA 
        18:20 target changed to dummy 
        22:00 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, I=70uA 

 3148     production, 01:39-07:24 August 7th, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2,shms_p=6.719,shms_theta=12.49,hms_p=-3.716,hms_theta=20.58 
        beam stopped at 7:00 

 7:30 SHMS rotated 12.28 deg, HMS rotated to 15.06 deg, target was changed to Loop 1 10cm LD2 

 FADC250_W_WIDTH = 240 for both slot7 and slot8 

 3149     pedestal run, no beam 
 3150     pedestal run, no beam 
 3151     production, 07:34-13:32, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,  
        shms_p=-5.127,shms_theta=12.29,hms_p=-5.309,hms_theta=15.04, I=75uA 
        From 10:47 to 11:11, target was changed to dummy (I=40uA), at  
        11:42 target was changed back to Loop 1 10cm LD2, I=75uA 
        At 12:42, SHMS was ratated to 14.29deg, at this angle,    daq rate 5.5kHz 
        subrun 0-50:    SHMS=12.29deg 
        subrun 51:    SHMS=12.29deg and 14.29deg 
        subrun 52-60:    SHMS=14.29deg 

 3152     production, 13:32-17:50 August 7th, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,  
        I=75uA, daq rate 5.5kHz 
        16:37 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
        17:25 target changed to Loop 1 10cm LD2, I=75uA 
        17:42 SHMS rotated to 16.28deg, I=75uA, daq rate 5.5kHz 

        subrun 0-42:    SHMS=14.29deg 
        subrun 43:    SHMS=14.29deg and 16.28deg 
        subrun 44-45:    SHMS=16.28deg 

 3153     production, 17:50-19:26, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2, shms_p=-5.127,shms_theta=16.28,hms_p=-5.309,hms_theta=15.04,I=75uA 

 3154     production, 19:26-00:01, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2, shms_p=-5.127,shms_theta=16.28,hms_p=-5.309,hms_theta=15.04,I=75uA 
        23:35 changed to dummy target,I=40uA, daq rate 1.6kHz 

 3155     production, 00:02-00:33, target_type=dummy, shms_p=-5.127,shms_theta=16.28,hms_p=-5.309,hms_theta=15.04,I=40uA,  
        daq rate 1.6kHz, beam stopped at 00:14  

 20220808 00:14, rotated SHMS to 16.91 deg, HMS to 19.92 deg 

 3156     production, 00:37-01:48, target_type=dummy,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91,I=40uA,   
        daq rate 1.6kHz, 
        target changed to Loop 1 10cm LD2 at 01:16,  
        target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 

 3157     production, 00:37-03:11, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 
        daq rate 5.6kHz 

 3158     production, 03:11-09:11, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 
        no beam for the fisrt 100k events, daq rate 5.6kHz 

 3159     production, 09:11-10:09, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 
        daq rate 5.6kHz 

 3160     production, 10:10-13:24, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 
        daq rate 5.6kHz 

 3161     production, 13:24-15:44, target_type=Loop 1 10cm LD2,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=75uA 
        daq rate 5.6kHz 
        target changed to dummy at 15:18, I=40uA 

 3162     production, 15:44-16:32, target_type=dummy,shms_p=-5.512,shms_theta=16.94,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=19.91, I=40uA 
        beam stop at 16:03 to prepare for optic 

 16:09    target changed to single foil Carbon 0.5%, SHMS rotated to 6.8deg and HMS ratated to 12.5deg 

 3163     production, 16:32-17:22, target_type=Carbon 0.5%, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=6.8,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=75uA 
        no beam for the first 100k events, daq rate 160Hz 

 Target move to Optics 1 +/- 8cm, 2 Foils Carbon 

 3164     production, 17:22-17:47, target_type=Optics 1 z=+/-8cm, 2 Foil, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=6.8,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=50uA 
        no beam for the first 100k events, daq rate 80Hz 

 3165     production, 17:47-18:02, target_type=Optics 1 z=+/-8cm, 2 Foil, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=6.8,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=50uA 
        only 30k triggers 
 18:00    target changed to Loop 2 10cm LH2 
 3166     production, 18:05-18:57, target_type=Loop2 10cm LH2, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=6.8,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48, 
        I=60uA (18:06), then 20uA(18:08) then 10uA(18:10) 
        daq rate 130Hz @20uA, 65Hz @10uA 
        SHMS rotated to 7.5deg at 18:28, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=15uA 

 18:57    Target changet to Optics 1 +/- 8 cm 
 3167     production, 18:59-19:37, target_type=Optics 1 z=+/-8cm, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=50uA 
        daq rate 90Hz @50uA 
        target changed to Carbon 0.5% at 19:20, I=75uA 

 19:38    SHMS rotated to 8.3 deg 

 3168     production, 19:39-19:54, target_type=Carbon 0.5%, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=75uA 

 19:54    Target changet to Optics 1 +/- 8 cm 

 3169     production, 19:54-20:34, target_type=Optics 1 z=+/-8cm, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=50uA 
        no beam for the first 100k events, 
        daq rate 90Hz @50uA 
        20:24 target changed to Loop 2 10cm LH2, beam came back at 20:29 

 3170     production, 20:34-21:23, target_type=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.48,I=20uA 
        daq rate 160Hz @20uA, beam stopped at 21:06 

 HV map for FTBF beam test 

 HV for FADC channel 0 to 7: 
 #     #     SDU#4 SDU#5 THU#2 SDU#2 SDU#1 THU#1 
 SC1 SC2 Ecal1 Ecal2 Ecal3 PrSh1 PrSh2 PrSh3 
 -1260 -1280 -760 -860 -880 -1640 -1480 -1800 <<== 1~8GeV 

 This setting was also used for some 1GeV calibrations 
 -1260 -1300 -880 -920 -940 -1640 -1440 -1800 <<== <1GeV 

 4GeV calibration start 
 1009 Moved table to (1505, 337), center on the left block 51,563 events 
 1010 Moved table to (1389, 337), center on the right block 77621 events 
 1011 Moved table to (1447, 243), center on the top block 52034 events 
 4GeV calibration end 

 1GeV calibration start, MWPC 1 is not working 
 796 move to Top block, use this New HV: 1260, 1300, 880, 920, 940, 1640, 1440, 1800, FADC ch11 and ch12 swapped. 
 These two channels are down stream Cherenkov. After swapped, Down cherenkov inner PMT is in ch12. 

