


Analysis Getting Started » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 10:30 AM) → Revision 12/25 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 10:31 AM)

h1. Analysis Getting Started 

 These instructions are specific to the analyzer and SBS-offline installations existing under /work/halla/sbs, maintained by Andrew Puckett. 


 h1. How to Reach the SBS Work Directory 

 * Log in to the JLab ifarm 
 * The SBS work directory is located at /work/halla/sbs 
 ** Created a directory here with @mkdir username@ 
 ** If you do not have permission contact Ole Hansen ( and ask to be added to the SBS user group. 

 h1. Setting up Environments 

 * If you want to set up your own personal analyzer you can look here 

 h1. Getting Files from Cache 

 * All raw EVIO files from GMn are on tape at @/mss/halla/sbs@ 
 * Cached EVIO files are located at @/cache/halla/sbs@ 
 * To write files from tape to cache see documentation here, 
 ** For example, to get all EVIO splits from run runnumber in GMn to cache execute @jcache get /mss/halla/sbs/raw/*runnumber*@ 

 h1. Setting up the SBS Replay 

 * If you do not plan to make changes to the replay code you can simply use the version located at @/work/halla/sbs/SBS_OFFLINE@ and @/work/halla/sbs/SBS_REPLAY@ 
 * The SBS analysis is located at and 
 ** You can copy the github versions to your own work directory, if you plan to make your own changes to the analysis 

 h2. SBS Installation 

 * Follow the README instructions on to install SBS-offline. 
 * After installing, there should be a directory, @install/run_replay_here@. 
 * Inside there should be one file named @.rootrc@ (it is a hidden file). 
 ** Wherever you run the replay, this file must be there to load the SBS-offline libraries. Either run your replays here, or move the @.rootrc@ file to the new destination. 


 h2. SBS Replay Environments 

 * The following lines should be used in a script to define where the data data, and output files should be located 
 setenv SBS_REPLAY path-to-your-replay/SBS-replay 
 setenv DATA_DIR /cache/mss/halla/sbs/raw 
 setenv OUT_DIR path-to-your-volatile/rootfiles 
 setenv LOG_DIR path-to-your-volatile/logs 
 * @DATA_DIR@ DATA_DIR tells the replay where the EVIO files are. 
 * @OUT_DIR@ OUT_DIR tells the replay where to put the output ROOT files.