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Jacob Murphy, 10/06/2022 07:42 AM

Analysis Tasks

Fall 2021/Summer 2022 Run Completed
Calibrations Ongoing
Efficiencies and offsets On Deck
First iteration of cross section To Do
Fine tuning cross section iteration To Do
Form factor extraction To Do

This is a summary page with the progress of the PionLT experiment. Above is a quick outline of our current progress. Below are tasks assigned to members of the group. Anyone who is part of the group may contribute to a task with suggestions and/or updates on progress. Please contact the assignee on a task-by-task basis for any queries. Anyone with general questions can contact Jacob Murphy ().


Complete by End of 2022

Calibrations In Progress

  • Kinematic Check
    • Jacob
    • Ensure Kinematics are correctly labeled in analysis
  • Timing Cuts
    • Jacob
    • ADC/TDC timing windows should be checked/applied for all run periods
    • Junaid
    • Carlos worked on this analysis, finding drift times card-by-card
  • HGCer
    • Nathan/Jacob
    • Find SPE peak (low event run)
  • NGCer
    • Nathan/Jacob
    • No SPE peak to find
    • Check width of peak (high event run)
      • width is root n of mean value
    • Script is available (Cameron C. did it for XEM 2)
  • HMS Cer
    • Nathan
    • Find the SPE peak
  • Aerogel
    • Jacob
  • HMS+SHMS Hodoscope
    • Dave Mack/Carlos Yero/Jacob
    • 2021 SHMS calibrations in good shape
    • 2021 HMS calibrations should be double-checked
    • 2022 HMS and SHMS calibrations should ideally be done with defocused and maintain throughout the run period
  • Saturation Corrections to Optical Matrices
    • Jacob
    • HMS 6.6 GeV
      • Carbon-Sieve
        • DONE
      • Elastic Delta Scan
        • DONE
    • HMS 6.8 GeV
      • Carbon-Sieve
        • In-progress
      • Elastic Delta Scan
        • To-do
    • HMS 5.9 GeV
      • Carbon-Sieve
        • To-do
      • Elastic Delta Scan
        • To-do
    • HMS 5.6 GeV
      • Carbon-Sieve
        • To-do
      • Elastic Delta Scan
        • To-do
    • SHMS 8.0 GeV
      • Jacob needs to meet with Holly/Mark to confirm procedure here
      • Carbon-Sieve
        • To-do
      • Elastic Delta Scan
        • To-do
  • Boiling Studies
    • Jacob
    • 2022 Single-arm studies
    • fADC Mode 10 Deadtime studes (COIN scan)
    • Other luminosity scans
  • Offsets from HeeP Coin/Singles data

Updated by Jacob Murphy almost 2 years ago · 7 revisions