Runlist » History » Revision 74
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Jixie Zhang, 02/22/2021 04:42 PM
1. Runlist for fermilab beam test
beam hit the right edge of top Ecal
New HV is: 1260, 1300, 920, 960, 940, 1940, 1780, 2100
777 First run - MWPC trigger -
783 Preshower channels set to 2V range in FADC, new HV is: 1260, 1300, 920, 960, 940, 1840, 1680, 2000. TS1 and TS2
784 TS1 and TS2 - move detector position so beam is hitting the center of three ECals
785 New HV is: 1160, 1200, 820, 860, 840, 1840, 1680, 2000
786 TS1 only - beam centered on calorimeter
787 lower HV on preshower, New HV is: 1260, 1300, 820, 860, 840, 1740, 1580, 1900
790 junk
793 reduce 100 V more on preshower, New HV is: 1260, 1300, 820, 860, 840, 1640, 1480, 1800
short run PEB1 crashed
795 switch to FADC only config TiIntelvmeha8 and use
Changing down stream Cerenkov N2 pressure from 4.0 to 0.8 psia
===========good data start from here===================
01/14 22:55
796 move to Top block, use this New HV: 1260, 1300, 880, 920, 940, 1640, 1440, 1800
798 move to left block
800 beam on the center of the left block, point B
802 beam on the center of the right block, point C
803 beam on the center of the top block, point A
804 beam on the center of 3 modules, 6.5k
805 2GeV, beam on the center of 3 modules, 31.7k
806 4GeV, beam on the center of 3 modules,
-------------adjusting HV for 12GeV start------------
Request 16 GeV but MCR can not deliver it, switch to 12 GeV. We then determine the HV
807 12GeV HV: 1260, 1300, 880, 920, 940, 1640, 1440, 1800 ---38409 events. Ecal is saturated
808 12GeV HV: New HV is: 1260, 1300, 920, 960, 980, 1640, 1440, 1800 -->try to decrease HV by 40V but increased it by mistake
809, 810 coda crashed, junk
812 12GeV, New HV: 1260, 1300, 820, 860, 880, 1640, 1440, 1800, 17271 events. Still saturated
814 12GeV, New HV: 1260, 1300, 780, 820, 840, 1640, 1440, 1800
816 12GeV, New HV: 1260, 1300, 740, 820, 840, 1640, 1440, 1800
817 12GeV, New HV: 1280, 1280, 700, 820, 840, 1640, 1440, 1800, 8711 events
-------------adjusting HV for 12GeV end--------------
818 12 GeV e-, 34841 events
819 12 GeV e-, missed the start of the spill. Total event count is off by about 194 events. Event count = 20779
820 10 GeV e-, 80515 events.
821 8 GeV e-, 62788 events.
822 6 GeV e- 61530 events.
ALl the above run MWPC chamber1 is not working.
HV is: 1260, 1280, 760, 860, 880, 1640, 1480, 1800
825 5808 events
826, Switch to TS2 trigger, which is our own trigger. testing daq, short run
827, daq crashed, bad runs
828 use TS2 trigger, which is our own "SC1&SC2", 4190 events.
829, something wrong, bad run
830, CODA went wrong, no output file
Switch back to TS1
831 Switch back to TS1, crashed junk
832 with 8303 events.
833 7396 events. lost MWPC data at the last few spills
836 with 8853 events
838 test daq, junk
839 daq crashed, junk
840 with 4856 events in coda. (MWPC shows 4859 events)
841 with 2102 events,(MWPC shows 2101 events in run) <<== this is normal, the last event from coda will not write into data file
842 with 2486 events
843 with 3803 events.
844 beam went down (bad run)
845 without MWPC daq running
846 only 1 spill since it is not synchronized with MWPC daq
847 1 GeV
848 6 GeV
849 6 GeV
850 6 GeV
851 6 GeV, 119066 events
852 with 49377 events
calibration start------------
853 center on the top block(1440, 252), with 68483 events.
854 center on the left block (1498, 347), with 69508 events.
