


Hallc beamtest runlist 18deg » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Jixie Zhang, 03/09/2023 12:50 PM) → Revision 3/5 (Jixie Zhang, 03/15/2023 09:50 AM)


 h1. Hallc beamtest runlist 18deg 

 ==================== Start of 18 deg =================================== 

 4286 - 4293 GEM cosmic  

 20230221 Work done in the Hall or the counting house: 

 1) Moved bunker to new location, push detector stand & table to 18deg. Align the table to the target with laser pen. 
 2) GEM detectors:  
     A) Use NEW LV cable which can connect to the LV board in the MPOD crate 
     B) Install 1x1 foot poly shileding 
     C) Align the trigger latency for all 4 triggers within 20ns 
 3) SC, PreShower and Shower detectors: 
     A) Change triggers TS2 as "SC_D & SC_B", TS3 as "SC_A & SC_D", remove TS5 
     B) Connect SC_A,SC_B,SC_C and SC_D to x10 multiplier 
     C) Align trigger latency between TS1,TS2,TS3 and TS4 within 4ns using function generator 
     D) Increase LASPD HVs by 10% from (T,B)=(800,900)    to (880,990) 
     E) Preshower averaged pulse height is ~40ADC, increase their HVs(L,R,T) from (1470,1740,1680) to (1515,1800,1730), 
     which is determined from the cosmic and gain matched on Jan 11th.           
 4) Do pedestal run for FADC without HVs. FADC configuration file is updated to match the above changes and the new pedestal.  

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 4297-4298     pedestal, beam off, HV off, pulse trigger 
 4299-4300     trash, SSP lost connection 
 4301-4302     pedestal, beam off, HV on, using hallc_fadc config (without GEM), pulse trigger 
 4303-4304     trash 
 4305          pedestal, beam on, HV off, pulse trigger 
 4306          pedestal, beam on, only SC_C HV is on (ch B.06), pulse trigger 
 4307          trash, ssp error, TS4, PS4=10, Beam on, all HVs on,threshold 200mV  

 5uA beam on target hole 

 pulse trigger for 300k events, for pedestal with beam on and HV on 
 4308      pedestal, Beam on, all HVs on, pulse trigger, rate=3.7kHz  
 4309      pedestal, Beam on, all HVs on, pulse trigger, rate=3.7kHz  
 4310      pedestal, Beam on, all HVs on, pulse trigger, rate=3.7kHz  

 no pulse trigger 
 4311-4314    trash 

 ===Run plan=== 
 start with TS4, PS=10,    determine the prescale factor by scan the threshold,  
 then take data for each trigger bit to determine peak time 
 TS4,    Threshold=40mV, set proper PS4 such that rate=3kHz to take one run 
 TS3,    Threshold 50mV & 50mV, determine PS3 then take one run  
 TS2,    Threshold 50mV & 50mV, determine PS2 then take one run  
 TS1,    Threshold 50mV & 50mV, determine PS1 then take one run 
 Set proper PS1,PS2,PS3 and PS4, take 2 runs with all triggers  

 ==5uA beam on C12 target hole, all HVs on 
 4315      TS4, PS4=10, scan threshold from 300mV to 20mV to check rate to determine threshold  
 4316      TS4, PS4=0, threshold 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.4kHz 
 Increase HVs for SC_D,SC_A,SC_B by 50V to match what has been used in 7deg: (1150,1550,1650)  

 ==5uA beam on C12 target hole, all HVs on 
 4317      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.4kHz,   
 4318      TS3, PS3=0, threshold: 36mV(SC_A) & 36mV(SC_D), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated 
 4319      TS3, PS3=0, threshold: 50mV(SC_A) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated 

 ==10uA beam on LH2 target 
 We found that SC_B is saturated easily at 1650V HV, so we decreased it to 1550V, this will affect TS2 
 TS4    threshold: 20mV(ShowerSum), (rate=40kHz without PS) 

 4320      TS3, PS3=5,    threshold: 50mV(SC_A) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated    (600kHz without PS) 
 4321      TS3, PS3=7,    threshold: 50mV(SC_A) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated 
 4322      TS3, PS3=10, threshold: 50mV(SC_A) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=0.6kHz,  
 4323      TS3, PS3=8,    threshold: 50mV(SC_A) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=2.4kHz,  
 4324      TS2, PS2=4,    threshold: 50mV(SC_B) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=1.1kHz,  
 4325      TS2, PS2=3,    threshold: 50mV(SC_B) & 50mV(SC_D), rate=2.0kHz,    (26kHz without PS) 
 4326      TS2, PS2=3,    threshold: 36mV(SC_B) & 36mV(SC_D), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated (40kHz without PS) 
 4327      TS1, PS1=2,    threshold: 35mV(CerSum, 2pe) & 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz, daq saturated (14kHz without PS @ 15uA beam current), 
 4328      TS1, PS1=3,    threshold: 35mV(CerSum, 2pe) & 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=0.4kHz @ 5uA beam current 
 no beam ...... to be continued 

 Threshold Guidence:  
 1) ShowerSum:    MIP is at ~470 ADC, which is 40MeV.    Shower sampling is 20%. Therefore 1 GeV electron will have ~2350 ADC in integral. 
 The averaged Integral/Height for ShowerSum is 8.2, Note that 1ADC=0.488mV, therefore the threshold corresponding to 2350 ADC 
 integral is 0.488*2350/8.2 = 140 mV.   

 Sugggested threshold for ShowerSum: 
 To cut off 1 GeV electron:    140mV 
 To cut off 500MeV electron:    70mV 
 To keep low energy photon background: 10mV 

 140mV can only cut off 50% 1 GeV electrons.  
 To Cut of 99.7% of 1 GeV electrons (3-sigma), we need to apply threshold:    0.488*2350/(8.23-3*0.7345) = 190mV 
 To include 99.7% of 1GeV electrons: 0.488*2350/(8.23+3*0.7345) = 110mV 
 To include 95% of 1GeV electrons: 0.488*2350/(8.23+2*0.7345) = 118mV    ---> rounded to 120mV 

 2) TS2: Half MIP: SC_B=45mV, SC_D=35mV    (By Jx: SC_B(1650V)=57mV, SC_D(1150V)=34mV) 
 3) TS3: Half MIP: SC_A=35mV, SC_D=35mV    (By Jx: SC_A(1550V)=31mV, SC_D(1150V)=34mV) 

 ==40uA at gold target== 
 TS1: CerSum(35mV or 72adc, 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV or 143adc, 500MeV electron);  
 TS2: SC_D(50mV or 410adc) &    SC_B(50mV or 410adc);  
      or SC_D(36mV or 295adc) &    SC_B(36mV or 295adc);  
      or SC_D(20mV or 164adc) &    SC_B(20mV or 164adc);  
 TS3: SC_D(50mV or 410adc) &    SC_A(50mV or 410adc); 
 TS4: ShowerSum(140mV or 287adc, 1GeV electron); 
      or (70mV or 143adc, 500MeV electron); 
      or (20mV or 41adc, 70% MIP); 
 TS5: N/A. 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mV or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input. 

