



Ole Hansen

Analyzer Hands-On Tutorial with E08-027 (g2p) replay

03/03/2018 03:38 PM

Hands-on tutorial presented at the Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop on January 14, 2015, using Podd 1.5.28.

Intended to be run on JLab ifarm systems. Database and replay scripts are configured for experiment E08-027 (g2p). Requires raw data file /mss/halla/g2p/raw/g2p_3132.dat.0...

Hands-On Tutorial with E12-07-108 (GMp) replay

03/05/2018 09:15 AM

Hands-on tutorial presented on April 11, 2016, using Podd 1.6.0-beta1

Intended to be run on JLab ifarm systems. Database and replay scripts are configured for experiment E12-07-108 (GMp). Requires raw data files /mss/halla/gmp12/raw/gmp_21960.dat.0 and /mss/halla/gmp12/raw/gmp_22110.dat.0.

ROOT Tips & Tricks for Beginners

05/23/2018 07:15 AM

Introductory tutorial to the ROOT data analysis framework. Covers the C++ interpreter, Python bindings, functions, graphs, histograms, fitting, and basic analysis of n-tuple-like trees. Intended to be run interactively, so access to a ROOT 6 installation with Python support (preferably Python 3) is recommended. Accompanying files can be downloaded from the companion GitHub repository.

Hall A/C Data Analysis Workshop Talk Slides

06/26/2018 01:20 PM