855 center on the right block (1382, 347), with 68357 events.
calibration end--------------
856 with 185847 events
857 with events 193672
858 without MWPC daq, coda crashed, junk
859 without MWPC
860 with events 209800
861 with events 198022
862, ecal HV is using 8GeV setting: 760, 860, 880 bad run, all saturated
863, change ecal HV: 720, 820. 840, bad run, all saturated
864 bad run, all saturated
865, change ecal HV: 700 780,800 bad run, sdu#4 saturated
866, bad run, sdu#4 saturated
-------------addjust table position start--------------
870 motion table moved to (1429,315)
872 motion table moved to (1452,315)
875 motion table moved to (1461,315)
877 motion table moved to (1451,315)
-------------addjust table position end----------------
878 coda has 2 events less than MWPC daq
879 coda has 3 events less than MWPC daq
880 coda crashed, no output file, junk
882 bufferlevel=2, coda crashed, junk
-------------addjust table position start--------------
884 Moved motion table from (1451, 315) vertical down by 2mm to (1451,313)
886 Moved motion table vertical down by 5mm to (1451,308)
888 Moved motion table vertical down by 3mm to (1451,305)
890 Moved motion table vertical down by 2mm to (1451,303)
-------------addjust table position end----------------
891 with 200407 events,
892 with 192133 events,
893 with 203303 events,
895 with 110758 events
896 coda crashed. 17661 events, data is still good
897 coda crashed, no output file, junk
898 with 98980 events,
899 with 85054 events.
900 with 164765 events.
901 168579 events. MWPC daq not start
calibration start----------------
903 Moved table to (1451, 239), center on the top block
904 Moved table to (1510, 334), center on the left block
905 Moved table to (1393, 334), center on the right block
calibration end-----------------
beam still hitting the right block----------------------------
906|907 Ecal HV: 660 760 780,
908|909 Ecal HV: 700 780 800,
910|911 Ecal HV: 760 860 880, MCR start to shrink beam spot size
912|913 Ecal HV: 660 760 780,
914|915 Adjust Ecal HV, also Lower Preshower3 HV by 40V,
new HV: 1260 1280 640 760 760 1640 1480 1760,
916 Move table back to center----------------------------
920|921 Ecal HV: 620 700 720, beam hit center O
922|923 Move table, beam hit the Top block
MCR finished changing beam spot size
calibration start=========
924 Ecal HV: 620 680 720, Top block
925 Move table, beam hit the Left block
926 MWPC daq not synchronize
928 Move table, beam hit the Right block
calibration end =========
930 Move table, beam hit the center of 3 blocks
938 coda has 3 events less than MWPC daq
939 MWPC not run
HVis set to :
SC1 SC2 Ecal1 Ecal2 Ecal3 PrSh1 PrSh2 PrSh3
-1260 -1280 -760 -860 -880 -1640 -1480 -1800
948 daq crashed, no data
949 only 863 events
950 - 969 production
974 coda crashed, no output file
975 detector are below beam line, good for checking pedestal,
in run 975, Cherenkov raw signal are connected to FADC, previously we connected another copy signal with diff. cable length
976 detector are below beam line, good for checking pedestal
978 Upstream cherenkov HV changed from 1700 to 1640
984 coda crashed, no output file
987 change coda latency from 100 to 150 to test daq.
989 change coda latency back to 100
991 trash
995 Changed Cherenkov HVs from (1640,1700,1700) to (1600,1740,1720) .
996 stopped with only one spill. Did not synchronize to MWPC daq
PMT: Up, Outer, Inner
<=977: 1700,1700,1700
978-994: 1640,1700,1700
995-997: 1600, 1720, 1740
998|999: 1640, 1780, 1740
1000|1001: 1700, 1840, 1740
>=1002: 1740, 1880, 1740
998 HV: 1640, 1780, 1740. Only one spill. Stop to view event
1000 HV: 1700, 1840, 1740. Only one spill. Stop to view event
1002 HV: 1740, 1880, 1740. Only two spill. Stop to view event
1003 MWPC has one event less than CODA, this run might be good
1005 MWPC has one event more than CODA
calibration start
1009 Moved table to (1505, 337), center on the left block 52034 events
1010 Moved table to (1389, 337), center on the right block 77621 events
1011 Moved table to (1447, 243), center on the top block
calibration end
HV setting is
SC1 SC2 Ecal1 Ecal2 Ecal3 PrSh1 PrSh2 PrSh3
-1260 -1280 -760 -860 -880 -1640 -1480 -1800
these 3 runs can be used to calibrate HV setting of the above, which is also used in 1,2,4,6 GeV data
calibration start--------
1012 top block, saturated due to pile up
1013 left block, saturated due to pile up
1014 right block, saturated due to pile up
calibration end----------
Change to the following from run 1015
-1260 -1280 -720 -820 -840 -1640 -1480 -1800
calibration start--------
1015,1016 right block,
1017 left block
1018 top block
calibration end----------
1019 Move motion table to the center of 3 blocks, point O
1020 coda crashed, part of the data is good
1021 coda crashed, part of the data is good
1022 coda crashed, no output
1028 MWPC has 2 more events than CODA
1031 MWPC has 3 more events than CODA
1033 713306 events at coda. Coda has 1 event more than MWPC <<=== this is a good run
==================1 GeV====================
1036 events# 10027
1037 events# 10940
1038 with events 10794
1039 with events 12529
1040 with events 10982
1041 with events 12035
1042 1 GeV
1043 1 GeV
1044 junk run (missed first spill)
1045 1 GeV
1046 1 GeV
1047 1 GeV, out of sync at 23:04:11 CST (end of run)
1048 1 GeV
1049 1 GeV, off by 2 events at 23:46:50 CST
1050 1 GeV
1051 1 GeV
1052 1 GeV
1053 1 GeV
1054 1 GeV
1054 289234 events
1055 308115 events
1056 28310 events
==================2 GeV====================
1057 MWPC has 321476 events, but CODA ended with 321477 events, CODA has one more event. This one extra event was added when I clicked "End" on CODA. Might not be a problem, need to check. <<----confirmed by Alex that the last extra event of coda will not be written into the output file.