 ==hallc_fadc config, no GEMs== 
 4329      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @40uA, Shower detectors partly saturated,    170k events 
 4330      TS4, PS4=5, threshold: 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.9kHz @40uA, 860k events 
 4331      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 140mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.1kHz @40uA, 1.6M events 
 4332      TS1, PS1=0, threshold: CerSum(35mV, or 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV or 500MeV electron), rate=5.0kHz @40uA, 1.1M events 
         Cherenkov or Shower detectors are partly saturated.    TS1 have maximum rate (9kHz) at 25uA.  
 4333      TS1, PS1=0, threshold: CerSum(35mV, or 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV or 500MeV electron), rate=5.0kHz, 1.6M events 
         Cherenkov or Shower detectors are partly saturated.    TS1 have maximum rate (9kHz) at 25uA.  
 4334      trash, 
 4335      Low stat, TS4, PS4=10, threshold: 10mV(ShowerSum), rate=0Hz, Shower detector 100% saturated,  
         changed to 20mV threshold at the end to check detector saturation. 14k events 
 4336      TS4, PS4=10, threshold: 20mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.4kHz @40uA, Shower detector partly saturated . 
         TS4 have maximum rate (12.5kHz) at 25uA.     805k events 
 4337      TS2, PS2=10, threshold: 50mV(SC_D) & 50mV(SC_B), rate=5.0kHz @40uA, detectors not saturated. 1.1M events 
 4338      TS2, PS2=10, threshold: 36mV(SC_D) & 36mV(SC_B), rate=5.5kHz @40uA, detectors not saturated. 1.8M events 
 4339      TS2, PS2=10, threshold: 20mV(SC_D) & 20mV(SC_B), rate=3.1kHz @40uA, detectors partly saturated. 947k events 
 4340      Low stat,TS3, PS3=12, threshold: 50mV(SC_D) & 50mV(SC_A), rate=0Hz @40uA, detectors 100% saturated.  
         adjust threshold to 50mV(SC_D) & 150mV(SC_A), rate=0Hz @40uA, detectors still 100% saturated.  

 Adjust SC_B, preshower, LASPD HVs then take data for each trigger bit using the given thresholds  

 Increase LASPD HVs by 50V, SC_B go back to 1600V (was 1650),   
 PreShower(L,R,T) from (1515,1800,1730) to (1600,1800,1700) 
 Shower (L,R,T) from (850,1030,970) to (860,1030,960)  

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 10uA beam on LH2 target 
 TS1: CerSum(35mV or 72adc, 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV or 143adc, 500MeV electron);  
 TS2: SC_D(35mV or 295adc) &    SC_B(35mV or 295adc);  
 TS3: SC_D(35mV or 295adc) &    SC_A(31mV or 410adc); 
 TS4: ShowerSum(15mV or 31adc, 50% MIP); 

 4341      trash, TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum), no beam 11 events 
 4342      trash, ssp time out 
 4343      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum, keep 95% 1GeV electrons), first 300k is pulse trigger, rate=460Hz @6uA  
 4344      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum, keep 95% 1GeV electrons), rate=840Hz @10uA, 150k events  
 4345      TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 70mV(ShowerSum 2.5MIP), rate=3.3kHz @10uA, 639k events, coda crashed at the end  
 4346      TS2, PS2=5, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 35mV(SC_B), rate=3.7kHz @10uA, daq saturated, 750k events  
 4347      TS2, PS2=7, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 35mV(SC_B), rate=1.6kHz @10uA, 469k events  
 4348      TS2, PS2=6, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 35mV(SC_B), rate=3.3kHz @10uA, 753k events  
 4349      TS3, PS3=8, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 31mV(SC_A), rate=3.6kHz @10uA, daq NOT saturated, 956k events  
 4350      TS3, PS3=9, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 31mV(SC_A), rate=1.8kHz @10uA, 986k events  
 4351      TS1, PS1=0, threshold: 35mV(CerSum, 2pe) & 30mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.9kHz @10uA, 2.8M events, coda crashed at the end   
 4352      TS4, PS4=4, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), rate=3.7kHz @10uA, daq saturated, 610k events 
 4353      trash, ssp error 
 4354      trash,    TS4, PS4=5, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), no beam 
 4355      pedestal, beam off HV on   
 4356      pedestal, beam off HV off 
 4357      trash, 
 4358      TS4, PS4=5, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), PreShower(L,R,T) from (1600,1800,1700) to (1600,1810,1700),  
         rate=2.4kHz @10uA,2M events 
 4359      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=2,PS2=8,PS3=10,PS4=6, LH2 target 
         threshold: TS1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(30mV, MIP); TS2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV); 
         TS4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),    PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1810,1700),  
         rate=3.6kHz @10uA, 1.4M events 
 4360      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=2,PS2=8,PS3=10,PS4=6, LH2 target 
         threshold: TS1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); TS2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV); 
         TS4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),    PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1810,1700),  
         rate=3.0kHz @10uA, 34.6M events, beam current sometime go up to 20uA    and 30uA  
         subrun 0-5:     10uA  
         subrun 6:       mixed with 10uA and 20uA 
         subrun 7-13:    20uA 
         subrun 14-30: 30uA 
         subrun 31:      mixed with 30uA and 10uA 
         subrun 32-35: 10uA,  
         subrun 36:      mixed with 10uA and 20uA 
         subrun 37-48:    20uA 
         subrun 49:      mixed with 20uA and 10uA 
         subrun 50-54: 10uA  
 4361      trash, ssp error 
 4362      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=2,PS2=8,PS3=10,PS4=6, LH2 and dummy target at the end 
         threshold: TS1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); TS2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV); 
         TS4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),    PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1810,1700),  
         rate=3.1kHz @10uA on LH2 target, 1.8M events. From 12:11 changed to dummy target, rate droped to 1.8kHz  
 4363      trash, ssp error 
 4364      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=1,PS2=7,PS3=9,PS4=5,    dummy target 
         threshold: TS1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); TS2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV); 
         TS4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),    PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1810,1700),  
         rate=3.5kHz @10uA on dummy target, 2.2M events 