 798 move to left block, point B (1498,347) 
 800 beam on the center of the left block, point B 
 802 beam on the center of the right block, point C (1382,347) 

 803 beam on the center of the top block, point A (1440, 252) 
 1GeV calibration end 

 change HV to the same as FermiLab 
 #       #      SDU#4 SDU#5 THU#2 SDU#2 SDU#1 THU#1 
 SC1     SC2    Ecal1 Ecal2 Ecal3 PrSh1 PrSh2 PrSh3 
 -1260 -1280 -760    -860    -880 -1640 -1480 -1800 <<== 1~8GeV 

 slot10.7(SDU#1) slot10.8(THU#1) slot10.9(SDU#2) 
 -1480             -1800             -1640  

 slot2.0(SDU#4)    slot2.1(THU#2)    slot2.2(SDU#5) 
 -760              -880              -860 

 21:40 SHMS rotated to 12.25deg, HMS rotated to 15.7deg 


 22:11 target changed to dummy 

 3171      production, 22:10-22:21,target_type=dummy,shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=12.25,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=15.69,I=40uA 
	 no beam at the first 100k triggers 

 22:34     SHMS rotated to 13.15deg, HMS rotated to 17.72deg 

 3172      production, 22:22-23:22,target_type=dummy,shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=13.15,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=17.72, 
	 no beam at the first 100k triggers, beam came at 22:32.    only 9 minutes of dummy data 
	 22:41 stopped beam to changed target to Loop 2 10cm LH2 
	 22:46 beam came back and then went away at 22:53 due to HMS Q1 interlock,  
	 23:12 beam came back again, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=13.15,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=17.72, I=60uA,  
	 daq rate 1.1kHz, 10 minutes of LH2 data 

 3173     production, 23:22-23:52 August 8th,  
        target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=13.15,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=17.72, I=60uA 
        daq rate 1.1kHz  	    
        beam stopped at 23:38 then SHMS rotated to 14.02 deg and HMS rotated to 19.86deg 
        beam came back at 23:49, I=75uA, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=14.02,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86,  
        subrun 0:    SHMS=13.15deg 
        subrun 1:    SHMS=13.15deg and 14.02deg 

 3174     production, 23:52-02:03 August 9th,  
        target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=14.02,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86, I=75uA 
        daq rate 1.9kHz  	    
        0:51 target changed to dummy, I=40uA,  
        01:16 SHMS rotated to 14.895deg, 	 shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=14.9,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86, I=75uA 
        01:45 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, beam came back at 01:49 but stopped at 01:58 
        subrun 0-3 are for 14.02 deg SHMS 
        subrun 4 are for both 14.02 and 14.9 deg SHMS 
        subrun 5-6 are for 14.9 deg SHMS 

 3175     production, 02:03-08:35,target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=14.9,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86,I=75uA 
        no beam at the first 100k triggers,beam came back at 03:18,  
        04:45, SHMS rotated to 15.785deg, shms_p=-8.035,shms_theta=15.79,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86,I=70uA 
        06:05, target changed to dummy, I=40uA, took 8 minutes of data 
        06:25, SHMS rotated to 13.58deg, took 8 minutes of data for dummy, I=40uA,  
        06:47, changed target to Loop2 LH2, shms_p=-7.913,shms_theta=13.58,hms_p=-6.792,hms_theta=19.86, 
        08:00, SHMS rotated to 12.69deg, took 4 minutes of data till beam stopped at 08:04 to change pass, 

 Aug 9th 08:05 Accelerator changed beam from 5-pass to 4-pass for Hall C. Beam energy is 8.494GeV 

 3176     pedestal, 100k pulse triggers, no beam  
 3177     pedestal, 100k pulse triggers, no beam 

 08:48 HMS rotated to 20.905deg, SHMS rotated to 6.93deg 

 3178     production, 09:02-15:08, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=6.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, 
        no beam at the first 100k triggers,beam came back at 14:02,  
        14:00 target changed to Carbon Hole, I=5uA for 6 minutes,  
        14:18 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, I=35uA, beam came back at 14:20, daq rate 220Hz, beam stopped at 14:46 

 3179     production, 15:09-21:31, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=6.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, 
        no beam at the first 100k triggers,beam came back at 17:31, I=60uA  

 22:37    target changed to dummy 

 3180     production, 21:31-22:28, target=dummy, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=6.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89 
        no beam for the first 100k triggers, 
        21:35 beam arrived, beam current linear ran up from 3uA to 23uA at 21:55 to do Ion Chamber calibration 
        From 21:56, I=40UA till 22:15 
        22:15    SHMS rotated to 8.93 deg, beam came back at 22:20 
        target=dummy, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89 

 3181     production, 22:28-22:44, target=dummy, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89 

 22:46    target changed to Loop 2 LH2 

 3182     production, 22:48-00:05 August 10th,  
        target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, I=80uA 
        no beam for the first 100k triggers,daq rate 770Hz 

 3183     production, 00:05-01:22,  
        target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, I=80uA 
        daq rate 770Hz, beam stopped at 00:49 due to Vacuum issue at VBV3H08A  

 3184     pedestal, pulse run, 01:23-10:26, no beam for the whole run,1000006 events 
 3185     pedestal, pulse run, 11:29-11:29, no beam 
 Add "PreSh_t && Shower_t" into TS#2, 20220810 

 3186     pedestal, pulse run, 14:54-15:19, no beam 
 3187     pedestal, pulse run, 15:47-15:47, no beam 

 16:00     SHMS rotated to 5.5 deg. 

 3188     production, 17:21-23:07, target=Loop 2 10cm LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, 
        no beam for the sirst 100k triggers, tune beam arrived at 17:52, real beam arrived at 21:34 

 23:09 Changed FADC slot8.9 DAC value from 3130 to 3440.    After feed it into FIFO, its pedestal changed 

 3189    production,23:10-02:38 August 11th,  
       target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89,I=30uA 
       daq rate 320Hz 

 3190    production,02:38-04:38, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89,I=30uA 
       daq rate 320Hz 
       03:05 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
       03:45 HMS rotated to 28.41deg, 
       target=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, I=40uA, daq rate 320Hz 

 3191    production, 04:39-09:03, target=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41,  
       I=40uA, daq rate 320Hz 
       4:50 target chagned to Loop 2 LH2, I=35uA 
       target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=28.41,I=35uA 
       Acceleration maintenence started from 6:30 

 3192    production, 19:55-01:52 August 12th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, tune beam came back at 23:32 

 3193    production, 01:52-09:28, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate = 400Hz @ I=38uA. Beam stopped at 09:10 
 09:21 A beam energy measurement is scheduled at 9:30-ish AM. Target parked at 'home'. 
 11:29 Target changed to Loop 2 LH2 

 3194    production, 11:35-12:26, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 11:50 and went away at 12:01 

 3195    production, 14:05-14:41, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate = 400Hz @ I=38uA.  

 3196    production, 14:42-16:46, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
        no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 14:49  
        beam stopped at 16:12 

 3197    production, 16:49-00:54 August 13th, target=Loop 2 LH2, 
        no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 17:48 

 3198    production, 00:54-02:28, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=5.53,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate = 450Hz @ I=40uA.  
       01:09 SHMS rotated to 7.47 deg, trying to ramp beam current up to 80uA 
       subrun 0: 5.53deg and 7.47deg 
       subrun 1-3: 7.47deg 

 3199    production, 02:28-12:05, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.47,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate = 1024Hz @ I=79uA.  

