


Database Parameters » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 03:57 PM) → Revision 14/56 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 04:25 PM)

h1. Database Parameters 


 h1. Naming Convention 

 Add description later 

 h1. GEM DB Variables 

 * *bb.gem.m#.position* bb.gem.m*.position - Position of the center of the module relative to the first module in the 
 * *bb.gem.m#.angle* • bb.gem.m*.angle - Angle of the module. 
 * *bb.gem.m#.maxstrip_t0* • bb.gem.m*.maxstrip t0 - Mean time where good strips are expected. This is only applied to the 
 maximum strip. 
 * *bb.gem.m#.maxstrip_tcut* • bb.gem.m*.maxstrip tcut - Cut around mean time (above) where good strip times are expected. 
 i.e. good strips will have a time that is within t0 ± tcut. This is only applied to the maximum strip. 
 * *bb.gem.addstrip_tcut* • bb.gem.addstrip tcut - When forming clusters all strips in the cluster must have a time difference 
 between them and the max strip that is less than this value. 
 * *bb.gem.addstrip_ccor cut* • bb.gem.addstrip ccor cut - ADC correlation between strips and the max strips in a cluster must 
 be greater than this number. 
 * *bb.gem.m#.threshold_sample* • bb.gem.m*.threshold sample - Maximum ADC time sample for a strip must be above this 
 * *bb.gem.m#.threshold_stripsum* • bb.gem.m*.threshold stripsum - Strip time sample ADC sum must be above this threshold. 
 * *bb.gem.m#.threshold_clustersum* • bb.gem.m*.threshold clustersum - ADC sum of all strip sums in a cluster must be above this 
 * *bb.gem.m#.ugain* • bb.gem.m*.ugain - Gain of each APV card on the U axis of this module. 
 * *bb.gem.m#.vgain* • bb.gem.m*.vgain - Gain of each APV card on the V axis of this module. 
 * *bb.frontconstraint_x0* • bb.frontconstraint x0 - Calorimeter front constraint mean x position. 
 * *bb.frontconstraint_y0* • bb.frontconstraint y0 - Calorimeter front constraint mean y position. 
 * *bb.backconstraint_x0* • bb.backconstraint x0 - Calorimeter back constraint mean x position. 
 * *bb.backconstraint_y0* • bb.backconstraint y0 - Calorimeter back constraint mean y position. 
 * *bb.frontconstraintwidth_x* • bb.frontconstraintwidth x - Calorimeter front constraint x width. 
 * *bb.frontconstraintwidth_y* • bb.frontconstraintwidth y - Calorimeter front constraint y width. 
 * *bb.backconstraintwidth_x* • bb.backconstraintwidth x - Calorimeter back constraint x width. 
 * *bb.backconstraintwidth_x* • bb.backconstraintwidth x - Calorimeter back constraint y width.