Feature #509
openSupport #502: Completion of libsbsdig
Production of a easily readable output
This is the output that the digitization library is producing for all Non GEM detectors.
spec.det_Nsimhits : spec.det_Nsimhits/I number of simulated hits
spec.det_simhit_src : vector<short> source (0, sig else bkgd)
spec.det_simhit_chan : vector<short> channel number
spec.det_simhit_Edep : vector<double> energy deposited for this hit
spec.det_simhit_npe : vector<int> number of photoelectrons
spec.det_simhit_time : vector<double> time of photon at PMT cathode
spec.det_simhit_t_lead : vector<double> lead time recorded by TDC (when applicable)
spec.det_simhit_t_trail : vector<double> trail time recorded by TDC (when applicable)
spec.det_Nhits : spec.det_Nhits/I number of recorded hits
spec.det_hit_chan : vector<short> channel number
spec.det_hit_dataword : vector<unsigned int> word produced by module
spec.det_hit_adc: vector<int> decoded, pedestal subtracted ADC
spec.det_hit_tdc_l : vector<int> decoded leading TDC, relative to trigger time
spec.det_hit_tdc_t : vector<int> decoded trailing TDC, relative to trigger time
The vectors spec.det_simhit_* are of size spec.det_Nsimhits, while spec.det_hit_* are of size spec.det_Nhits.
Because we want only 1 dataword per hit, when it is a leading TDC, the trailing field had to be filled with a dummy
value and vice versa, hence the -1M value one has when browsing the file.
Updated by Eric Fuchey about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100