 4365      TS4, PS4=7, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), rate=3.6kHz @ 15uA beam on LD2 target,  
         PreShower(L,R,T) changed from (1600,1810,1700) to (1600,1820,1700), 306k events 
 4366      TS4, PS4=4, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum, Keep 95% of 1GeV electron), rate=3.2kHz @ 40uA beam on LD2 target 
         PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1820,1700), coda crashed after collecting 1.2M events 
 4367      TS4, PS4=4, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum, Keep 95% of 1GeV electron), rate=3.2kHz @ 40uA beam on LD2 target 
         PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1820,1700), 2.3M events 
 4368      TS4, PS4=4, threshold: 120mV(ShowerSum, Keep 95% of 1GeV electron), rate=3.2kHz @ 40uA beam on LD2 target 
         PreShower(L,R,T) = (1600,1820,1700), 5.5M events 

 4369-4370      pedestal, beam off HV off   
 4371-4372      trash, ssp err 
 4373-4374      pedestal, beam off HV on 

 4375      trash or not useful, empty target, 1k events. 
 Work done on 20230301 

 1. Signal cable for SC_C(253) and CerB3 (285) were swapped in the patch panel. They look similar to each other  
    since the labels are faded out. After swapping them back both look good.    CerB3 is now connected to FADC Slot7 ch07,  
    but it is not included in CerSum. 
 2. Change all Cherenkov FADC range from 2.0V to 1.0V, including the CerSum at FADC slot8 ch03. By doing this, 1ADC=0.244mV,  
    Cherenkov signal height will be doubled therefore in the new data it will not be affected as much as before by the peak  
    finding threshold cut (default 20 adc). 
 3. Change PreShSum (Slot8 ch13) range from 2.0V to 0.5V so it matches to PreShower individual detectors. By doing this,  
    software sum should match to the hardware sum. 
 4. Change latency of each trigger bit. Align TS1, TS2 and TS3 to TS4 within 4ns. All inputs after the vmeDSC are aligned within 4ns. 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 GEM1 HV can not turn on! 
 Using hallc_fadc config, no gem because GEM1 HV can not turn on 
 4376-4378      pedestal, beam off HV off,    SC_C, SC_D, CerC1 have lose connection   
 4379-4380      pedestal, beam off HV on, SC_C, SC_D, CerC1 have lose connection   

 18:45 escorted access to fix SC_C, SC_D, CerC1 cable connection problem.  

 4381      pedestal, beam off HV on 
 4382      pedestal, beam off HV off   
 4383      pedestal, beam off HV on 

 50uA on LD2 target.   
 Expected rate and threshold 
 TS1: CerSum(35mV, 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV keep 50% 500MeV electrons): rate = 300kHz 
 TS2: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV);    rate3 = 5.2MHz 
 TS3: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV);    totally saturated 
 TS4: ShowerSum(120mV, keep 95% 1GeV electrons): rate = 100kHz 
      or (70mV, keep50% 500MeV electron):    rate = 400kHz 
      or (15mV, half MIP):    rate = 12MHz 

 4384     TS4, PS4=4, Threshold: 120mV (ShowerSum,keep 95% of 1 GeV electron), NO GEM, 1.9M events, 
        rate=6.5kHz @ 50uA 
 == set FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK to ZERO for both FADC boards, threshold 20ADC== 
 4385     TS4, PS4=2, Threshold: 120mV (ShowerSum),    NO GEM, rate=12.5kHz @ 50uA, daq saturated, 9.8M events 
 4386     TS4, PS4=10, Threshold: 15mV (ShowerSum,    half MIP), NO GEM, rate=11.9kHz @ 50uA,  
        Showers are partly saturated, 4.0M events 
 4387     TS4, PS4=9, Threshold: 15mV (ShowerSum,    half MIP), rate=12.5kHz @ 50uA,  
        Showers are partly saturated, daq also saturated, 5.0M events 
 4388     TS1, PS1=5, Threshold: CerSum(35mV, 2pe) & ShowerSum(70mV keep 50% 500MeV electrons),  
        rate=10.0kHz @ 50uA, Cherenkov is partly saturated, daq also saturated, 2.3M events 
 4389     TS2, PS2=8, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV),  
        rate=12.5kHz @ 50uA, SC_D is partly saturated, daq also saturated, 5.5M events 
 4390     TS2, PS2=9, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV),  
        rate=10.3kHz @ 50uA, SC_D is partly saturated, daq also saturated, 484k events 
 4391     TS3, PS3=12, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV),  
        rate=400Hz @ 20uA, SC_A is 100% saturated when beam current larger than 20 uA, 10k events 
 4392     TS3, PS3=0, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_A(31mV),  
        rate=400Hz @ 20uA, SC_A is 100% saturated when beam current larger than 20 uA, 570k events 

 4393     TS6, PS6=0, Threshold: 20ADC (5mV), 2 out of 15 individual Cer inputs,  
        rate=1.4kHz @ 60uA, Cherenkov starts saturated at ~10 uA, 1.8M events 
 4394     TS6, PS6=0, Threshold: 20ADC (5mV), 2 out of 15 individual Cer inputs,  
        rate=10kHz @ 8uA, Cherenkov starts saturated at ~10 uA, 307k events 


 ==HV scan for SC_A,SC_B,SC_C== 

 4395     pedestal, beam off, HV off 
 4396     pedestal, beam off, HV on,    SC_B=-1600V, SC_C=-1600V 
 4397     pedestal, beam off, HV on,    SC_B=-1580V, SC_C=-1580V 
 4398     pedestal, beam off, HV on,    SC_B=-1590V, SC_C=-1590V 
 4399     pedestal, beam off, HV on,    SC_B=-1570V, SC_C=-1570V 
 4400     pedestal, beam off, HV on,    SC_B=-1600V, SC_C=-1600V 

