Replay Output Variables » History » Revision 18
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Sean Jeffas, 05/10/2023 05:25 PM
Replay Output Variables¶
- One can search any working build of SBS-offline or Podd for “rVarDef” to find the location of these definitions.
- From the build src directory: grep -nr “rvardef*” .
- All definitions below are recorded in the following order: { <variable extension>, <Definition>, <SBS-offline designation> }
Tracking Definition¶
- These definitions are defined in Podd. See github [].
- THaSpectrometer.cxx
- All definitions below are accesed from the tree with the prepend
- Ex.
Track Variables¶
{ "tr.n", "Number of tracks", "GetNTracks()" }, { "tr.x", "Track x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fX" }, { "tr.y", "Track x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fY" }, { "", "Tangent of track theta angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTheta" }, { "", "Tangent of track phi angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fPhi" }, { "tr.p", "Track momentum (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fP" }, { "tr.flag", "Track status flag", "fTracks.THaTrack.fFlag" }, { "tr.chi2", "Track's chi2 from hits", "fTracks.THaTrack.fChi2" }, { "tr.ndof", "Track's NDoF", "fTracks.THaTrack.fNDoF" }, { "tr.d_x", "Detector x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDX" }, { "tr.d_y", "Detector y coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDY" }, { "tr.d_th", "Detector tangent of theta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDTheta" }, { "tr.d_ph", "Detector tangent of phi", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDPhi" }, { "tr.r_x", "Rotated x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRX" }, { "tr.r_y", "Rotated y coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRY" }, { "tr.r_th", "Rotated tangent of theta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRTheta" }, { "tr.r_ph", "Rotated tangent of phi", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRPhi" }, { "tr.tg_y", "Target y coordinate", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTY"}, { "tr.tg_th", "Tangent of target theta angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTTheta"}, { "tr.tg_ph", "Tangent of target phi angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTPhi"}, { "tr.tg_dp", "Target delta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDp"}, { "tr.px", "Lab momentum x (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPx()"}, { "", "Lab momentum y (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPy()"}, { "tr.pz", "Lab momentum z (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPz()"}, { "tr.vx", "Vertex x (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexX()"}, { "tr.vy", "Vertex y (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexY()"}, { "tr.vz", "Vertex z (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexZ()"}, { "tr.pathl", "Pathlength from tg to fp (m)","fTracks.THaTrack.GetPathLen()"}, { "tr.time", "Time of track@Ref Plane (s)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetTime()"}, { "tr.dtime", "uncer of time (s)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetdTime()"}, { "tr.beta", "Beta of track", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetBeta()"}, { "tr.dbeta", "uncertainty of beta", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetdBeta()"}, { "status", "Bits of completed analysis stages", "fStagesDone" }
HCal Variable Definitions¶
- These definitions from the following source files defined in SBS-offline. See github for more information.
- SBSCalorimeter.cxx
- SBSGenericDetector.cxx
- All definitions below are accessed from the tree with the prepend sbs.hcal.
- Ex. sbs.hcal.clus_blk.atime
ADC Variables¶
{ "adcrow", "Row for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCrow" }), { "adccol", "Col for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCcol" }), { "adcelemID", "Element ID for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCelemID" }), { "adclayer", "Layer for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADClayer" }), { "ped", "Pedestal for block in data vectors", "fGood.ped" }), { "a","ADC integral", "fGood.a"} ); { "a_mult","ADC # hits in channel", "fGood.a_mult"} ); { "a_p","ADC integral - ped", "fGood.a_p"} ); { "a_c","(ADC integral - ped)*gain", "fGood.a_c"} ); { "a_amp","ADC pulse amplitude", "fGood.a_amp"} ); { "a_amp_p","ADC pulse amplitude -ped", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amp_c","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*gain*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amptrig_p","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amptrig_c","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*gain*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_time","ADC pulse time", "fGood.a_time"} ); { "hits.a", "All ADC inntegrals", "fRaw.a" }); { "hits.a_amp", "All ADC amplitudes", "fRaw.a_amp" }); { "hits.a_time", "All ADC pulse times", "fRaw.a_time" });
ADC Waveform Variables¶
{ "samps_idx", "Index in samples vector for given row-col module", "fGood.sidx" }); { "nsamps" , "Number of samples for given row-col", "fGood.nsamps"}); { "samps", "Calibrated ADC samples", "fGood.samps" }); { "samps_elemID", "Calibrated ADC samples", "fGood.samps_elemID" });
Updated by Sean Jeffas almost 2 years ago · 18 revisions