 3200    production, 12:05-14:42, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.47,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate = 1024Hz @ I=79uA.  
       14:28 target changed to dummy, I=40uA, daq rate 320Hz 

 3201    production, 14:42-16:01, target=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=7.47,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       I=40uA, daq rate 320Hz 

 16:01 SHMS rotated to 9.5deg, target changed to Loop 2 LH2      

 3202    production, 14:01-17:29, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.5,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 16:04 
       daq rate = 1024Hz @ I=79uA.  
       beam stopped at 17:13, 4th pass separation issue 

 3203    production, 17:37-00:35 August 14th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.5,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 17:41 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=80uA 

 3204    production, 00:35-03:53 August 14th, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.5,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=80uA 
       03:31 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
 3205    production, 03:53-04:13, target=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.5,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41,  
       I=40uA, daq rate 512Hz 

 3206    production, 04:13-04:31, target=dummy,shms_p=6.538,shms_theta=9.5,hms_p=-1.882,hms_theta=28.41,  
       I=40uA, daq rate 512Hz 

 04:38 target changed to Loop 2 LH2 
 04:50 SHMS rotated to 8.93 deg, HMS rotated to 20.89deg  

 3207    production, 05:01-13:02, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=6.265,shms_theta=8.93,hms_p=-2.193,hms_theta=20.89, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 7:35, I=80uA 
       beam stopped at 10:32, then came back at 12:15 
       ~11:00    SHMS rotated to 30.02deg, HMS rotated to 19.56deg 
       target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=3.731,shms_theta=30.02,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.56  
       ---> SHMS=8.93deg for subrun 0-3, SHMS=30.02deg for subrun 5 to 10, subrun 4 contains both angles <--- 

 3208    production, 13:02-13:14, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=3.731,shms_theta=30.02,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.56,I=80uA 
       At 13:07, target changed to dummy, I=40uA.    Only 2 minutes of LH2 target then 2 minutes of dummy target 

 3209    production, 13:14-13:25, target=dummy,shms_p=3.731,shms_theta=30.02,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.56, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=40uA 

 3210    production, 13:25-13:30, target=dummy,shms_p=3.731,shms_theta=30.02,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.56, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=40uA, only 2 minutes of data then beam stopped for target change 

 13:32 target changed to Loop 2 LH2,  
 13:32 SHMS rotated to 28.355deg. HMS rotated to 20.905deg 

 3211    production, 13:33-13:44, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=3.996,shms_theta=28.40,hms_p=-5.321,hms_theta=20.91, 
       daq rate 1.8kHz @ I=80uA, beam stopped at 13:41 

 3212    production, 13:45-14:39, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=3.996,shms_theta=28.40,hms_p=-5.321,hms_theta=20.91, 
       daq rate 1.8kHz @ I=80uA,  
       I stopped coda at 13:44 for previous run because HallC coda was stopped at 13:41 in order to adjust 
       SHMS angle from 28.44 to 28.355.   
       I was taking data during this adjustment. This change should not affect the ecal setup. 

 14:40 target changed to dummy 

 3213    production, 14:41-14:58. target=dummy, shms_p=3.996,shms_theta=28.355,hms_p=-5.321,hms_theta=20.91,  
       I=40uA, daq rate 620Hz 

 15:00 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, 
 15:30 Set HMS angle to 15.065 and SHMS angle to 9.455 deg, but stayed at 15.05 deg and 9.53deg 

 3214    production, 15:01-17:03, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-7.559,shms_theta=9.53,hms_p=-6.477,hms_theta=15.05, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 15:37, I=20uA 
       15:51 target changed to dummy,shms_p=-7.559,shms_theta=9.53,hms_p=-6.477,hms_theta=15.05, 
       16:38 SHMS rotated to 11.97 deg,HMS rotated to 15.62 deg  
       target=dummy, shms_p=-7.106,shms_theta=11.97,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=15.62, 
       17:02 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-7.106,shms_theta=11.97,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=15.62, 
       subrun 0: SHMS=9.455deg and 11.97deg 
       subrun 1: SHMS=11.97deg       

 3215    production, 17:05-17:50, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-7.106,shms_theta=11.97,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=15.62, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 15:11, I=10uA,  
       beam went away at 17:24 due to injector problem, only 3~4 minutes of beam in this run, 175k events 

 3216    production, 17:57-19:49, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-7.106,shms_theta=11.97,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=15.62, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 18:17, I=10uA till 18:45 
       18:47 SHMS rotated to 13.92, HMS rotated to 17.96deg, beam came at 19:13, I=55uA 
       target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-6.72,shms_theta=13.92,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=17.96, 
       subrun 0: SHMS=11.97deg and 13.92deg 
       subrun 1-4: SHMS=13.92deg       

 3217    production, 19:49-19:54, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-6.72,shms_theta=13.92,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=17.96, 
       beam stopped at 19:51, only 256k events 

 19:56 target changed to dummy 

 3218    production, 19:57-20:11, target=dummy, shms_p=-6.72,shms_theta=13.92,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=17.96, 

 20:12 SHMS rotated to 14.82 deg, HMS rotated to 20.37deg 

 3219    production, 20:13-20:36, target=dummy, shms_p=-6.538,shms_theta=14.82,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=20.37, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 20:20, I=40uA, daq rate 1920Hz 

 20:35 target changed to Loop 2 LH2 

 3220    production, 20:40:21:16, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-6.538,shms_theta=14.82,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=20.37, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 20:42, I=80uA, 
       beam stopped at 21:12 to prepare optics runs 

 21:18 HMS rotated to 13 deg, target changed to Carbon 0.5% 

 3221    production, 21:16-22:05, target=Carbon 0.5%,  
       Sieve Optics,shms_p=-6.538,shms_theta=14.82,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=12.98, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 21:30,  
       I=4.5uA --> daq rate 64Hz,  
       I=13uA --> daq rate 192Hz, 
       I=80uA --> daq rate 1216Hz, 
       22:02 target changed to optics 1, Carbon +/- 8cm, I=3uA 

 3222    production, 22:05-23:21, target=Opitcs 1, Carbon 2-foils +/- 8cm,  
       Sieve Optics,shms_p=-6.538,shms_theta=14.82,hms_p=-5.878,hms_theta=12.98, 
       ramp currunet from 2uA till 40 uA 
       I= 10uA --> daq rate 128Hz 
       I= 15uA --> daq rate 192Hz 
       I= 20uA --> daq rate 256Hz 
       I= 49.5uA --> daq rate 576Hz 

 23:24    target changed to Loop LH2 
 23:30    SHMS rotated to 16.100deg, HMS rotated to 17.235deg 

 3223    production, 23:27-00:06, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-6,shms_theta=16.17,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=17.23, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 23:47,  
       daq rate is 1.2kHz @ I=25uA 

 3224    production, 00:06-00:30, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-6,shms_theta=16.17,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=17.23, 
       daq rate is 1.280Hz @ I=25uA 

 00:30 target changed to dummy 

 3225    production, 00:32-01:24, target=dummy, shms_p=-6,shms_theta=16.17,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=17.23, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 00:35,not staple until 00:42  
       daq rate 1.8 kHz @ I=40uA 

 3226    production, 01:24-01:36, target=dummy, shms_p=-6,shms_theta=16.17,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=17.23, 

 01:38 SHMS rotated to 19.20deg,    HMS rotated to 19.505deg 

 3227    production, 01:39-03:02, target=dummy, shms_p=-5.646,shms_theta=19.28,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.5, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back 02:42,  