 4401     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1500, 1550, 1550)        
 4402     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510, 1560, 1560) 
 4403     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1520, 1570, 1570) 
 4404     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1530, 1580, 1580) 
 4405     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1540, 1590, 1590) 
 4407     HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510, 1600, 1570) 

 pedestal run result 
 run# ch7.00 ch7.01 ch7.02 ch7.03 ch7.04 ch7.05 ch7.06 ch7.07 ch7.08 ch7.09 ch7.10 ch7.11 ch7.12 ch7.13 ch7.14 ch7.15 ch8.00 ch8.01 ch8.02 ch8.03 ch8.04 ch8.05 ch8.06 ch8.07 ch8.08 ch8.09 ch8.10 ch8.11 ch8.12 ch8.13 ch8.14 ch8.15 
 4395    108.9    106.1    106.2    108.4    104.7    107.5    110.0    105.1    114.1    107.3    111.4    107.8    113.7    109.0    104.2    106.7    109.6    113.1    129.5    122.8    103.5    103.7    102.3    106.6    105.9    100.0     99.8    101.8    103.6    112.9    112.4    109.0 
 4396    108.8    106.1    106.1    108.3    104.7    107.4    109.9    105.3    114.2    107.3    111.4    107.7    113.8    109.2    104.3    106.9    110.1    120.8    149.8    123.0    103.5    103.8    229.4    106.4    105.8    101.9     99.9    102.0    103.8    113.0    112.3    109.0 
 4397    108.9    106.4    106.0    108.4    104.7    107.7    110.1    105.3    114.2    107.5    111.5    107.9    113.6    109.2    104.3    106.9    110.2    120.9    146.3    123.5    103.7    103.9    221.3    106.4    106.0    101.9    100.2    102.1    103.8    112.9    112.5    109.2 
 4398    108.8    106.2    106.0    108.3    104.7    107.6    109.7    105.3    114.3    107.4    111.5    108.0    113.6    109.3    104.3    107.0    110.4    120.4    146.4    123.2    103.6    103.7    218.4    106.4    105.8    101.7    100.0    101.7    103.7    112.9    112.6    109.2 
 4399    108.8    106.1    106.0    108.4    104.6    107.5    110.0    105.3    114.4    107.4    111.6    107.8    113.6    109.1    104.5    106.9    110.4    120.2    143.7    123.4    103.6    103.7    209.9    106.4    105.8    101.7    100.0    101.9    104.0    113.0    112.8    109.2 
 4400    108.8    106.1    106.0    108.4    104.6    107.6    110.1    105.1    114.2    107.2    111.6    107.9    113.6    109.0    104.4    106.9    110.2    120.2    148.0    122.9    103.5    103.8    222.2    106.5    105.8    101.7    100.0    101.8    103.9    113.0    112.8    109.2 
 4401    108.7    105.6    106.3    108.5    104.9    108.3    109.9    105.3    116.4    107.1    111.5    107.6    113.6    109.1    104.7    107.2    -68.8    342.6    117.8    -43.1    145.6    131.6    246.6    108.2    107.6    105.1    101.3    103.3    104.7    118.1    116.5    108.8 
 4419    108.7    105.1    105.1    108.2    104.6    107.5    109.5    104.7    113.6    106.9    111.2    107.5    113.1    109.3    104.6    106.7    108.7    118.5    147.2    121.6    103.0    103.6    206.0    106.8    105.9    101.7    100.6    102.4    103.4    113.1    112.0    108.9 

 70uA cw beam on LD2 target 

 4401     TS1 and TS4: PS1=3,PS4=1, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1500, 1550, 1550), rate=12.5kHz, daq saturated, 40M events 
 4402     TS1 and TS4: PS1=3,PS4=1, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510, 1560, 1560), rate=12.5kHz, daq saturated, 17.8M events 
 4403     TS1 and TS4: PS1=5,PS4=3, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1520, 1570, 1570), rate=12.5kHz, daq saturated, 2.2M events 
 4404     TS1 and TS4: PS1=6,PS4=4, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1530, 1580, 1580), rate=10.5kHz, 7.6M events 
 4405     TS1 and TS4: PS1=6,PS4=4, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1540, 1590, 1590), rate=10.1kHz, 2.0M events 
 4406     TS1 and TS4: PS1=6,PS4=4, Threshold1: CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV), Threshold4: ShowerSum(120mV), No GEM, 
        HV scan (SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1540, 1590, 1590), rate=10.1kHz, 23.6M events 

 pedestal for HV scan runs 
 run# ch7.00 ch7.01 ch7.02 ch7.03 ch7.04 ch7.05 ch7.06 ch7.07 ch7.08 ch7.09 ch7.10 ch7.11 ch7.12 ch7.13 ch7.14 ch7.15 ch8.00 ch8.01 ch8.02 ch8.03 ch8.04 ch8.05 ch8.06 ch8.07 ch8.08 ch8.09 ch8.10 ch8.11 ch8.12 ch8.13 ch8.14 ch8.15 
 4400    108.8    106.1    106.0    108.4    104.6    107.6    110.1    105.1    114.2    107.2    111.6    107.9    113.6    109.0    104.4    106.9    110.2    120.2    148.0    122.9    103.5    103.8    222.2    106.5    105.8    101.7    100.0    101.8    103.9    113.0    112.8    109.2 
 4401    108.7    105.6    106.3    108.5    104.9    108.3    109.9    105.3    116.4    107.1    111.5    107.6    113.6    109.1    104.7    107.2    -68.8    342.6    117.8    -43.1    145.6    131.6    246.6    108.2    107.6    105.1    101.3    103.3    104.7    118.1    116.5    108.8 
 4402    109.1    105.7    105.9    108.1    104.5    107.7    109.3    105.0    114.0    107.0    111.0    107.4    113.6    108.7    104.0    107.1     96.4    127.7    143.8    122.5    109.8    111.0    209.3    107.1    106.4    102.1    100.7    102.6    103.7    114.6    112.7    109.0 
 4403    110.2    107.3    106.9    108.8    106.1    109.2    111.6    106.1    123.1    108.0    112.7    109.3    114.2    109.9    104.8    107.8    397.8      0.0    159.3    220.1    195.4    204.3    560.5    114.6     94.7    111.0    116.6    108.8    121.9    123.6    151.0    109.0 
 4404    110.1    107.1    107.7    109.1    105.9    109.2    111.2    106.2    123.0    108.3    112.5    109.2    114.7    110.1    104.9    108.3    391.0      0.0    263.0    239.3    194.9    204.3    589.1    113.9     95.9    110.8    116.2    109.0    122.1    128.2    151.0    109.2 
 4405    109.9    107.4    107.5    109.2    105.9    109.2    111.3    106.4    122.5    108.6    112.4    109.5    115.1    110.6    106.2    108.5    325.9    555.9    119.5    185.3    194.3    202.2    523.9    112.6    110.9    107.4    112.6    107.7    115.7     67.0    158.9    109.5 
 4406    109.9    107.6    107.4    109.3    106.1    109.1    111.3    106.5    121.0    108.7    112.4    109.5    115.1    110.4    106.3    108.8    287.6    687.8     68.9    145.7    193.5    192.7    473.0    112.7    114.0    109.7    111.3    106.4    112.4     94.9    131.0    109.6 
 4407    109.6    106.9    106.5    109.5    105.5    108.5    110.9    105.9    120.1    109.0    112.4    108.7    114.7    110.3    105.9    108.0    273.2    573.0    144.4    136.6    191.0    191.5    408.5    111.4    111.9    110.1    107.4    105.7    109.9    120.5    122.3    109.3 
 4408    109.2    106.4    106.8    108.6    105.2    108.0    110.9    105.2    118.2    108.1    111.8    108.7    114.7    110.2    105.3    107.7    194.4    419.4      9.5    -12.0    157.4    110.0    212.3    109.1    108.4    105.2    103.1    104.1    106.4    118.7    118.4    109.2 
 4419    108.7    105.1    105.1    108.2    104.6    107.5    109.5    104.7    113.6    106.9    111.2    107.5    113.1    109.3    104.6    106.7    108.7    118.5    147.2    121.6    103.0    103.6    206.0    106.8    105.9    101.7    100.6    102.4    103.4    113.1    112.0    108.9 

