


Wiki » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 10:53 AM) → Revision 10/22 (Sean Jeffas, 05/11/2023 11:10 AM)

h1. Wiki 


 h1. Resources 

 * [[Documentation]] 
 * "SBS-offline git repository": 
 * "SBS-replay git repository": 


 h1. Useful Links 

 GMn analysis Redmine project: "Link": 
 nTPE analysis Redmine project: "Link": 

 SBS private DocDB (requires login): "Link": 
 Google Doc for Provakar's "Good Run List" of '''GMN production data''' organized by target: "Link":  

 Google Doc for "SBS Run List" of '''all GMN runs organized by kinematic setting''': "Link": 

 Google Doc for "GEN Run List" of '''all GEN runs organized by kinematic setting''': "Link": 

 Google Doc for "Good Run List" of '''GEN production data''': "Link": 
 Link to wiki page of run list containing information for SBS-1 kinematics: "run log": Old wiki-based 

 Google sheet with the schedule for rotating student progress reports: "Link": 

 Google sheet with Andrew's high-level TODO/wishlist for SBS/GMN analysis software: "Link (view only, contact Andrew for write permission)": 

 Google sheet with Zeke's List of GEM Logs (In-Progress): " Link (view only, contact Zeke for write permission)": 

 GMN/nTPE target info: "Link": 

 "Proposals (GMn & nTPE)": 

 SBS project proposal "Link": 

 "Jeff Lachniet's PhD thesis (2005)":, Details of Hall B GMN analysis 

 "Lachniet et al. PRL 2009 (GMN from CLAS at 6 GeV)": 

 h1. Links to useful git repositories 

 "analyzer": Hall A analysis framework, and "Wiki": 

 "g4sbs": MC simulation framework for SBS experiments. "Documentation": 

 "libsbsdig": Digitization library for g4sbs outputs. "Documentation": 

 "SBS-offline": Reconstruction framework for SBS. 

 "SBS-replay": Detector DB files, replay scripts, QA plot scripts, online monitoring plot configs, etc for SBS. 

 "SBS-ANA": Standalone Beam related calibration and analysis framework. 

 "BBCal replay": Standalone BBCAL calibration and analysis framework. "How-To": 

 "HCal replay": Standalone HCAL calibration and analysis framework. 

 "SBSGEM standalone": Standalone GEM analysis framework. The machinery has been migrated to SBS-offline. 

 "BB Optics": BigBite optics calibration code.