


People » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Richard Trotta, 05/20/2024 01:55 PM) → Revision 15/16 (Richard Trotta, 05/20/2024 02:06 PM)

h1. People 



 h2. Faculty 

 |_.Dr. Xiaochao Zheng| 
 | !XiaochaoZheng_mja4f_202210-2418_cropped-300x284.jpg! | 
 |=. Ph.D., 2002, MIT 
 MS1996+B.Eng1991, THU | 

 h2. Post-doctoral Researcher 

 |_.Dr. Michael Nycz|_.Dr. Richard L. Trotta| 
 | !MichaelNycz-e1640291714525.jpg! | !Richard-Trotta-Website-Photo.jpg! | 
 |=. Ph.D., 2020 
 Kent State U. |=. Ph.D., 2024  
 Catholic U. of America | 

 h2. Research Associates 

 |_.Dr. Saikat Bera| 
 | !DSC_1833_1-removebg-preview-1.jpg! | 
 |=. Ph.D., 2023 
  U. Virginia | 

 h2. Graduate Students 

 |_.Paul Anderson|_.Kavindu Madusanka|_. Radwan Parvez |_. Carter Hedinger |_. Hunter Presley |_. Cameron Cotton | 
 |=.    B.S., 2023  
 William & Mary |=.    B.S., 2022 
 U. Kelaniya |=. M.S., 2023 
 U. Minnesota Duluth 
 B.S., 2016 
 U. of Dhaka|=. B.S., 2022  
 U. Virginia|=. (co-mentored w/Prof. Cates)  
 B.S., 2020 
 UT Knoxville|=. B.S., 2019 
 UT Austin| 

 h2. Undergraduate Students 

 |_.Spencer Opatrny|_. Jesse Smith |_. John Grant |_. Alex Emmert | 
 |=. ("summer 2023 report": |=. ("summer 2023 report": |=. ("summer 2023 report": |=. (summer 2022 report) | 

 h2. DOE SULI Mentee  

 |_.Darren Upton|_.Paul Anderson|_.George Evans|_.Kiernan Reising|_.Benjamin Johnson| 
 |=. ("Summer 2023 poster": |=. (Summer 2022 "poster":; "report": 
 ("DIS’23 proceedings": |=. ("Summer 2022 poster": |=. (Spring 2022) |=. ("Summer 2021 poster": | 



 h1. Alumni Members 

 h2. Post-doc Alumni 

 |_.Dr. Jixie Zhang|_.Dr. Ramesh Subedi|_.Dr. Vincent Sulkosky|_.Dr. Zhiwen Zhao| 

 h2. Ph.D. h2.Ph.D. Graduates 

 |_.Dr. Mingyu Chen|_.Dr. Kai Jin|_.Dr. Nguyen Ton|_.Dr. Jie Liu|_.Dr. Diancheng Wang| 
 |=.("2023 Thesis": 
 TBP |=. ("2020 Thesis": 
 Optics Scientist at Raytum Photonics |=. ("2019 Thesis": 
 Software Engineer at JP Morgan |=.("2017 Thesis": 
 Quantitative Analyst at Barclays|=.("2013 Thesis": 
 Data Analyst at Compagnie Generale de Geophysique | 

 h2. Masters Alumni 

 |_.Xiaoyan Deng | 

 h2. Undergraduate Alumni 

 |_.Darren Upton|_.Cole Faggert|_.David Winters|_.Kai Vylet|_.Edward Cheek| 
 |=.("spring+summer 2023 Report": 
 ("summer 2022 Report":|=.(summer 2022 Report)|=.("summer 2020 Report":|=.("summer 2020 Report": 
 (summer 2021 Report)|=.("2017 Report":|