 HVs for (SC_D,SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) are (1150,1510,1600,1570). 
 Change to the above HVs. 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 



 4407      TS2: PS2=10, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) & SC_B(35mV), rate=7.5kHz @ 70uA, SC_D is partly saturated, 1.5M events 
 4408      TS3, PS3=12, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV), rate=0Hz @ 60uA, SC_A is 100% saturated  
 4409      TS1,TS2,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron);  
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) & SC_B(35mV); threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),  
         rate=10.1kHz @70uA on LD2 target, 17.3M events.  

 4410      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron);  
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),  
         rate=12.5kHz at 10uA (daq saturated by TS3 in low current),  
         rate=10.1kHz @70uA (TS3 will not take trigger due to SC_A is saturated when beam current >20uA), 6.2M events.  

 4411      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron);  
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),  
         Turned on EPICS script. 75M events. 
 4412      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron);  
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP),  
         Turned on EPICS script. 10M events.  

 4413      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. 3.7M events. Ended run on trip (Run time: 03/04/23 13:16:10 - 13:22:31) 

 4414      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. 6.8M events. 
         Started Run afeter Beam Trip (no beam first 10 seconds) 
         Ended run on trip (Run time: 03/04/23 13:29:42 - 13:41:07) 
 4415      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. 3.8M events. 
         Started Run afeter Beam Trip (no beam first 2-3 seconds) 
         Ended run on trip (Run time: 03/04/23 13:41:38 - 13:48:03) 

 4416      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. 13.1M events. 

 4417      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. 8.8M events. 

 4418      trash, no beam, HV on. Zero suppression is still on, basically no events 
 4419      pedestal, no beam, HV on. Zero suppression is off. 100k events. 
 4420      trash 
 4421      pedestal, no beam, HV on. GEM2,GEM3,GEM4 are on. Zero suppression is off. 100k events. 
 4422      pedestal, no beam, HV on. GEM2,GEM3,GEM4 are on. Zero suppression is off. 100k events. 

 ==use hallc_fadc_ssp config with EPICS, GEMs are on without GEM1== 
 4423      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         rate=3.7kHz @ 60uA, daq saturated, 660k events, Zero suppression is off 
 4424      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=11,PS3=13,PS4=13, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         rate=3.7kHz @ 60uA, daq saturated, 10M events, Zero suppression is off 

 == Zero suppression is off, use hallc_fadc config, no GEM== 
 4425      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script. daq rate=10.3kHz @60uA, 2.8M events. 
 == Zero suppression is on== 
 4426      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=12, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
         threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
         Turned on EPICS script.    daq rate=10.3kHz @60uA, 44M events. 

 4427      TS2, PS2=9, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV), rate=12.7kHz @ 60uA, daq saturated, 533k events 
 4428      TS2, PS2=10, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV), rate=6.8kHz @ 60uA, 26.5M events 
 4429      TS4, PS4=11, Threshold: ShowerSum(15mV, half MIP), rate=5.5kHz @ 60uA, 722k events 
 4430      TS4, PS4=10, Threshold: ShowerSum(15mV, half MIP), rate=10.5kHz @ 60uA, 80M events 

 ==use hallc_fadc_ssp config with EPICS, GEMs are on without GEM1== 
 The following runs will be all trigger bits. 
 TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=10,PS2=13,PS3=1,PS4=14, threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron); 
 threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV); threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV),threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 
 Turned on EPICS script.  

 4431      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=10,PS2=13,PS3=1,PS4=14, Zero suppression is on. daq rate=1.7kHz @60uA, 404k events. 
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3750,3750,3750) 

 == Zero suppression is off, GEMs are on without GEM1== 
 4432      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13. daq rate=3.4kHz @60uA, >40M events. vmecrate crashed at ~6:55 AM March 5th, 2023 
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3750,3750,3750) 
 detector start saturated after one night of data taking, need to find out when and which one  
 ==reboot solid vme crate== 

 4433      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13, daq rate=1.4kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.1M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3770,3770,3770) 
 4434      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13, daq rate=1.4kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.6M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3790,3790,3790) 
 4435      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13, daq rate=1.4kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.2M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810), (CerB,CerC)=(950,950) 
 4436      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13, daq rate=1.4kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.9M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3830,3830,3830), (CerB,CerC)=(970,970) 
 4437      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=13, daq rate=1.4kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.0M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3850,3850,3850), (CerB,CerC)=(990,990) 

 ==addjust PS1 to PS4==    
 4438      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=12, daq rate=2.7kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 1.0M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3850,3850,3850), (CerB,CerC)=(990,990) 

 ==addjust PS1==   
 4439      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=12, daq rate=2.7kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 3.5M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3850,3850,3850), (CerB,CerC)=(990,990) 
 4440      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=12, daq rate=2.7kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 3.5M events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3870,3870,3870), (CerB,CerC)=(960,975) 

