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Jixie Zhang, 01/23/2023 11:11 AM

Hallc beamtest runlist highrate

List of HVs:
board1, 6kV, 8-ch:

board2, 2kV, 16-ch:

3944 By Jixie: debug FADC trigger

3949 cosmic(6h) and tune beam no target(3h). By Jixie: debug FADC trigger

3950 Pedestal. No HV
3951 cosmic, no beam. debug FADC trigger
3952 debug gem ssp
3953 cosmic, no beam. debug FADC trigger
3954 production. 21:16 Jan 11st - 23:14 Jan 11st
daq rate = 12.5kHz

3955 production. 22:16 Jan 11st - 23:32 Jan 11st
daq rate = 12kHz

change prescale factors, disable internal pulse trigger for the first 100k events /*Set prescale for each TS#*/
tiSetInputPrescale(6,0); use hallc_fadc_ssp config

3956 trash. 22:34 Jan 11st
tried to use hallc_fadc_ssp config, could not start CODA

use hallc_fadc config

3957 production. 23:37 Jan 11st - 23:45 Jan 11st
daq rate = 12.5kHz @ 2uA , this is the maximum of the daq rate for uvasoild2
Threshold: Cer_Sum(30mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV)

3958 production. 23:48 Jan 11st - 00:47 Jan 12th
Threshold: Cer_Sum(100mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV)

Turn off HVs

Jan 12th, 12:30

3959-3971 Trash, deug daq

Turn on HVs, all Cer HVs are changed from 1000V to 950V, Shower_T(SDU#5) lower from 850V to 800V

List of HVs:
board1, 6kV, 8-ch:

board2, 2kV, 16-ch:

only TS#6 is enabled, PS#(15,15,15,15,15,15,0)
Threshold: Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV)

Cer_HV = 950V
3972 pulse, no beam. 18:11 Jan 12th - 18:18 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 950V
3973 pulse, no beam. 18:19 Jan 12th - 18:24 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 950V
15.5kHz @ no beam, pulse trigger

Cer_HV = 970V
3974 pulse, no beam. 18:26 Jan 12th - 18:32 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 970V
3975 pulse, no beam. 18:32 Jan 12th - 18:52 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 970V

Cer_HV = 930V
3976 pulse, no beam. 18:54 Jan 12th - 19:01 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 930V
3977 pulse, no beam. 19:03 Jan 12th - 19:09 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 930V

Cer_HV = 1000V
3978 pulse, no beam. 19:54 Jan 12th - 20:06 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1000V
3979 pulse, no beam. 20:06 Jan 12th - 20:16 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1000V

Cer_HV = 1050V
3980 pulse, no beam. 20:17 Jan 12th - 20:24 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1050V
3981 pulse, no beam. 20:25 Jan 12th - 20:39 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1050V

3982 cosmic production,
first 100k is pulse trigger, 22:36 - 23:28 Jan 12th
debug TS#6, all trigger bits enabled, PS#(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Threshold: Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV)

cosmic test for Shower only, HVs for others are off, first 100k is pulse trigger
TS#4 only PS#(15,15,15,0,15,15)
Threshold: Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV)

3983 cosmic production, 23:34 - 00:25 Jan 13th

00:27 Jan 13th, turn all HVs off

3984 cosmic production, 08:25 Jan 13th - 13:03 Jan 13th

3985 cosmic production, 13:04 Jan 13th - 17:13 Jan 13th
see 12 minutes of beam ... detectors are fully saturated

3986 cosmic production, 17:13 Jan 13th - 18:32 Jan 13th
see 5 minutes of beam ... detectors are fully saturated

all HVs are off
all 6 trigger bits are on, no prescale factors dark current run (beam on but HV off, pulse trigger)
3987 cosmic production, 18:36 Jan 13th - 18:42 Jan 13th
I tried to get beam on data, but beam is off

3988 dark current run, 11:05 Jan 14th - 11:11 Jan 14th
beam current 40uA, HV off, pulse trigger

3989 dark current run, 11:12 Jan 14th - 11:20 Jan 14th
beam current 40uA, HV off, pulse trigger

5uA to test the prescale factors
HV for CerD is off (forgot to turn on)


3990 all PS=0 TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz
3991 all PS=0 TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz
3992 PS4=5, TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz
3993 TS4 only PS4=5 daq rate=12.5kHz

Increase shower_T HV from 850 to 900
Decrease shower_R HV from 1050 to 1030
HVs for SC_D, SC_A, LASPD_T,LASPD_B, PreSh_# were all got lower


CerD HV is also 930V

3994-3995 trash, HV boardB tripped

3996 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 930V
3997 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 930V

3998 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 940V
3999 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 940V

4000 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 920V
4001 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 920V

4002 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 910V
4003 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 910V

4004 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 950V
4005 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 950V

4006 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 900V
4007 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 900V