 03:05 changed target to Loop 2 LH2 

 3228    production, 03:04-03:48, target=Loop 2 LH2,shms_p=-5.646,shms_theta=19.28,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=19.5, 
       daq rate 3.7 kHz @ I=73uA 
       daq rate 3.9 kHz @ I=77uA 

 03:51 SHMS Rotated to 23.3 degrees, HMS Rotated to 21.875 degrees 

 3229    production, 03:53-5:44, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=-4.902,shms_theta=23.2,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=21.875, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 04:37,  
       daq rate 3.9 kHz @ I=77uA 

 05:45 changed target to dummy 

 3230    production, 05:48-06:04, target=dummy, shms_p=-4.902,shms_theta=23.2,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=21.875, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 05:53, stopped at 5:58 
       daq rate 1.8 kHz @ I=40uA 

 3231    production, 6:06-06:18, target=dummy, shms_p=-4.902,shms_theta=23.2,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=21.875, 
       daq rate 1.8 kHz @ I=40uA 

 06:18    Rotated SHMS to 25.1 deg, rotated HMS to 40 deg, change momenta for both of them, 

 3232    pedestal run, internal pulse, no beam since 06:18  
       Something went wrong, Hall C configuration change could not finish within 45 minutes and further more 
       the injector has some problem. HallC has been scheduled a controlled access up to six hours from 8AM 
       for the aerogel exchange.  

 11:46 target changed to Loop 2 LH2 
 12:40 SHMS rotated to 18.9deg, HMS rotaed to 12.11deg  

 3233    production, 13:36-14:03, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11,  
       daq rate 4.0 kHz @ I=79uA 

 3234    production, 14:03-15:10, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11,  
       daq rate 3.9 kHz @ I=77uA 

 3235    production, 15:11-15:53, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 

 3236    production, 15:53-16:15, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11,  

 3237    production, 16:16-17:58, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11,  
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 16:40,  
       daq rate 4.0 kHz @ I=79uA 

 18:00 changed target to dummy 

 3238    production, 18:02-18:16, target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 18:04,  
       daq rate 1.9 kHz @ I=40uA 

 3239    production, 18:17-19:09, target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=18.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
       daq rate 1.9 kHz @ I=40uA 

 19:10 target changed to Loop 2 10 cm LH2 
 19:12 SHMS rotated to 21.22deg 

 3240    production, 19:14-20:38, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=21.22,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
       daq rate 4.0 kHz @ I=79uA 

 3241    production, 20:39-21:41, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=21.22,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
       daq rate 4.0 kHz @ I=79uA 
       21:35 target changed to dummy, beam came back at 21:40,  
       the last one minutes is dummy events, I=40uA, daq rate 1.8kHz 

 3242    production, 21:41-22:14, target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=21.22,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
        I=40uA, daq rate 1.8kHz 

 22:15 target changed to Loop 2 LH2, SHMS rotated to 23.215deg, actually it is 22.9deg 

 3243    production, 22:17-23:28, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=22.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
       I=76uA, daq rate 3.9kHz 

 3244    production, 23:28-00:05, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=22.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, I=80uA 
       23:35 beam stopped, changed to dummy target, beam came back at 23:44, I=40uA 
       subrun 0 -->    LH2 
       subrun 1 -->    part LH2 and part dummy 
       subrun 2 -->    dummy 

 00:11 SHMS rotated to 21.22 deg on camera(true angle is 20.9 after subtracting offset), target changed to LH2 
       The SHMS angle in HallC log is 22.17, that is a typo   

 3245    production, 00:05-00:51, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 00:16,  
       beam went away at 00:25 due to accelerator issue, 129k events 

 3246 production, 00:59-04:21, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11 
      no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 03:15,  
      1kHz @ I=20uA 
      3.2kHz @ I=65uA 

 3247 production, 04:21-05:02, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11 
      1.4kHz @ I=29uA 

 05:03 changed to dummy target 

 3248 production, 05:07-05:36, target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11 
      1.4kHz @ I=30uA 

 3249 production, 05:37-10:28, target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11 
      no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 5:55 last till 6:03.   
      Since 6:03, HMS Q1 was tripped, Hall C could not take beam. 
      06:37 target changed to LH2 
      08:03, beam was back again, I=12uA, target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=20.9,hms_p=-5.587,hms_theta=12.11, 
      09:10, beam stopped for pass changed 
      subrun 0 has both dummy and LH2 target 
      subrun 1 and 2 are for LH2 target only 

 09:15 August 16th, started to change to 3-pass beam , E = 6.399 GeV 

 09:30 SHMS rotated to 17.91 deg, camera shows 18.23 due to the encoder offset 0.32. 

 12:00 Reset SHMS angle offset to zero so the camera shows the same value as the encoder.  
       Set the SHMS to 17.86 degrees and the HMS to 18.31. 
 3250    pedestal, pulse run, cosmic 12:42 August 16th - 12:05 August 17th, 100203 events 
 3251    pedestal, pulse run, cosmic, 12:41-14:38,    1000021 events     

 memeory upgraded to 24G in daq machine 

 tune beam came back to Hall C 
 17:17 target changed to carbon hole 

 3252 16:58-17:04 pedestal, pulse run, 
 3253-3255    debug daq, trash 

 17:48 target changed to Loop2 LH2 

 3256 17:52-18:01 pedestal, pulse run, debug daq, good for pedestal only 

 3257    production, 18:08-18:16, target=LH2,shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=17.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 

 3258    production, 18:22-19:35, target=LH2,shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=17.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       daq rate 1152Hz @ I=25uA 
       daq rate 2.3kHz @ I=50uA 

 19:36 target changed to dummy 

 3259    production, 19:36-20:02, target=dummy,shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=17.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 19:40,  
       daq rate 1664Hz @ I=40uA 

 20:02 SHMS rotated to 19.86 deg 

 3260    production, 20:03-20:24, target=dummy, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 20:07,  
       daq rate 1664Hz @ I=40uA 

 20:24 target changed to LH2  

 3261    production, 20:26-20:35, target=LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 20:28,  

 3262    production, 20:42-21:01, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       daq rate 2.7kHz @ I=60uA 

 3263    production, 21:03-21:39, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 21:16,  
       daq rate 2.7kHz @ I=60uA 

 3264    production, 21:39-21:52, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       daq rate 2.7kHz @ I=60uA 

 3265    production, 21:54-22:23, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=19.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       daq rate 2.8kHz @ I=60uA 

 -------- 22:25 SHMS spectrometer change to 21.85------------- 

 3266    production, 22:28-22:47, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81, 
       daq rate 3.2kHz @ I=70uA. Note, it seems they were pushing to reach 80 uA, so the current and rate is may           fluctuate  
 3267    production, 22:47-23:14, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81 
       daq rate 3.6kHz @ I=80uA 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 22:49 
 3268    production, 23:15-23:43, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81 
       daq rate 3.6kHz @ I=80uA 
 3269    production, 23:43-23:55, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81 
       daq rate 3.6kHz @ I=80uA 
 3270    production, 23:56-24:04, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81       
       daq rate 3.60kHz @ I=0uA 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam was off for 10 minutes due to accelerator issues 