 ==addjust PS4==   
 4441      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=11, daq rate=3.1kHz @60uA, detectors are partly saturated. 770k events   
         GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3870,3870,3870), (CerB,CerC)=(960,975) 
 ==no beam pedestal=== 
 4442      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4443      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4444      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4445      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4446-4448 trash 
 4449      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4450      pedestal. beam off hVs on. GEM HVs(GEM1,GEM2,GEM3,GEM4) = (0,3810,3810,3810),  
 4451      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510,1560,1560),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 
 4452      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1500,1550,1550),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 
 4453      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1520,1570,1570),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 
 4454      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510,1600,1570),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 
 4455      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510,1600,1570),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 
 4456      trash 
 4457      pedestal. beam off hVs on. SC HVs(SC_A,SC_B,SC_C) = (1510,1600,1570),(CerA,CerB,CerC,CerD)=(940,980,950,950) 

 ==beam on, zero suppression is off== 
 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 4458      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=11, NO GEM, daq rate=12.8kHz @20uA, daq was saturated. 2.1M events   
 4459      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=11, NO GEM, daq rate=12.8kHz @25uA, daq was saturated. 4.3M events   
 4460      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=12,PS3=10,PS4=11, NO GEM, daq rate=2.5kHz @25uA, some detectors are saturated. 577k events    
 4461      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=10,PS3=8,PS4=10, NO GEM, daq rate=5.4kHz @30uA, some detectors are saturated. 1.0M events  
 4462      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=10,PS3=1,PS4=10, NO GEM, daq rate=8.3kHz @35uA, some detectors are saturated.  
         daq rate=12.7kHz @50uA, daq is saturated. 9.8M events  
 4463      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=10, NO GEM, daq rate=12.7kHz @50uA, some detectors are saturated.  
         daq is saturated. 544k events  
 4464      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=12, NO GEM, daq rate=3.5kHz @55uA, some detectors are saturated. 1.0M events  
 ==disabled TS3== 
 4465      TS1,TS2,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS4=12, NO GEM, daq rate=3.5kHz @50uA, some detectors are saturated. 556k events  
 4466      TS1,TS2,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS4=11, NO GEM, daq rate=4.8kHz @50uA, some detectors are saturated. 514k events  
 4467      TS1,TS2,TS4, PS1=5,PS2=10,PS4=10, NO GEM, daq rate=9.7kHz @55uA, some detectors are saturated. 46M events  
         rate=12.7kHz @ 49uA then detector partly saturated 
 4468      TS1,TS2,TS4, PS1=5,PS2=10,PS4=10, NO GEM, daq rate=7.5kHz @60uA, some detectors are saturated. 53M events  

 ==turn on TS3, turn On GEM2,GEM3,GEM4== 
 4469      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=12,PS3=10,PS4=12, daq rate=1.7kHz @60uA, some detectors are saturated, 157k events 
 4470      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=11, daq rate=3.4kHz @60uA, some detectors are saturated, 78M events 

 20230306    work done in the hall 
 1) Replaced GEM gas bottle 
 2) Fixed HV VBound problem for GEM1 
 3) Checked all cables in the DAQ end to avoid possible loose connection. Reconnect CerC0. Add CerB3 back into CerSum.  
    Addjusted the FIFO output offsets for CerA, CerB, CerC and CerD to zero, but keep the offset of CerSum as +10mV.  
    In order to compesate this +10mV offset, its DAC value in FADC config file has been updated from 3330 to 3300. 
 4) Checked output offset for x10 amplifier that is used by SC_A, SC_B, SC_C and SC_D. It has +10mV~+14mV offsets.  
    However, the offset changes to ZERO if the input is a function generator. Is it a problem?)  
 5) Change latency for TS1-TS4, all are aligned to SC_B.   
 A) SC_A: add 8ns delay to SC_A before it goes into x10 amplifier 
 B) SC_D: add 4ns deday by replacing the 3ns cable which is connecting the X10 amplifier to the FIFO with a 7ns cable  
 C) SC_C: add 15ns delay to SC_C    before it goes into x10 amplifier 
 D) Shower: delay Shower L|R|T by 4ns before they go into FIFO, replay the 2ns calbles which are connected FIFO to summing 
    module by the 8ns cables. Therefore ShowerSum get 10ns extra delay 
 E) CerSum: replace the 8ns delay cable (connected the CerSum to a FIFO) by a 15ns delay cable 
 F) all cables, except LASPD_t and LASPD_b, go into Slot8 have 8ns delay  
 6) Reconnect CerC0 at the detector end, this fix CerC0 problem! 

 4471-4474 trash, debug detectors and daq  
 4475     pedestal, beam off, all HV on, CerSum DAC=3300, GEM HVs(3400,3750,3750,3750) 
 4476     pedestal, beam off, all HV on, CerSum DAC=3300, GEM HVs(3400,3750,3750,3750) 
 4477     pedestal, beam off, all HV on, CerSum DAC=3300, GEM HVs(3470,3810,3810,3810) 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 threshold1=CerSum(35mV) & ShowerSum(70mV, 500 MeV electron);    -->ShowerSum is set to 15mV wrongly fro runs 4478-4490<--- 
 threshold2= SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV);  
 threshold3: SC_D(35mV) & SC_A(31mV), 
 threshold4=15mV(ShowerSum, Half MIP), 

 4478      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=6,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=11, daq rate=3.7kHz @15uA, some detectors are saturated, 770k events 
 4479      TS3,PS3=10, daq rate=1.7kHz @15uA, 270k events, CerC=950V 
 4480      TS3,PS3=9, daq rate=170Hz @30uA, SC_A saturated, 132k events, CerC=930V 
 4481      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=4,PS2=9,PS3=1,PS4=9, daq rate=3.7kHz @30uA, daq saturated, 870k events, CerC=930V 
 4482      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=4,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=9, daq rate=3.7kHz @30uA, daq saturated, 970k events, CerC=910V 
 4483      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=11,PS3=1,PS4=10, daq rate=3.7kHz @30uA, daq saturated, 2.1M events, CerC=900V 
 4484      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=10, daq rate=3.7kHz @40uA, daq saturated, 1.0M events, CerC=920V 
 4485      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=10,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=10, daq rate=3.7kHz @60uA, daq saturated, 4.2M events, CerC=940V 
 4486      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=10,PS2=12,PS3=1,PS4=11, daq rate=3.7kHz @60uA, daq saturated, 6.8M events, CerC=950V 

 From now on CerC=950V 
 4487      TS2,PS2=11, daq rate=2.5kHz @60uA, 823k events 
 4488      TS4,PS4=8, daq rate=3.7kHz @60uA, daq saturated, 783k events 
 4489      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=8,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=10, daq rate=3.7kHz @60uA, daq saturated, 8.3M events 
 4490      TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=10, daq rate=3.4kHz @60uA,    71.7M events 
         subrun run 4490_06.evio and later have no HV on GEMs or CerD due to HV board tripped off 
 == MPOD Board A is off for the following runs, CerD    and GEM detectors are using that board ==  
 The MPod board A log shows that is was turned off at March 7, 01:37:29 
 subrun run 4490_06.evio till run 4511 have all been affected 

