


Analysis Tasks » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Richard Trotta, 07/11/2019 11:34 AM) → Revision 2/174 (Richard Trotta, 07/11/2019 11:40 AM)

h1. Analysis Tasks 

 | *Fall 2018/Spring 2019 Run* | %{background:lightgreen}Completed% | 
 | *Calibrations* | %{background:yellow}Ongoing% | 
 | *Efficiencies and offsets* | %{background:orange}On deck% %{background:red}To Do% | 
 | *First iteration of cross section* | %{background:red}To Do% | 
 | *Fine tuning cross section iteration* | %{background:red}To Do% | 
 | *Form factor extraction* | %{background:red}To Do% | 

 h2. +Ongoing+ [Calibrations] 

 h3. Calorimeter (Hamlet) 

 h3. Aerogel (Mireille/Vladimir) 

 h3. HGCer (Garth/Vijay) 

 h3. HMS Cer (Mireille) 

 h3. HMS DC (Stephen) 

 h3. SHMS DC (Richard) 

 h3. Hodoscope (Mireille/Nathan/Vijay) 

 h3. timing windows and reference times (Richard/Stephen) 

 h2. +On deck+ [Efficiencies and offsets] 

 h3. Luminosity 

 h3. Elastics