


Analysis Getting Started » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 10:23 AM) → Revision 9/25 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 10:27 AM)

h1. Analysis Getting Started 

 These instructions are specific to the analyzer and SBS-offline installations existing under /work/halla/sbs, maintained by Andrew Puckett. 


 h1. How to Reach the SBS Work Directory 

 * Log in to the JLab ifarm 
 * The SBS work directory is located at /work/halla/sbs 
 ** Created a directory here with @mkdir username@ 
 ** If you do not have permission contact Ole Hansen ( and ask to be added to the SBS user group. 

 h1. Setting up Environments 

 * If you want to set up your own personal analyzer you can look here 

 h1. Getting Files from Cache 

 * All raw EVIO files from GMn are on tape at @/mss/halla/sbs@ 
 * Cached EVIO files are located at @/cache/halla/sbs@ 
 * To write files from tape to cache see documentation here, 
 ** For example, to get all EVIO splits from run runnumber in GMn to cache execute @jcache get /mss/halla/sbs/raw/*runnumber*@ 

 h1. Setting up the SBS Replay 

 * If you do not plan to make changes to the replay code you can simply use the version located at @/work/halla/sbs/SBS_OFFLINE@ and @/work/halla/sbs/SBS_REPLAY@ 
 * The SBS analysis is located at and 
 ** You can copy the github versions to your own work directory, if you plan to make your own changes to the analysis 

 h2. SBS Installation 

 Follow the README instructions on to install SBS-offline. 
 After installing, there should be a directory, install/run_replay_here 
 Inside there should be one file named .rootrc (it is a hidden file). 
 Wherever you run the replay, this file must be there to load the SBS-offline libraries. Either run your replays here, or move the .rootrc file to the new destination.