 4492      pedestal, no beam HV on 

 4493     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), daq rate=2.9kHz @5uA, 456k events 

 ==GEM latency changed in file /home/solid/gem-cfg/ssp_apv_default.txt from 58 to 56 == 
 4494     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 120-190mV(ShowerSum), threshold changed during the run, 20uA, daq not saturated, 276k events 
 4495     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 140mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @ 30uA, daq is saturated, 2.7M events 
 4496     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 250mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.8kHz @ 40uA, rate=3.7kHz @ 50uA, daq is saturated, 598k events 
 4497     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 280mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.4kHz @ 50uA, rate=1.0kHz @60uA, detector saturated, 680k events 
 4498     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 280mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.0kHz @60uA, detector saturated, 385k events 
 4499     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 200mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @60uA, detector saturated, daq saturated, ~380k events, coda crashed 
 4500     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 250mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @45uA, rate=1.8kHz @60uA, detector saturated at 45uA, ~380k events 
 4501     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 300mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @45uA, rate=0.8kHz @60uA, detector saturated at 45uA, 101k events 

 4502     TS1,PS1=7, threshold: 35mV(cerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.7kHz @60uA, Cer saturated @ 20uA, ~583k events 
 4503     TS1,PS1=6, threshold: 35mV(cerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.4kHz @60uA, Cer saturated @ 20uA, 487k events, coda crashed 
 4504     trash, ssp error 
 4505     TS1,PS1=6, threshold: 35mV(cerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.4kHz @60uA, Cer saturated @ 20uA, 1.2M events, coda crashed 

 4506     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=10, daq rate=3.4kHz @60uA,    487k events, coda crashed 
 4507     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=11, daq rate=3.4kHz @60uA,    817k events, coda crashed 

 ==I found that if I am copying data    to /cache from the same hard drive that coda is using, coda will crash == 

 4508     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=11, daq rate=3.7kHz @50uA, daq is saturated,    580k events,  
 4509     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=12, daq rate=3.7kHz @50uA, daq is saturated,    1.2M events,  

 4510     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=12, daq rate=3.7kHz @50uA, daq is saturated,    2.2M events,  
 4511     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.0kHz @50uA,    1.7M events,  

 == MPOD Board A is off for the above runs, CerD    and GEM detectors are using that board ==  
 The MPod board A log shows that it was turned off at March 7, 01:37:29 
 run 4490_06.evio till run 4511 have all been affected 

 4512     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, 6.2M events,  
 4513     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, 1.2M events,  

 4514     trash, TS1,PS1=8, threshold: 20mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), 1.4k events, no beam, epics events only 

 ==change CerSum threshold from 35mV to 25mV, this will be 2.5 pe after Cer gainmatch== 
 4515     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, ~7M events,  
 4516     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, ~6M events,  
 4517     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, 47M events,  
 4518     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=9,PS2=12,PS3=8,PS4=13, daq rate=3.2kHz @50uA, 6.5M events,  

 4519     TS1,PS1=7, threshold: 20mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.3kHz @ 50uA,    650k events, 

 == GEM2 started to show problem from here == 

 4520     trash, TS2,PS2=10, threshold: 35mV(SC_D) & 35mV(SC_B), SSP err, coda crashed after 1.4k events 
 4521-4530 trash, ssp error, coda crashed or could not start 

 ==11:10 power cycle MPD vme srate 
 ==power cycle the GEM vme crate by the following cmd: == 
 crate_power solidcrate1 0    #turn off crate 
 crate_power solidcrate1 1    #turn on crate 

 ==11:25 SC_A HV tripped at 11:02, can not bring it back, reboot MPOD  
 4531       trash, ssp error 
 ==switch to hallc_fadc config, no GEM== 
 4532     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 280mV(ShowerSum), rate=900Hz @60uA, detector saturated, ~280k events 
 4533     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 180mV(ShowerSum), rate=8.4kHz @60uA, detector saturated, ~2.6M events 
 4534     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 180mV(ShowerSum), rate=8.4kHz @60uA, detector saturated, ~7.1M events 

 ==switch to hallc_fadc_ssp config, reboot solidcrate1, power cycle LV== 
 4535-4436      trash, ssp error 

 ==reboot sbsvme22 == 
 ==powered off LV, wait 10s, then powered it on== 
 4537-4439      trash, ssp error 

 ==switch to hallc_fadc config, no GEM== 
 4540     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 180mV(ShowerSum), rate=12.7kHz @45uA, rate=8.4kHz @60uA,  
        detector saturated if beam current>45uA, 22M events 

 ==GEM latency changed in file /home/solid/gem-cfg/ssp_apv_default.txt from 56 to 60???? == 

 12:25    HV increased to HV setting1 (?,?,?,?) 
 4541-4560    debugging GEMs, GEM HV scan, Latency scan, they are not production data for GEM 

 TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=7,PS2=10,PS3=8,PS4=0, 
 4547      400k 
 4553      12M 

 ==GEM2 is disabled, GEM HVs(3650,3900,3900,3900)== 
 13:09, HV increased to HV setting2 (3650,3900,3900,3900) 
 4554      300k 
 4555      300k 
 4556      14M 
 4557      50k 
 4558      14M 
 4559      600k 

 4560     TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4, PS1=7,PS2=10,PS3=8,PS4=0, rate=4.6kHz @40uA, daq is saturated, 9.2M events,  
        Most of the events are TS4, 
 4561     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), rate=4.0kHz @40uA, ~17M events 

 4562-4564 trash 

 ==GEM latency scan start== 
 4565     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 2.9M events, latency=58 
 4566     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 126k events, latency=56 
 4567     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 202k events, latency=59 
 4568     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 132k events, latency=62 
 4569     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 193k events, latency=65 
 4570     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 284k events, latency=68 
 4571     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 157k events, latency=53 
 4572     TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), 476k events, latency=50 
 ==GEM latency scan    end== 

 == production without GEM since latency not know yet == 
 4573    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 180mV(ShowerSum), rate=7.5kHz @40uA, 19.5M events 

 == production with GEM == 
 == MPOD board B tripped off == 

 4574    trash,TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), MPOD board B tripped off, HVs are ramping up 

