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Anuruddha Rathnayake Mudiyanselage, 05/24/2023 03:25 PM

Database Parameters

Naming Convention

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GEM DB Variables

The GEM modules are listed iteratively as m0, m1, m2, etc. Therefore the DB parameters that are specific to modules will also follow this labeling. To simplify things here we will list DB parameters with m# to denote that this parameter is set for each module.

  • bb.gem.modules - Defines the number of individual GEM modules in the entire tracking stack. List them in the form "m0 m1 m2 . . mn"
  • bb.gem.m#.position - Position of the center of the module relative to the first module in the stack (m0) in meters. The coordinate system used is +x - vertical down, +y - beam left direction, and +z - downstream/direction of particle motion.
  • bb.gem.m#.angle - Angle of the module with respect to the m0.
  • bb.gem.m#.size - Dimensions of the the module in meters. Uses the same coordinates as the bb.gem.m#.position parameter.
  • bb.gem.m#.maxstrip_t0 - Mean time where good strips are expected. This is only applied to the maximum strip.
  • bb.gem.m#.maxstrip_tcut - Cut around mean time (above) where good strip times are expected. i.e. good strips will have a time that is within t0 ± tcut. This is only applied to the maximum strip.
  • bb.gem.addstrip_tcut - When forming clusters all strips in the cluster must have a time difference between them and the max strip that is less than this value.
  • bb.gem.addstrip_ccor cut - ADC correlation between strips and the max strips in a cluster must be greater than this number.
  • bb.gem.m#.threshold_sample - Maximum ADC time sample for a strip must be above this threshold.
  • bb.gem.m#.threshold_stripsum - Strip time sample ADC sum must be above this threshold.
  • bb.gem.m#.threshold_clustersum - ADC sum of all strip sums in a cluster must be above this threshold.
  • bb.gem.m#.ugain - Gain of each APV card on the U axis of this module.
  • bb.gem.m#.vgain - Gain of each APV card on the V axis of this module.
  • bb.frontconstraint_x0 - Calorimeter front constraint mean x position.
  • bb.frontconstraint_y0 - Calorimeter front constraint mean y position.
  • bb.backconstraint_x0 - Calorimeter back constraint mean x position.
  • bb.backconstraint_y0 - Calorimeter back constraint mean y position.
  • bb.frontconstraintwidth_x - Calorimeter front constraint x width.
  • bb.frontconstraintwidth_y - Calorimeter front constraint y width.
  • bb.backconstraintwidth_x - Calorimeter back constraint x width.
  • bb.backconstraintwidth_x - Calorimeter back constraint y width.

Updated by Anuruddha Rathnayake Mudiyanselage almost 2 years ago · 22 revisions