


Analysis Tasks » History » Version 31

Richard Trotta, 11/26/2019 10:59 AM

1 8 Richard Trotta
3 1 Richard Trotta
h1. Analysis Tasks
| *Fall 2018/Spring 2019 Run* | %{background:lightgreen}Completed% |
| *Calibrations* | %{background:yellow}Ongoing% |
7 30 Richard Trotta
| *Efficiencies and offsets* | %{background:yellow}Ongoing% |
| *First iteration of cross section* | %{background:orange}On deck% |
9 1 Richard Trotta
| *Fine tuning cross section iteration* | %{background:red}To Do% |
| *Form factor extraction* | %{background:red}To Do% |
11 20 Richard Trotta
12 26 Richard Trotta
This is a summary page with the progress of the KaonLT experiment. Above is a quick outline of our current progress. Below are tasks assigned to members of the group. Anyone who is part of the group may contribute to a task with suggestions and/or updates on progress. Please contact the assignee on a task-by-task basis for any queries. Anyone with general questions can contact Richard Trotta (
13 17 Richard Trotta
14 13 Richard Trotta
h2. +Ongoing+ ["Calibrations":] 
15 2 Richard Trotta
16 27 Richard Trotta
h3. "Timing windows and reference times":
17 23 Richard Trotta
* Richard/Stephen
19 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
20 23 Richard Trotta
21 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "Calorimeter":
22 1 Richard Trotta
23 25 Richard Trotta
* Hamlet/Richard/Hakob/Stephen/Vladimir/Vardan
24 4 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:yellow}Ongoing%
25 1 Richard Trotta
26 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "Aerogel":
27 1 Richard Trotta
28 16 Richard Trotta
* Vladimir
29 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
30 1 Richard Trotta
31 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "HGCer":
32 2 Richard Trotta
33 11 Richard Trotta
* Garth/Vijay
34 4 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:yellow}Ongoing%
35 1 Richard Trotta
36 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "HMS Cer":
37 1 Richard Trotta
38 16 Richard Trotta
* Richard/Ali?/Vijay?
39 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
40 1 Richard Trotta
41 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "HMS DC":
42 4 Richard Trotta
* Stephen
44 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
45 4 Richard Trotta
46 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "SHMS DC":
47 4 Richard Trotta
48 24 Richard Trotta
* Richard/Stephen
49 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
50 4 Richard Trotta
51 14 Richard Trotta
h3. "Hodoscope":
52 4 Richard Trotta
53 28 Richard Trotta
* Vijay/Ali
54 31 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:lightgreen}Completed%
55 4 Richard Trotta
56 3 Richard Trotta
h2. +On deck+ [Efficiencies and offsets] 
57 2 Richard Trotta
58 4 Richard Trotta
h3. Luminosity 
59 2 Richard Trotta
60 30 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:yellow}Ongoing%
61 1 Richard Trotta
h3. Elastics 
63 30 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:yellow}Ongoing%
h3. First iteration of cross section
67 4 Richard Trotta
* Status %{background:orange}On deck%
69 22 Richard Trotta
h2. +Completed+