1058 MWPC has 367897 events, CODA ended with 367898 events. The same reason as 1057.
1059 MWPC 356721 events, CODA ended with one more event (356722). . The same reason as 1057.
1060 MWPC 316666 events, CODA ended with 316667 event. The same reason as 1057.
1061 MWPC 233967 events, CODA ended with 233967 events.
==================6 GeV====================
1063 requested lower rate after 5 spills
==================10 GeV====================
HV setting is:
HV for FADC channel 0 to 7:
SC1 SC2 Ecal1 Ecal2 Ecal3 PrSh1 PrSh2 PrSh3
-1260 -1280 -720 -820 -840 -1640 -1480 -1800
1072 coda has 3 events less than MWPC
1074 Moved table from (1447, 306) to (1442,306), one spill only
1075 120291 events.
1076 10820 events. MWPC daq did not run
1077 54030 events. MWPC daq did not run
1078 with events 566363
1079 with events 260990
1080 with events 237995
1081 with events 247434
1082 with events 278606
1083 with events 258176
1084 with events 367690
1085 with events 252462
1086 with events 217253; Run stopped early due to inconsistency with MWPC DAQ count 217256
1087 with events 309246
1088 with events 20566.
calibration done by Jixie:
calibration start--------
1089 point A, top block, (1442, 243) , MTSCL5~=80k, rate is too high
1090 point A, top block, (1442, 243) , requested MTSCL5~=60k, rate is still high
1091 point B, top block, (1500, 337)
1092 point C, top block, (1384, 337)
1093 point C, top block, (1384, 337) , requested MTSCL5~=30k, rate is still high
1094 point B, top block, (1500, 337)
1095 point A, top block, (1442, 243)
calibration end----------
===============120 GeV Proton===============
beam size is ~3.5 mm (x) x ~2.8 mm (y).
calibration start--------
1096 top block, point A (1442, 243). NO MWPC, 7 spills, HVs=-1260 -1280 -600 -680 -720 -1640 -1480 -1760
1097 top block, point A (1442, 243). NO MWPC, 3 spills, HVs=-1260 -1280 -560 -620 -640 -1600 -1440 -1720
1098 NO MWPC, 7 spill
1099 NO MWPC, 1 spill
1100 NO MWPC, 6 spill
run 1101. center of 3 blocks, point O (1442, 306). NO MWPC, 1 spills, HVs= -1260 -1280 -560 -600 -620 -1600 -1440 -1720
1102 NO MWPC, 6 spill
1103 center of 3 blocks, point O (1442, 307). NO MWPC, 2 spills, HVs= -1260 -1280 -540 -600 -620 -1600 -1440 -1720
calibration end----------
1104 NO MWPC, 59 spills 685357 events
1105 (1500, 338) point B, 2 spill
1106 (1500, 338) point B, 450480 events
1107 (1500, 338) point B, 459505 events
1108 (1384, 338) point C, 26425 events, 2 spills
1109 (1384, 338) point C, 470569 events
1110 (1384, 338) point C, 495870 events
1111 (1442, 244) point A, 26323 events, 2 spills
1112. ... 495424 events
1113. ... coda lost roc2 from 703k events, MWPC still runs, part of the data saved
1114....378889 events
02:05 Moved table to (1442, 307) point O
1115. ... 1 spill
1116. ... 156652 events, 12 spill
1117. ... 389498 events, 30 spill
1118. ... 837943 events, 64 spill.
Updated by Jixie Zhang about 4 years ago · 74 revisions