

Alexandre Camsonne

  • Login: camsonne
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 02/05/2016
  • Last connection: 02/28/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 22 7 29
Reported issues 211 58 269


Project Roles Registered on
Athena-DAQ Manager 06/04/2021
DIRC Manager 01/10/2018
Polarimetry Manager 02/05/2018
Electron polarimetry Manager 02/05/2018
Simulation Manager 08/01/2017
Background JLEIC Manager 08/01/2017
Compton simulation Manager 08/01/2017
Low Q2 tagger Manager 12/19/2018
EIC detector 1 Manager 06/23/2022
EIC detector 1 DAQ Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 DAQ Calorimetry Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 DAQ Calorimetry Backward Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 DAQ Calorimetry Barrel Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 DAQ Calorimetry Forward Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 DAQ Cerenkov PID Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 Far Backward DAQ Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 Far Forward DAQ Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 TOF PID Manager 06/23/2022
EiC detector 1 Tracking Manager 06/23/2022
MCP Manager 02/08/2022
Hall A Manager, Developer 09/19/2017
Compton Polarimeter Manager 10/02/2017
Compton Polarimeter Electron Detector Manager 10/02/2017
Time of flight Manager 10/23/2017
SBS experiments Manager, Developer 05/27/2021
Beamline Manager 05/27/2021
ARC Manager 05/28/2021
BPM Manager 05/28/2021
HARP Manager 05/28/2021
Helicity Manager 05/28/2021
Raster Manager 05/28/2021
Spot++ Manager 05/28/2021
CODA Manager 05/27/2021
Counting room Manager, Developer 05/27/2021
DAQ bunker Manager 05/27/2021
BB Gem bunker Manager 05/28/2021
main DAQ bunker Manager 05/28/2021
SBS GEM bunker Manager 05/28/2021
Detectors Manager 05/27/2021
BigBite Manager 06/01/2021
BB GEM Manager 06/02/2021
BB Shower Manager 06/02/2021
BB-GRINCH Manager 06/02/2021
BB-hodoscope Manager 06/02/2021
HCal Manager 06/01/2021
HRS Manager 06/01/2021
Documentation Manager 05/27/2021
OSP Manager 06/01/2021
Run coordinators Manager 06/01/2021
Safety document Manager 06/01/2021
Shift howto's Manager 06/01/2021
Shift sign-up Manager 06/01/2021
User manual for detectors Manager 06/01/2021
Website GMn Manager 06/01/2021
Experiment running Manager 05/27/2021
Magnets Manager 05/27/2021
Bigbite-magnet Manager 06/02/2021
LHRS-magnet Manager 06/02/2021
Power supplies magnet Manager 06/02/2021
SBS magnet Manager 06/02/2021
Offline analysis Manager 05/27/2021
BigBite-offline Manager 06/02/2021
HCAL-offline Manager 06/02/2021
LHRS-offline Manager 06/02/2021
SBS-analysis Manager, Developer 01/06/2023
Simulation Manager, Developer 12/06/2023
GMn_GEM_calibration Manager, Developer 03/10/2023
GMn_Hodoscope_calibration Manager, Developer 03/10/2023
SuperBigBite-detector Manager, Developer 06/01/2021
SBS-DAQ Manager, Developer 07/18/2018
SBS-DAQ-GEn Manager, Developer 07/18/2018
FADC VTP readout Manager, Developer 06/01/2022
FADC VTP trigger Manager, Developer 06/01/2022
GEn-HCal Manager 06/01/2022
GEn-Shower Manager, Developer 06/01/2022
Hydra Manager, Developer 06/01/2022
Multiple Streams readout Manager, Developer 06/01/2022
SBS-GEn-GEM Manager 05/25/2022
SBS-GEn-Helicity Manager 05/25/2022
SBS-Gen-trigger Manager 05/25/2022
SBS-DAQ-GEn-RP Manager, Developer 02/05/2024
SBS DAQ GEn RP GEMs Manager, Developer 02/21/2024
SBS-DAQ-GEp Manager, Developer 07/18/2018
SBS DAQ GEp Beamline Manager, Developer 08/30/2024
SBS DAQ GEp CDet Manager, Developer 02/19/2024
SBS DAQ GEp ECal Manager, Developer 02/19/2024
SBS DAQ GEp GEMS Manager, Developer 05/30/2024
SBS DAQ GEp HCAL Manager, Developer 05/30/2024
SBS DAQ GeP Trigger Manager, Developer 05/30/2024
SBS-DAQ-GMn Manager, Developer 07/18/2018
Auto run liste and run constants Manager, Developer 05/27/2022
GMn-TOF Manager, Developer 05/27/2022
Hydra and GMn data quality Manager, Developer 05/27/2022
SBS-DAQ-Bunker Manager, Developer 02/15/2021
