


Analysis Tasks » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Jacob Murphy, 09/25/2022 06:55 AM) → Revision 4/70 (Jacob Murphy, 09/25/2022 06:55 AM)


 h1. Analysis Tasks 

 | *Fall 2021/Summer 2022 Run* | %{background:lightgreen}Completed% | 
 | *Calibrations* | %{background:yellow}Ongoing% | 
 | *Efficiencies and offsets* | %{background:orange}On Deck% | 
 | *First iteration of cross section* | %{background:red}To Do% | 
 | *Fine tuning cross section iteration* | %{background:red}To Do% | 
 | *Form factor extraction* | %{background:red}To Do% | 

 This is a summary page with the progress of the PionLT experiment. Above is a quick outline of our current progress. Below are tasks assigned to members of the group. Anyone who is part of the group may contribute to a task with suggestions and/or updates on progress. Please contact the assignee on a task-by-task basis for any queries. Anyone with general questions can contact Jacob Murphy ( 

 h2. +Ongoing+ 

 **%{background:cyan}Complete by End of 2022%** 

 h3. Calibrations "Calibrations" **%{background:cyan}In Progress%** 

 * Calorimeter 
 ** Junaid 

 * Aerogel 
 ** Jacob 

 * HGCer 
 ** Nathan/Jacob 

 * NGCer 

 * HMS Cer 
 ** Nathan 

 ** Junaid 

 * HMS+SHMS Hodoscope 
 ** Dave Mack/Carlos Yero/Jacob 
 ** 2021 SHMS calibrations in good shape