





Useful Links

GMn analysis Redmine project: Link
nTPE analysis Redmine project: Link
GEN analysis Redmine project: Link

Google Doc for Provakar's "Good Run List" of GMN production data organized by target: Link
  • Google Doc for "SBS Run List" of all GMN runs organized by kinematic setting: Link
Google Doc for "Good Run List" of GEN production data: Link
  • Google Doc for "GEN Run List" of all GEN runs organized by kinematic setting: Link

SBS private DocDB (requires login): Link

Link to wiki page of run list containing information for SBS-1 kinematics: run log Old wiki-based

Google sheet with the schedule for rotating student progress reports: Link

Google sheet with Andrew's high-level TODO/wishlist for SBS/GMN analysis software: Link

Google sheet with Zeke's List of GEM Logs (In-Progress): Link

Google sheet analysis tracking (In-Progress): Link
GMN/nTPE target info: Link

GMn & nTPE Proposals

SBS project proposal Link

Jeff Lachniet's PhD thesis, Details of Hall B GMN analysis

Lachniet et al. PRL 2009

Instructions for farm environment setup using Hall A modules

Links to useful git repositories

analyzer Hall A analysis framework, and Wiki

g4sbs MC simulation framework for SBS experiments. Documentation

simc_gfortran Realistic MC event generators for GMn/nTPE experiment.

libsbsdig Digitization library for g4sbs outputs. Documentation

SBS-offline Reconstruction framework for SBS.

SBS-replay Detector DB files, replay scripts, QA plot scripts, online monitoring plot configs, etc for SBS.

jlab-HPC Contains machinery to run simulation, digitization, & reconstruction jobs on JLab batch farm (or ifarm) with ease.

SBS-ANA Standalone Beam related calibration and analysis framework.

BBCal replay Standalone BBCAL calibration and analysis framework. How-To

HCal replay Standalone HCAL calibration and analysis framework.

SBSGEM standalone Standalone GEM analysis framework. The machinery has been migrated to SBS-offline.

BB Optics BigBite optics calibration code.

Parse-GMn-ROOT-files Script to parse down large GMn ROOT files with global cuts. Can be adapted for GEn or any other SBS experiment.

Updated by Provakar Datta 16 days ago ยท 23 revisions