 3271    production, 00:07-00:15, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81 
       daq rate 3.6kHz @ I=80uA  

 ---------- 00:20 Switch target to Dummy --------- 

 3272    production, 00:19-00:45, target=10 cm Dummy, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.81 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam returned at 00:24 
       daq rate 1.6kHz @ I=40uA 

 ---------00:50 Switch target to LH2------- 

 3273    production, 00:56-02:22, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.85,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.8 
       daq rate 1.8kHz @ I=40uA 

 3274    production, 02:23-3:04, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.8 
       daq rate 850Hz @ I=20uA 
       daq rate 512Hz @ I=12uA 

 3275    production, 03:04-04:44, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.8 
       daq rate 512Hz @ I=12uA 

 3276    production, 04:44-8:49, target=Loop 2 LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=21.86,hms_p=-3.921,hms_theta=13.8 
       daq rate 512Hz @ I=12uA 
       HallC was doing FADC dead time study. current changed from 12uA, to 60uA then to 30uA 

       06:27 HMS rotated to 18.595deg, SHMS roated to 37.97deg 
       07:00 I=75UA, target=LH2, shms_p=2.412,shms_theta=38,hms_p=-4.752,hms_theta=18.61, 
       07:28 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
       07:48 HMS rotated to 21.095deg, SHMS rotated to 34.465deg 
      	     target=dummy, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=34.49,hms_p=-4.391,hms_theta=21.11, 
       08:15 target changed to LH2, I=75uA 
      	     target=LH2, shms_p=2.792,shms_theta=34.49,hms_p=-4.391,hms_theta=21.11, 
	     subrun     0-6: SHMS=21.86deg 
	     subrun       7: SHMS=21.86deg and 37.97deg 
 	     subrun    8-11: SHMS=37.97deg 
	     subrun      12: SHMS=37.97deg and 34.49deg 
	     subrun 13-16: SHMS=34.49deg 

 08:59    HMS rotated to 26.55deg, SHMS rotated to 28.46deg 

 3277    production, 08:53-10:45, target=LH2, shms_p=3.493,shms_theta=28.47,hms_p=-3.727,hms_theta=26.56, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam returned at 09:30, I=75uA 
       10:10 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
       10:27 beam stopped 

 ===================20020818 Install VTP board========================= 
 From here EPICS variables are inserted into ER 

 SHMS at 7.66deg and HMS at 28.78deg. 

 3278-3283 debug daq runs. HV are off. no beam.    good for pedestal 
 HV are turned on in the middle of run 3283, but no beam after HV is on. 

 3284    production, 20:20-23:14, target=LH2,shms_p=4.605,shms_theta=7.66,hms_p=-1.727,hms_theta=28.78, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 21:11 
       daq rate 750Hz @ I=75UA 
       22:00 target changed to dummy 
       22:40 SHMS rotated to 9.66deg, target changed to LH2 
       daq rate 1235Hz @ I=75UA 
       subrun 0 contains data for SHMS=7.66deg 
       subrun 1 contains data for both 7.66deg and 9.66 
       subrun 2-3 contains data for SHMS=9.66deg 

 3285    production, 23:19-00:52 August 19th, target=LH2,shms_p=4.605,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-1.727,hms_theta=28.78, 
       daq rate 1235Hz @ I=75UA 

 3286    production, 00:54-05:28, target=LH2,shms_p=4.605,shms_theta=9.66,hms_p=-1.727,hms_theta=28.78, 
       coda lost roc3 at 01:15 and did not take data since then. 
       03:00    changed target to dummy 
       03:23 SHMS rotated to 11.66deg,  
       03:50 target changed to LH2,shms_p=4.605,shms_theta=11.67,hms_p=-1.727,hms_theta=28.78, 

 3287    production, 05:29-12:57,target=LH2, shms_p=4.605,shms_theta=11.67,hms_p=-1.727,hms_theta=28.78, 
       8:25 SHMS rotated to 10deg and HMS to 42.23deg 
       no beam between 10:09 and 11:20 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=77uA 
       subrun 0-19: 11.67deg 
       subrun 20: 11.67deg and 10deg 
       subrun 21-29: 10deg 

 3288    production, 12:57-18:12, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=77uA 

 3289    production, 18:14-18:31, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=77uA 

 3290    production, 18:31-00:06 August 20th, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 1.5kHz @ I=77uA 
       22:09 target changed to dummy, I=40uA 
       daq rate 512Hz @ I=40uA 

 3291    production, 00:08-00:34 August 20th, target=dummy, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 512Hz @ I=40uA 
       0:26 target changed to LD2 
       Ion chamber calibration start from 00:31 

 3292    production, 00:34-00:49 August 20th, target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       beam current ramped up from 0 to 32uA for Ion chamber calibration 

 3293    production, 00:50-08:50 August 20th, target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 3.2kHz @ I=77uA 

 3294    production, 08:51-14:18 August 20th, target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, 
       daq rate 3.2kHz @ I=77uA 
       10:36    SHMS rotated to 8deg,  
       target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26, daq rate 2.0kHz @ I=78.5uA 

       subrun 0-12: SHMS=10 deg 
       subrun 13: SHMS=10 deg and 8 deg 
       subrun 14-30: SHMS=8deg 

 3295    production, 14:18-01:19 August 21st, target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 2.0kHz @ I=78.5uA 
       00:18 taret changed to dummy, I=40uA 

       subrun 0-48: LD2 
       subrun 49: LD2 and dummy 
       subrun 50: dummy 

 3296    production, 14:18-01:21 August 21st, target=dummy, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       just 106k events 

 3297    production, 01:24-02:54 August 21st, target=dummy, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 500Hz @ I=40uA 
       02:36    changed to LH2 target, I=80uA 

 3298    production, 02:55-14:46 August 21st, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 1000Hz @ I=78uA 

 3299    production, 14:46-19:00 August 21st, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 1000Hz @ I=78uA 

 19:01 SHMS rotated to 10deg 
 3300    production, 19:02-00:57 August 22th, target=LH2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 1500Hz @ I=78uA 
       23:47 target changed to LD2 

 3301    production, 00:57-02:51 August 22nd, target=LD2, shms_p=5.127,shms_theta=10,hms_p=-1.158,hms_theta=42.26,  
       daq rate 3.5 kHz @ I=80uA 
       beam stopped at 02:41 

 02:55 target changed to LH2 
 03:00 SHMS rotated to 7.5deg, HMS rotated to 29.55deg 

 03:00 HMS Q1 interlock happened and SHMS Dipole did not response. Hall is in controlled access. 
 05:00 Accelerator fire alarm, no beam. 