SBS-DAQ-Gmn-BigBite Manager, Developer 07/19/2018
BigBite_GEMs Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
INFN GEMs Manager, Developer 10/23/2020
TEDF GEMs Manager, Developer 02/15/2021
UVA GEMs Manager, Developer 10/23/2020
BigBite_Grinch Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
BigBite_Hodoscope Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
BigBite_Shower Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
SBS-DAQ-GMn-HCal Manager, Developer 07/19/2018
SBS_DAQ_GMn_Scalers Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
SBS_GMn_Beamline Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
SBS_GMn_CDet Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
SBS_GMn_Helicity Manager, Developer 02/08/2021
SBS_GMn_LHRS Manager, Developer 09/11/2020
SBS_GMn_RP Manager 09/11/2020
SBS-DAQ-TDIS Manager 09/11/2020
Target Manager 05/27/2021
Cryogenic Manager 05/28/2021
He3 Manager 05/28/2021
Radiator Manager 05/28/2021
DAQ Tritium Manager 10/16/2017
Hypernucleus Manager 06/26/2018
HKS SiPM test Manager 02/21/2025
Hypernuclear Manager 11/17/2023
HKS DAQ Manager 03/13/2024
Hypernuclear ERR Manager 03/13/2024
MRPC for hypernucler Manager 03/13/2024
J/psi-007 Experiment Developer, Reporter 12/07/2018
Jupyterhub introduction to analysis Manager 06/30/2023
Angelina_Jupyter Manager 06/30/2023
Connor_Jupyter Manager 06/30/2023
Dominic_Jupyter Manager 06/30/2023
Esha_Jupyter Manager 06/30/2023
LAD experiment Manager 04/10/2024
GFF Partons Manager 10/02/2023
Database format and implementation Manager 05/08/2024
Partons GFF Manager 05/30/2023
GFF_LQCD Manager 08/02/2023
Measurement of the Generalized Polarizabilities of the Proton in Virtual Compton Scattering E12-15-001 Manager 11/20/2018
Simulation-e12-15-001 Manager 12/06/2018
NPS Manager 09/14/2020
TCS_DAQ Manager 09/14/2020
TCS_Meetings Manager 09/24/2020
TCS_Simulation Manager 09/14/2020
TCS_target Manager 09/14/2020
NPS Calorimeter Manager 02/01/2023
NPS DAQ Manager 09/25/2023
NPS FADC DC current Manager 05/15/2023
NPS Scalers Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HMS Manager 03/24/2023
NPS HMS boiling Manager 10/02/2023
NPS HMS Cerenkov Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HMS drift chamber calibration Manager 10/02/2023
NPS HMS hodoscope Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HMS Optics Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HMS Shower Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HMS trigger Manager 09/25/2023
NPS HV Manager 01/13/2023
NPS led Manager 01/13/2023
NPS runplan Manager 08/17/2023
NPS safety documents Manager 02/01/2023
NPS clustering Manager 10/02/2023
NPS farm setup Manager 07/13/2023
NPS shift website Manager 08/15/2023
NPS simulation Manager 02/22/2024
Target studies Manager 05/03/2024
SBS Software Developer 05/26/2017
SoLID Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID Software Developer 05/21/2017
SoLID Geometry Developer 05/21/2017
SoLID Reconstruction Developer 05/21/2017
SoLID Simulations Developer 05/21/2017
SoLID DAQ Manager 06/05/2019
SoLID ECal Manager 11/13/2020
January 2022 test run Manager 09/21/2021
SoLID MRPC Manager 08/15/2024
SoLID preRD Manager 09/23/2019
Compton counting DAQ readout Manager 04/23/2020
SoLID-muons Manager 11/01/2022
SoLID CLFV Manager 11/01/2022
SoLID CLFV simulation Manager 11/08/2022
SoLID CLFV background Manager 11/08/2022
SoLID CLFV Event generator Manager 11/01/2022
SoLID CLFV muon identification Manager 11/08/2022
DDVCS-detectors Manager 11/01/2022
DDVCS-vertex Manager 11/01/2022
DDVCS events Manager 11/01/2022
ddvcs-electron-id Manager 11/01/2022
DDVCS_partons Manager 04/05/2023
DDVCS_PAC51_proposal Manager 02/01/2023
Experimental setup Manager 02/07/2023
Intro/Physics case Manager 02/07/2023
Simulation, prediction results Manager 02/07/2023
SULI Manager 05/27/2020
Austin Kuntz Manager 05/30/2023
Dillon Babor Manager 05/30/2023
HCAL TOF Manager 06/03/2022
Victoria White Manager 05/30/2023
Tensor Manager 02/16/2024