



Task #772


GEM Gain Coefficient and Threshold Generation 1st-pass

Added by Ezekiel Wertz over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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The purpose of this task is track and summarize the status of the Gain Coefficient and Threshold generation for the GEMs in the GMn/nTPE run period. Back in winter of 22/23 I spent a couple of months systematically going through and creating the gain coefficients and the thresholds based on my own version of SBS-replay. This was after spending considerable time creating tools and documenting the GEM gain match script. My version of the GEM Gain Match Script can be found: . My sets of Gain Coefficients and Thresholds are available here: either in the DB or DB_Zeke directories. In the respective database files for the GEMs during the GMn/nTPE run period.

Documentation for my version of the script or how I think the script works can be found: . To document my 1st-pass generation of the Gain coefficients and thresholds one can look to either or . On the 'Gain Coefficients' tab I have described the entire 27 sets of gain coefficients that have been generated, the reason for each one and various other useful information. At the time I did this work I did not have an elastic yield from hydrogen data as a metric. I did not have a script to do that task. So instead I tried to evaluate the sets by the number of good tracks before/after gain match and the percentage of more or less tracks found. Along with looking at the range in difference of the track based efficiency of the GEMs.

The plots that I used/evaluated this gain match with can be found: . To understand my labeling system for every set of gain coefficients, associated with a run number or multiple run numbers. There will be summary plots before labeled "nogain" and after labeled "withgain". Also the number that is bolded on the spreadsheet is the one that will be in the name. Unfortunately these original replayed root files were on volatile and they have gone away. Root files that were generated from the Gain Match script can be found at /work/halla/sbs/ewertz/SBS-replay/scripts/gems/GEM_GainMatch_output/ .

Moving forward for getting ready for the next mass replay we will determine the best way to integrate the gain coefficients and thresholds into the main SBS-replay repository. Dedicated replays to evaluate elastic counts before/after gain match. Determining which gain coefficients are absolutely necessary and some other diagnostic checks. This is why I have ranked this as 80% complete, since the coefficients are completely generated. It is just collected them and evaluating with the main replay.

Actions #1

Updated by Ezekiel Wertz over 1 year ago

To be a bit more clear inside the file folder holding the useful generated plots. There are to main types. Summary plots e.g. "summaryPlots_<runnum>_bb_gem_adc_histos_<GEMconfig>_nogain.pdf" or similarly "ummaryPlots_<runnum>_bb_gem_adc_histos_<GEMconfig>_withgain.pdf". These describe useful comparative information similar to expert level GEM plots before/after gain coefficients respectively. The plots that come directly from the Gain Match script, which holds useful information like the Gain coefficients per module or the thresholds, can be found with naming like "summaryPlots_<runnum>_bb_gem_gain_match_<GEMconfig>.pdf". Some of these contain data from multiple different run numbers to acquire enough statistics, but are only labeled by 1 run number. This is documented in the main spreadsheet.

Actions #2

Updated by Ezekiel Wertz over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 100
Actions #3

Updated by Ezekiel Wertz over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

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