 3302    pedestal, 02:51-09:09 August 22nd, no beam 

 10:50 SHMS rotated to 5.5deg, 

 3303    production, 15:01-01:04 August 23rd, target=LH2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam until 16:20 
       daq rate 500Hz @ I=40uA 

 3304    production, 01:04-04:02 August 23rd, target=LH2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate 500Hz @ I=40uA 
       03:00 changed to dummy target 
       beam stop at 03:15,    Trim rack W301B13 negative bulk supply fail 

 3305    production, 04:04-11:33 August 23rd, target=dummy, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam at the beginning until 04:58 
       06:25 target changed to LD2 
       11:23 target changed to 'home' (absolute empty) for BCM calibration 

 run 3171-3305 were using the same HV as FermiLab, but the HV for Shower_L is too low,  
 the amplitude of the signal is about 10mv. 
 Here is the new HVs: 
 Slot    2 
 Name: Shower_L(SDU#4), Shower_R(THU#2), Shower_T(SDU#5), CherA, CherB, CherC, CherD 
 HV:                1080               1100                930     1050     1050     1050     1050 

 Slot 10 
 Name: SC0_T, SC0_B, SC1_T, SC1_B, LASPD_T, LASPD_B,    SPD, Preshower_L(SDU#1), Preshower_R(THU#1), Preshower_T(SDU#2) 
 HV:      1600     1600     1700     1750        850       1000    1950                  1550                  1800                 1750 

 12:54 target changed to Loop 1 10cm LD2 

 3306    procudtion, 12:55-14:20 August 23rd, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 13:18 
       daq rate = 2.7kHz @ I=31uA 
       daq rate = 3.0kHz @ I=33uA 
       This daq rate is too high comparing to run 3307. The beam might scratch the target frame. 

 ==========HV changed======= 
 Lower HVs for preshower_top and all 3 Ecal blocks 

 Slot 2 
 Name: Shower_L(SDU#4), Shower_R(THU#2), Shower_T(SDU#5), CherA, CherB, CherC, CherD 
 HV: 1030 1050 900 1050 1050 1050 1050 

 Slot 10 
 Name: SC0_T, SC0_B, SC1_T, SC1_B, LASPD_T, LASPD_B, SPD, Preshower_L(SDU#1), Preshower_R(THU#1), Preshower_T(SDU#2) 
 HV: 1600 1600 1700 1750 850 1000 1950 1550 1800 1700 

 3307    procudtion, 14:23-18:23 August 23rd, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate = 1.7kHz @ I=31uA 

 ==========HV changed======= 
 18:24 Adjusted TOP preshower (-40V) and top shower HVs (-30V)  

 Slot    2 
 Name: Shower_L(SDU#4), Shower_R(THU#2), Shower_T(SDU#5), CherA, CherB, CherC, CherD 
 HV:                1030               1050                870     1050     1050     1050     1050 

 Slot 10 
 Name: SC0_T, SC0_B, SC1_T, SC1_B, LASPD_T, LASPD_B,    SPD, Preshower_L(SDU#1), Preshower_R(THU#1), Preshower_T(SDU#2) 
 HV:      1600     1600     1700     1750        850       1000    1950                  1550                  1800                 1660 

 3308    procudtion, 18:25-18:34 August 23rd, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=5.49,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate = 1.0kHz @ I=31uA 

 ==========HV changed======= 
 SC1_top 1700 -> 1680 
 Top preshower 1660-> 1640 
 Top SHower 870 -> 850 

 06:45 SHMS rotated to 7.5 deg 

 3309    procudtion, 18:48-20:08 August 23rd, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 19:36 
       beam stopped at 19:54 due to accelerator issue. 

 3310    production, 20:11-03:17 August 24th, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate 1.7kHz @I=80uA 

 3311    procudtion, 03:17-12:33 August 24th, target=LD2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 03:18 
       daq rate 1.7kHz @I=80uA 
       8:38    changed target to dummy, I=40uA 
       10:40 changed target to 'home'(absolute empty) for beam energy measurement, I=100nA, daq rate=1.2kHz 

 3312    trash, 12:38-12:44 August 24th, target=empty(?), shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate=1.2kHz @ I=0.1uA,    the beam must have scratched something, 173k events 
       beam energy measurement result: beam = 6394.694 +/- 3.055 MeV 

 15:42 changed target to Loop2 LH2 

 3313    procudtion, 12:52-01:06 August 25th, target=LH2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       no beam for the first 100k triggers, beam came back at 15:38 
       daq rate=750Hz @ I=78uA,   

 3314    procudtion, 01:07-08:56 August 25th, target=LH2, shms_p=5.422,shms_theta=7.5,hms_p=-0.96,hms_theta=29.57, 
       daq rate=750Hz @ I=78uA,   
       03:00 Rotated SHMS to 26.82 deg, HMS to 28.41 deg, shms_p=3.706,shms_theta=26.82,hms_p=-3.514,hms_theta=28.41, 
       04:16 changed target to dummy, I=40uA 
       04:35 Rotated SHMS to 23.13 deg, HMS to 33.37 deg, shms_p=4.22,shms_theta=23.13,hms_p=-3.014,hms_theta=33.37, 
       05:15 changed target to LH2 

 3315    procudtion, 08:57-10:27 August 25th, target=LH2, shms_p=4.22,shms_theta=23.13,hms_p=-3.014,hms_theta=33.37, 
       daq rate=3.0kHz @ I=78uA,   
       beam stopped at 09:03, 777k evnets 

 09:30 Rotated SHMS    to 8.0 deg and HMS to 42.23deg 

 SBSVME22 lost connection. USB stick failed. No access until next accelerator maintenance day. 
 can not control MPOD utill the 20220916.  

 3318    pedestal, test daq, no beam, HV on 
 3319    pedestal, test daq, no beam, HV on 

 ==GEM cable length changed to 20m== 

 20220917 23:23   

 3320    gem pedestal run, GEM HV was not on for this run 

 3321    trash run, pulser event enabled, unable to check GEM signal 

 ==first 100k pulse event are disabled== 

 3322    beam seems stopped  
       23:51 still no beam 
       00:28 no beam 
       01:50 still no beam 
       02:22 beam delivery suspended due to transport ion chamber failure 

 3323    Latency check, initial latency value 49 
 3324    initial latency value 49 -- (49 is too late) 
 3325 & 3326    scan for value 52 
 3327 & 3328    scan for value 55 -- (this seems good, also consistent with Ezekiel's INFN setup) 
 3329 & 3330 & 3331 & 3332    scan for value 58 (seems too early) 
 3333 & 3334 scan for value 64 -- (64 is too early) 
 3335 & 3336 scan for value 60 -- (too early) 

 3337    production, 00:25 - 11:06 Sep. 19th, run with new GEM latency 55, (55 is too early) 

 3338    procudtion, 11:24 Sep 19th - 18:34 Sep. 20th, run with slightly modifed latency 52. 
       target=Fe, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.82,hms_theta=48.3, 
       13:10 Sep 19th, changed target to B10 
       14:16 Sep 19th, changed target to B4C-11 
       16:00 Sep 19th, beam stopped till 00:24 Sep 20th 
       05:03 Sep 20th, changed target to Ca40, HMS roated to 66.4deg, HMS_p was set to 1.325 
       09:00 Sep 20th, RF study started, no beam till 21:12 

 3339    production, 01:58 - 12:43 Sep 21st,   
       beam was bad, accelarator worked at about 50% efficiency 
       10:44, SHMS Q1 vacuum issiu. Beam stopped. 
       11:54, Beam came back but last for 10 minutes only then went away. 

