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Alexandre Camsonne, 07/11/2023 01:46 PM


Example of plots from replay

Hydra Hall A access

Hall C NPS information

NPS calorimeter software

Replay NPS calorimeter


If you have the access to the cdaql3, you can go to either /data1/cdaq/eel108/zhuang/nps_replay or /data1/cdaq/eel108/wassim/nps_replay and run the bash scripts which gives you everything includes the plots
For the hcana replay script it only saves the branches of data, there are separate .C do the plotting
You might need the ssh -X option to enable pops up windows, for the online GUI

Just do panguin --help and look for options related to “images”:
panguin --help
panguin: configurable ROOT data visualization tool
Usage: /Users/ole/Develop/BUILD/panguin/cmake-build-debug/panguin [OPTIONS]

-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-f,--config-file <file name> [default.cfg]
Job configuration file
-r,--run <run number> Run number
-R,--root-file <file name> ROOT file to process
-G,--goldenroot-file <file name>
Reference ROOT file
-P,-b,--batch No GUI. Save plots to summary file(s)
-E,--plot-format <fmt> Plot format (pdf, png, jpg ...)
-C,--config-dir <path> Search path for configuration files & macros (":"-separated)
--root-dir <path> ROOT files search path (":"-separated)
-O,--plots-dir <dir> Output directory for summary plots
-I,--images Save individual plots as images (implies -P)
-F,--image-format <fmt> Image file format (png, jpg ...)
-H,--images-dir <dir> Output directory for individual images (default: plots-dir)
-v,--verbosity <level> Set verbosity level (>=0)
-V,--version Display program version information and exit
Should be self-explanatory. To add image production to the replay, you’ll have to edit the lines where panguin is invoked in the in the replay script.
I forget if we had one images dir per run or included the run number in the file name. You can define a file name template in the configuration file, similar to protorotfile. The documentation is part of the file in the panguin repository.
The relevant options are protoimagefile and protomacroimagefile.

Ole Hansen
:palm_tree: 9:29 PM
If you need a large supply of images, you can of course re-run panguin over the existing ROOT files from the last run period under /chafs1/work1/sbs to generate them. (edited)

Alexandre Camsonne
9:30 PM
Yes that should work. I think the run number is in the file but i will double check

Updated by Alexandre Camsonne about 1 year ago · 5 revisions