Runlist » History » Revision 30
Revision 29 (Jixie Zhang, 01/18/2021 12:43 AM) → Revision 30/80 (Jixie Zhang, 01/18/2021 02:11 AM)
1. Runlist for fermilab beam test beam hit the edge of top Ecal New HV is: 1260, 1300, 920, 960, 940, 1940, 1780, 2100 777 First run - MWPC trigger - 783 Preshower channels set to 2V range in FADC, new HV is: 1260, 1300, 920, 960, 940, 1840, 1680, 2000 784 TS1 and TS2 - move detector position so beam is hitting the center of three ECals 785 New HV is: 1160, 1200, 820, 860, 840, 1840, 1680, 2000 786 TS1 only - beam centered on calorimeter 787 lower HV on preshower, New HV is: 1260, 1300, 820, 860, 840, 1740, 1580, 1900 788 792 793 reduce 100 V more on preshower, New HV is: 1260, 1300, 820, 860, 840, 1640, 1480, 1800 short run PEB1 crashed 795 switch to FADC only config TiIntelvmeha8 and use Changing down stream Cerenkov N2 pressure ===========good data start from here=================== 796 move to Top block, use this New HV: 1260, 1300, 880, 920, 940, 1640, 1440, 1800 797 798 move to left block 800 beam on the center of the left top block, point A 801 802 beam on the center of the right block, point C 803 beam on the center of the top left block, point A 804 beam on the center of 3 modules, 6.5k 805 2GeV, beam on the center of 3 modules, 31.7k 806 4GeV, beam on the center of 3 modules, 818 12 GeV e- 819 12 GeV e- 820 10 GeV e- 821 8 GeV e- 822 6 GeV e- ===========1GeV=================== HV is: 1260, 1280, 760, 860, 880, 1640, 1480, 1800 823 824 825 Switch to TS2 trigger 828 Switch back to TS1 831 839 daq crashed 847 1 GeV ===========6GeV=================== 848 6 GeV 849 6 GeV 850 6 GeV 851 6 GeV 858 bad run ===========16GeV=================== 862, ecal HV is using 8GeV setting: 760, 860, 880 bad run, all saturated 863, change ecal HV: 720, 820. 840, bad run, all saturated 864 bad run, all saturated 865, change ecal HV: 700 780,800 bad run, sdu#5 saturated 866 bad run, sdu#5 saturated ===========12GeV=================== 867 868 869 870 motion table moved to (1429,315) 871 872 motion table moved to (1452,315) 873 874 875 motion table moved to (1461,315) 876 877 motion table moved to (1451,315)