 3340    production,13:07 Sep 21st - 12:03 Sep 22nd, 
 3341    production,12:04 Sep 22nd - 23:35 Sep 22nd, 
 3342    production,23:36 Sep 22nd - 15:21 Sep 23rd, 
       beam stopped due to vacuum issue at around 9:16. 

 3343    production,20:06 Sep 23rd - 
       daq crashed at 02:22 Sep 25th 

       Tunl11 lost mounting disk, vncserver can not start properly 
 3344    daq crashed, no data file 

 3345    productin, 21:02 Sep 25th - 03:51 Sep 26th 
       target=carbon, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.325,hms_theta=66.4, 
       daq rate 250Hz 

 target changed to B4C-10 
 3346    production, 03:59 - 11:18 Sep 26th  
       target=B4C-10, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.325,hms_theta=66.4, 
       beam stopped at ~05:45 

 3347    production, 11:20 Sep 26th - 20:34 Sep 27th, no beam until 20:12 Sep 26th.  
       target=B4C-10, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.325,hms_theta=66.4, 
       20:30 target changed to Ca48 
       03:51 Sep 27th, target changed to Ca40 
       04:19 Sep 27th, target changed to Carbon 
       04:35 Sep 27th, target changed to Beryllium 
       05:12 Sep 27th, target changed to B4C-10 
       05:40 Sep 27th, target changed to B4C-11 
       06:00 Sep 27th, target changed to Beryllium 
       13:42 Sep 27th, target changed to B4C-10 
       beam stopped at 17:20, Sep 27th 

 3348    production, 20:51, Sep 27th - 15:27 Sep 28th, no beam until 02:49 Sep 28th.  
       22:18 Sep 27th, target changed to B4C-11 
       target=B4C-11, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.325,hms_theta=66.4, 
       09:59 Sep 28th, target changed to B4C-10 
       14:35 Sep 28th, target changed to Beryllium 

 3349    production, 15:28, Sep 28th - 10:40 Sep 29th, no beam until 20:12 Sep 26th.  
       target=Beryllium, shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=8.3,hms_p=1.325,hms_theta=66.4, rate=500Hz 
       18:51 target changed to Loop 1 LD2 
       20:20 target changed to Fe 
       beam stopped at 7:00 Sep 29th. 

 ==TS#3 enabled, which is ShowerSum== 

 ==GEM cable length changed to 30m== 

 3350    trash, daq test 

 18:14 SHMS rotated to 26deg 

 3351    pedestal, 18:21 - 18:27 Sep 29th, no beam 

 3352    production, 18:28 Sep 29th - 22:32 Oct 1st, no beam until 22:34 
       23:04 Sep 29th, target changed to Carbon hole  
       target=Carbon Hole, shms_p=-4.935,shms_theta=26.02,hms_p=6.476,hms_theta=20.69, 
       23:30 Sep 29th, beam stopped  
       23:31 Sep 29th, target changed to Loop 2 LH2 	
       10:04 Oct 1st, tune beam came back 
       target=LH2, shms_p=-4.935,shms_theta=26.02,hms_p=6.476,hms_theta=20.69, 
       15:38 Oct 1st, target changed to Caron 
       15:57 Oct 1st, Target changed to LH2 
       17:01 Oct 1st, SHMS at 9.24 deg and HMS at 29.39 deg 
       target=LH2, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=9.24,hms_p=4.17,hms_theta=29.41,  
       daq crashed at 18:34 
       20:28 Oct 1st, SHMS rotated to 10.77, HMS to 31.73  

       subrun 00-01:    SHMS=26, Carbon hole + LH2 
       subrun 02-23:    SHMS=26deg, LH2 
       subrun 24:    SHMS=26deg, LH2 + carbon target 
       subrun 25:    SHMS=26deg, Carbon 
       subrun 26:    SHMS=26deg, carbon + SHMS=9.24deg LH2 target  
       subrun 27-42: shms_theta=9.24, LH2 

 3353    production, 22:35 Oct 1st - 23:01 Oct 1st, daq crashed at about 22:55 
       target=LH2, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=10.77,hms_p=3.76,hms_theta=31.73, 
       22:38 Oct 1st, SHMS rotated to 16.55, HMS to 29.4  
       target=LH2, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=16.55,hms_p=4.17,hms_theta=29.4, daq rate=7kHz 
 3354    production, 23:02 Oct 1st - 23:40 OCt 1st, 
       target=LH2, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=16.55,hms_p=4.17,hms_theta=29.4, daq rate=7kHz 
       23:25 target changed to dummy 
       target=dummy, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=16.55,hms_p=4.17,hms_theta=29.4, daq rate=6.7kHz 

 ==TS#3 prescale factor set to 10== 

 3355    production, 23:42 Oct 1st - 20:43 Oct 2nd 
       target=dummy, shms_p=-8,shms_theta=16.55,hms_p=4.17,hms_theta=29.4, daq rate=2.4kHz 
       23:55 Oct 1st, SHMS rotated to 15.09deg 
       00:15 Oct 2nd, target change to LH2 
       00:51 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 13.67deg 
       01:07 Oct 2nd, target change to dummy 
       01:37 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 12.24deg 
       02:08 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       02:25 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 10.78deg 
       02:57 Oct 2nd,target changed to dummy 
       03:25 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 9.25deg 
       03:42 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       04:30 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 26.02deg 
       12:29 Oct 2nd,target changed to dummy 
       13:30 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 20.02deg 
       14:02 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       15:30 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 15.01deg 
       16:05 Oct 2nd,target changed to dummy 
       16:30 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 10.02deg 
       17:55 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       18:40 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 10.02deg 
       19:05 Oct 2nd,target changed to dummy 
       19:35 Oct 2nd, SHMS rotated to 7.995deg 
       21:30 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       21:54 Oct 2nd,SJMS sieve in 
       22:18 Oct 2nd,target changed to Beryllium, 
       target=Be,SHMS Sieve Slit in,shms_p=-9.502,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 

 3356    production, 20:44 Oct 2nd - 17:05 Oct 3rd 
       target=dummy, shms_p=-9.502,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 
       22:52 Oct 2nd,target changed to LH2 
       target=LH2,SHMS Sieve Slit in,shms_p=-9.502,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 
       23:28 Oct 2nd,target changed to dummy, SHMS sieve still in 
       target=dummy,SHMS Sieve Slit in,shms_p=-9.502,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 
       23:45 Oct 2nd, SHMS momentum set to -8.55 
       00:08 Oct 3rd,target changed to LH2 
       target=LH2,SHMS Sieve Slit in,shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 

       00:49 Oct 3rd,target changed to Beryllium, 
       target=Beryllium,SHMS Sieve Slit in,shms_p=-8.55,shms_theta=7.995,hms_p=1.739,hms_theta=49.53, 
       01:28 Oct 3rd,target changed to LH2 
       01:42 roated SHMS and HMS. Spectrometer Emergency Stop Detected, Hall is open for trouble shooting. 
       beam stopped from 1:38. 
       Accelerator can not deliver beam since 04:10 Oct 3rd 

