


March 10th 2022 » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Alexandre Camsonne, 03/10/2022 03:16 PM) → Revision 4/5 (Alexandre Camsonne, 03/10/2022 04:00 PM)

h1. March 10th 2022 
 * Updates 
 ** VMM prototype 
 *** PCB about 8.8 K$ for 6 boards 
 *** waiting for quote for board 
 *** still need to order lpGBT 

 ** VMM testing 
 *** Xinzhan showing how to generate pile-up 
 *** Ed will provide material left overs to make a Faraday cage  


 * Discussion with Weizhi 
 ** can still get TDO and regular readout but transfer 10x slower compared to direct output 
 ** Ed mentionned clock could be set at 320 MHz if needed 

 * report 
 ** working on text 
 ** will add Xinzhan plots