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Stephen Kay, 01/19/2021 05:05 PM

JLab Farm Information

Included below is some information and resources regarding working with the PionLT data on the JLab farm.

General Farm Resources

Summer 2019 Run Info

The Summer 2019 data was stored alongside the earlier KaonLT data. The data can be found in -

  • /mss/hallc/spring17/raw/ - Raw data for 2019 PionLT run
  • /mss/hallc/kaonlt/ - Analysed data
  • /volatile/hallc/c-kaonlt/ - Temporary analysed data

Access to these directories is via the "c-comm2017" group

2021 Run Info

For the 2021 PionLT run, a new group was created, along with numerous new directories -

  • New unix group: 'c-pionlt'
  • New Farm/Auger project: c-pionlt
    • Use this Project name for simulation (and later analysis) jobs on the Farm
  • Disk resources:
    • /volatile/c-pionlt/ - directory, 6 TB high quota; 2 TB Guarantee
    • /group/c-pionlt/ - directory (100GB quota)
      • snapshotted hourly; backed up automatically, use for analysis scripts, etc.
    • /work/hallc/c-pionlt/ - directory (1TB quota)
      • NOT backed up in any way
      • Has some small-file/performance benefits (but this doesn't really apply to hcana/podd analysis)
      • Not super useful in a modern workflow (mostly historical), but it's there if you want it.
      • Not intended for rootfile output or to store extra copies of CODA files, etc.
      • Good for large source code bases (that are 'backed up' on an external git repo, for example)
      • OK for modestly sized simulation output perhaps, though /volatile is still best.
    • New Tape/disk allocations:
      • /mss/hallc/c-pionlt/raw - tape volume for raw data output
      • /mss/hallc/c-pionlt/analysis - tape volume for analysis output

Updated by Stephen Kay over 3 years ago · 7 revisions