4008 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 960V
4009 dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 960V

Cer HVs go back to 950V, 1uA CW beam on He3 target

4010 beam on, but only pulse trigger
4011 first 100k is pulse trigger, 50Hz rate without beam. TS1 to 6 are all on, PS4=5; NO real beam on this run
4012 disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=5, no beam at
4013 disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=9, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam
4014 disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=11, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam
4015 disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=15, PS5=15, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam
4016 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS2=PS3=PS6=0, daq rate = 13.5kHz, 1uA beam
4017 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=5, no beam
4018 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=5, 2uA beam. 12.8KHz
4019 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=10, 2uA beam. 8.5KHz
4020 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=12, 2uA beam. 2.7KHz
4021 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS3=PS6=15, PS1=0,PS2=12, 2uA beam. 11KHz
4022 disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS3=PS6=15, PS1=5,PS2=12, 1.8uA beam. 5.7KHz

Conclusion: on He3 target, PS1=5 will have 1.8kHz/uA for TS#1, PS2=12 will have 1.4kHz/uA for TS#2.
We still need to determine PS for PS4 and PS5.
After analyze run 4022, I found that for PS3=15, TS#3 has 28Hz/2uA. For PS6=15, TS#6 has 8Hz/2uA. Scaling PS from
15 to 10, we got TS#3 rate as 450Hz/uA and TS#6 rate 130Hz/uA.

pedestal runs, beam off, pulse trigger, HV scan


For Cherenkov: ch13,ch14,ch15, E08C2_ch07: 910, 930, 950, 970
For Shower: ch10,ch11: 900, 950, 1000, 1050
For Shower: ch12: 800, 850, 900, 950

ch 10   11   12   13   14  15    07
4023, 4024: HV(ch10-15,E08C2_ch07) : 800, 900, 900, 910, 910, 910, 910
4025, 4026: 950, 950, 850, 930, 930, 930, 930
4027, 4028: 1000,1000, 900, 950, 950, 950, 950
4029, 4030: 1050,1050, 950, 970, 970, 970, 970
4031, 4032: 1030,1030, 900, 950, 950, 950, 950



turn on FADC threshold to remove no pulse events
slot 7: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
slot 8: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 25

4033 debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger
4034 debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger

turn on slot 8 FADC threshold to remove no pulse events
slot 7: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
slot 8: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 25
4035 trash
4036 debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger

4037 disabled pulse trigger, cosmic only, beam off HV on

4038-4040 trash, check daq, adkust threshold

20230123 threshold
Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform:
TS1: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit) & ShowerSum(70mv or 143 adc unit);
TS2: SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit) & ShowerSum(70mv or 143 adc unit) & SC_B(15mv or 123 adc unit).
TS3: 2 out of these 3 inputs: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit), ShowerSum(50mv or 103 adc unit), SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit);
TS4: ShowerSum(100mv or 205 adc unit)
TS5: SC_B(20mv or 164 adc unit).
TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input

5uA tune beam on LHe4,
4041 5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=10,10,10,10,10,10, rate=250Hz
4042 5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=4,4,3,1,0,0, rate=2.4kHz
4043 5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=3,3,2,0,0,0, rate=4kHz

2uA CW beam on LHe4,
4044 all TS1-6; PS=7,7,5,5,3,0, 11.5kHz, daq saturated
4045 all TS1-6; PS=8,8,5,3,4,0, 11.2kHz, daq saturated
4046 all TS1-6; PS=8,8,5,3,3,1, 11.2kHz, daq saturated
4045 all TS1-6; PS=9,9,5,3,3,0, 11.2kHz, daq saturated

2uA CW beanm on LHe4,
4048 TS#4 only, PS4=3, rate=10.0kHz
4049-4050 trash
4051 TS#4 only, PS4=4, rate=5.9kHz
4052-4054 trash, TS#5 only, no rate, TS#5 cable connection might have problem
4055 TS#4 only, PS4=4, rate=5.6kHz
turn off sw test pulse in diaggui, this test inserts 100Hz pulse into FADC
do not know how it affects the above data
4056 trash, TS#6 only, no rate,
4057 TS#3 only, PS3=5, rate=2.0kHz
4058 TS#3 only, PS3=3, rate=6.8kHz
4059 trash
4060 TS#2 only, PS2=10, rate=1.1kHz
4061 TS#2 only, PS2= 7, rate=7.6kHz
4062 TS#1 only, PS2= 9, rate=2.8kHz
4063 TS#1 only, PS2= 7, rate=9.2kHz
4064 All TS, PS=9,9,5,6,6,1, rate=7.8kHz,

4065 All TS, PS=9,9,5,6,6,1, 20uA beam on LHe4, rate=11.2kHz, daq saturated


Updated by Jixie Zhang about 2 years ago · 1 revisions