 ==SHMS roated to 20.02deg, HMS to 20deg== 

 3357    production, 18:20 Oct 3rd - 12:14 Oct 4th 
       23:45 Oct 3rd, tune beam  
       01:05 SHMS and HMS rotated to 25deg 
       03:22 SHMS and HMS rotated to 25deg 
       05:27 change momentum to 1.24GeV SHMS  
       08:19 SHMS rotated to 8 deg, momentum is set to -9.2GeV 
       08:45 target changed to LD2 
       08:45 target changed to C12 
       10:40 Beam is off 

 3358    cosmic, 13:30 Oct 4th - 13:40 Oct 5th, no beam for the whole run 

 3359    cosmic, 13:42 Oct 5th - 13:49 Oct 6th, no beam for the whole run 

 3360    cosmic, 13:51 Oct 6th - 15:24 Oct 6th, no beam for the whole run 

 ==change TS#3 prescale factor to 1== 

 3361    cosmic, 15:26 Oct 6th - 17:45 Oct 6th, no beam for the whole run 

 == enable TS#4, which is VME DSC ELC output ch4 == 

 3362    production, 17:47 Oct 6th - 01:02 Oct 10th, no beam until 03:22 Oct 9th 
       03:28 Oct 9th, target changed to Aluminum Hole,shms_p=-9.2,shms_theta=8,hms_p=-1.95,hms_theta=25.99, 
       04:16 Oct 9th, Target changed to LD2,  
       04:45 Oct 9th, Target changed to carbon,  
       05:53 Oct 9th, Target changed to LD2,  
       07:46 Oct 9th, Target changed to Carbon, 
       09:16 Oct 9th, Target changed to LD2,  
       10:26 Oct 9th, Target changed to Carbon,   
       11:47 Oct 9th, SHMS rotated to 8.5deg 
       13:40 Oct 9th, Target changed to LD2,shms_p=-9.2,shms_theta=8.50,hms_p=-1.95,hms_theta=25.99, 
       15:18 Oct 9th, SHMS rotated to 26deg,shms_p=-1.95,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=-1.95,hms_theta=25.99 
       15:55 Oct 9th, Target changed to LH2, 
       16:16 Oct 9th, Target changed to dummy, 
       17:36 Oct 9th, Target changed to Ca40, 
       19:00 Oct 9th, Target changed to Carbon, 
       beam stopped at 19:05 Oct 9th  

 3363    production, 01:02 Oct 10th - 18:23 Oct 10th  
       02:00 Oct 10th, Target changed to Dummy,    
       02:24 Oct 10th, Target changed to LD2,    
       02:51 Oct 10th, Target changed to LH2, 
       03:15 Oct 10th, both SHMS and HMS momenta changed to -5.42:  
       08:25 Oct 10th, Target changed to LD2,      
       17:18 Oct 10th, Target changed to Dummy,   

 3364    production, 18:24 Oct 10th - 14:52 Oct 11th  
       target=Dummy,shms_p=-5.42,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=-5.42,hms_theta=25.99, daq rate 6.4kHz @60uA 
       19:25 Oct 10th, Target changed to Ca40,  
       21:46 Oct 10th, Target changed to Carbon,  
       00:45 both SHMS and HMS momenta changed to -4.767 
       05:09 Oct 11th, Target changed to Ca40,  
       09:18 Oct 11th, Target changed to Dummy, 
       12:33 Oct 11th, Target changed to LD2,  
       13:49 Oct 11th, Target changed to LH2,  
       daq crashed at 06:07 Oct 11th 

 3365    production, 14:54 Oct 11th - 20:52 Oct 11th  
       16:45 both SHMS and HMS momenta changed to -4.19 
       19:33 Oct 11th, Target changed to LD2,  
 ==disable TS#4 @ 20221011 20:53== 
 3366    production, 20:58 Oct 11th - 13:28 Oct 13th  
       target=LH2,shms_p=-4.19,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=-4.19,hms_theta=25.99, daq rate 6.7kHz@60uA 
       21:12 Oct 11th, Target changed to Dummy, 
       23:10 Oct 11th, Target changed to Ca40,  
       daq crashed at 21:32 Oct 11th 

 3367    pedestal, 13:32 Oct 13th - 13:44 Oct 13th, 
       target=Carbon, shms_p=2.52,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.52,hms_theta=25.99, 
       13:38 target changed to dummy 
       daq crashed 

 3368    production, 13:45 Oct 13th - 14:22 Oct 13th       
       target=Dummy, shms_p=2.52,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.52,hms_theta=25.99,  
       daq crashed 

 3369    production, 14:25 Oct 13th - 14:45 Oct 13th    
       target=Dummy, shms_p=2.52,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.52,hms_theta=25.99, daq rate 6.2kHz@58uA            
       daq crashed 
 3370    production, 14:52 Oct 13th - 17:55 Oct 13th    
       14:53 target changed to LD2     
       target=LD2, shms_p=2.52,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.52,hms_theta=25.99, daq rate 6.6kHz@58uA  
       15:24 target changed to LH2 
       16:12 target changed to Ca40 
       16:15 both SHMS and HMS momenta changed to -2.21 
       target=Ca40, shms_p=2.21,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.21,hms_theta=25.99, 
       17:05 target changed to Carbon  

 3371    production, 17:55 Oct 13th - 23:59 Oct 13th 
       target=Carbon, shms_p=2.21,shms_theta=26.00,hms_p=2.21,hms_theta=25.99, daq rate 6.7kHz@60uA  

 3372    production, 23:59 Oct 13th - 15:02 Oct 14th 
       beam stopped at 8 AM 

 3373    production, 15:03 Oct 14th - 02:16 Oct 15th 
       daq crashed at 18:35 Oct 14th due to disk is full 

 3374    trash, 02:18 Oct 15th - daq could not start 
 3375    trash, 02:22 Oct 15th - daq could not start 

 3376    production, 02:28 Oct 15th - 16:48 Oct 15th 
       daq rate 6.4kHz @ 40uA 
       daq crashed at 14:14 Oct 15th due to disk is full 

 3377    trash, 17:20 Oct 15th - daq could not start 

 3378    production, 17:21 Oct 15th - 13:55 Oct 16th 
       daq rate 6.6kHz @ 59uA 
       daq crashed sincd 05:42, no beam since 08:55 Oct 16th 

 3379    production, 17:58 Oct 16th - 15:26 Oct 17th 
       daq crashed sincd 12:47,  

 3380    production, 15:29 Oct 17th - 00:45 Oct 18th 
       daq crashed @ 22:45 

 3381    production, 00:47 Oct 18th - 00:34 Oct 19th 
       daq rate 4.94kHz @59 uA 
       no beam since 03:27 

 3382    production, 00:34 Oct 19th - 13:37 Oct 19th 
       no beam since 08:00 

 3383    production, 23:54 Oct 19th - 10:59 Oct 20th 
       10:58 daq rate 1.250Hz @ 45uA 

 3384    production, 11:00 Oct 20th - ? Oct 20th 
       11:02 daq rate 1.250Hz @ 45uA