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Alexandre Camsonne, 01/14/2021 10:17 AM
Daily Reports¶
Jixie 9:04 PMdaily report 1/13/2021
A busy and tired day! At least our DAQ is ready to take beam with our own trigger!
- Start installation from 7AM. Finished installing detectors and cabling by 1PM
- Put the rack in the control room so no access needed for daq work. Our daq machines are also in the control room.
- David came to site. Help a lot in setting up computers. Xinzhan and I are working on detectors and daq cabling. Both desktops are online. CODA runs well.
- Operational Readiness Clearance (ORC) meeting started from 1 PM. Detectors are all good. However, JLab made VME cards were suggested to change fuse at the beginning...... After some long negotiation, we were requested to put kapton tape to cover the power interface. We also received some suggestions to run the experiment safely. We might get all signature by tomorrow
- We connected HV and signal cables to the patch panel. All PMT signals have been checked using an oscilloscope. All detectors work well. We do not have enough time to modify daq to take the FTBF trigger. FTBF has 3 channels for Cherenkov, none of them add into our FADC yet. (Need to find cable and do fan in fan out...) MWPC daq does not have a veto input, it can not take our busy status immediately. We have to form a new trigger then feed it. We will do this in the morning of Thursday.
- Accelerator is down. One magnet is not functioning. They are waiting for the radiation to cool down so they can fix it tomorrow morning. Beam might be available in the afternoon.
- Do FTBF controlled access leader training in Thursday morning 9AM
- MWPC daq is a well integrated machine (looks like a laptop). It does not provide L1A signal. We need to learn deep about this system to find out a possible way to take thrit L1A. We will then veto it using out busy status. Need to spend time here Thursday.
- connect cherenkov into our FADC.
Pictures under useful pictures with prefix 20200113_xx
Updated by Alexandre Camsonne about 4 years ago · 7 revisions