 4575    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), rate=4.0kHz @40uA, 12M events,latency=57  
 4576    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), rate=4.0kHz @40uA, 4.8M events,latency=59  
 4577    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), rate=4.0kHz @40uA, 44M events,latency=58  
       From subrun 43, beam current went up to 50uA, daq saturated       
 4578    TS2,PS2=10, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV), rate=4.6kHz @50uA, daq saturated, 685k events,latency=58  
 4579    TS2,PS2=11, Threshold: SC_D(35mV) &    SC_B(35mV), rate=2.7kHz @50uA, 7.4M events,latency=58  
 4580    TS1,PS1=6, Threshold1: CerSum(25mV, 2.5pe) & ShowerSum(70mV), rate=4.3kHz @50uA, 5.4M events,latency=58  
 4581    TS1,PS1=7, Threshold1: CerSum(25mV, 2.5pe) & ShowerSum(70mV), rate=2.2kHz @50uA, 13M ?M events,latency=58  
 4582    TS4,PS4=11, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=900Hz @45uA, 828k events,latency=58  
 4583    TS4,PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.5kHz @45uA, 9M events,latency=58  
 4584    TS4,PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.1kHz @40uA, 180k events,latency=58  
 4585    TS4,PS4=8, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=4.1kHz @40uA, 912k events,latency=58  
       rate=4.5kHz @50uA, beam curent go up to 50uA at the end so daq was almost or already saturated 
 4586    TS4,PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.1kHz @50uA, 19.5M events,latency=58  

 ==GEM latency scan start== 
 4587    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 28k events,latency=58  
 4588    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 118k events,latency=60  
 4589    trash, ssp error 
 4590    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 30k events,latency=62     //can not cook this run 
 4591    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 30k events,latency=64  
 4592    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 40k events,latency=56  
 4593    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 33k events,latency=54  
 4594    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 38k events,latency=52  
 4595    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 54k events,latency=62  
 4596    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 31k events,latency=59  
 4597    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 480mV(ShowerSum), rate=80Hz @40uA, 38k events,latency=57  
 ==GEM latency scan end== 

 4598    TS4,PS4=0, threshold: 210mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.5kHz @40uA, 9.3M events,latency=57  
 4599    trash, no beam 

 4600    pedestal, beam off HV on 

 ====GEM latency changed to 57====== 
 4601-4607     trash, debug GEM 

 4608-4609    pedestal, beam off, HV on 

 4611    TS4,PS4=0 threshold: 230mV (ShowerSum), rate=3.0 kHz @40uA, 700K events 
 4612    TS4,PS4=0 threshold: 230mV (ShowerSum), rate=2.7 kHz @40uA, 8.6M events 
 4613    TS4,PS4=0 threshold: 230mV (ShowerSum), rate=2.7 kHz @40uA, 6.5M events 
 4614    TS1,PS1=8 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate= 0.4kHz @40uA, 15K events 
 4615    junk 
 4616    TS1,PS1=6 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.2kHz, 40k events 
 4617    TS1,PS1=6 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.2kHz, 80k events 
 4618    TS1,PS1=5 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.2kHz, 4.4M,    beam tripped for the last 20 minutes 
        kcoda after run 4618. The Event Rate gui in CODA disappeared.  
 4619    TS1,TS4,PS1=5,PS4=2 threshold: TS1:25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum),TS4:230mV,rate=3.0kHz, 7.6M  
       ------ CODA Error, ER1. Had to kcoda 
 4620    TS1,TS4,PS1=5,PS4=2 threshold: TS1:25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum),TS4:230mV,rate=3.0kHz, 4M events----- CODA crash 
 4621    TS1,PS1=5 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum),rate=2.2kHz, 4.6M events 
 4622    TS1,PS1=5 threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum),rate=2.2kHz, 13M events 
 4623    TS2,PS2=11 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=2.3kHz, 13M events 
 4624    trash, TS3,PS3=10,threshold: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D), no beam  
 4625    pedestal, beam off, HV on 
 4626    pedestal, beam off, HV on 
 4627    TS1,TS2,PS1=7,PS2=11, threshold: TS1:25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum),TS2=35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),  
       expected_rate=0.7kHz+2.3kHz,5M events 
 4628    TS4 low, PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=3kHz, 20M 
 4629    TS4 high, PS4=0, threshold: 230mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz DAQ saturated, increasing threshold 
 4630    TS4 high, PS4=0, threshold: 340mV(ShowerSum), rate=800Hz, decreasing threshold slightly 
 4631    TS4 high, PS4=0, threshold: 310mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.4kz, leaving threshold here in case of 70uA beam, 18M events 
 4632    TS2, PS2=11 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=2.2kHz, 30M events  
 4633    TS4 low, PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate= 3.0kHz    events 19.9 M 
 4634    TS4 low, PS4=9, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate= 3.0kHz, events 16.9 M 
 4635    TS1, PS1=5, threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate= 3.1kHz,10M events: 1 hour run 
 4636    TS1, PS1=5, threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate= 3.1kHz,15M events: 2 hour run 
 4637    TS1, PS1=5, threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate= 3.1kHz,1.4M events: 20 minutes,  
       ----Mike"I think 3 hours and 20 minutes is good on TS1. Take some T2" 
 4638    TS2, PS2=11 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=2.2kHz. Testing Prescale. 70k events 
 4639    TS2, PS2=10 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=4.2kHz, daq Saturated, 70k events  
       ----Mike"I thought I could adjust the prescale, but the rate was 4 kHz. Going back ps2=11 
 4640    TS2, PS2=11 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=2.2kHz, ~3.2M events have GEM data  
       ----end of this run, HV for GEMS and CerD were off at 14:23, part of subrun 5, whole subrun 6,7 have no GEM data 
 4641    junk, TS1, TS2,TS4, PS2=11,PS4=0 threshold: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=4,1kHz, ----Junk, enabled TS1 as well.  
 4642    junk, ----- CODA error (SSP timeout). will Reset CODA, download 
 4643    Junk, -----CODA error  
 4644    TS2, PS2=11,PS4=0 threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), threshold4: 370mV, rate= 2.6 kHz. HV for GEM or CerD is off. 1.1M events NO GEM  
 4645    TS2, PS2=11,PS4=0 threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), threshold4: 370mV, rate= 2.6 kHz. GEMS are back on. 9.6M events 
 4646    TS2, PS2=11,PS4=0 threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), threshold4: 370mV, rate= 2.6 kHz. 6.4M events 
 4647    TS3, PS3=10, threshold: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=430Hz @45uA, rate=3.3kHz @20uA. 198k events (very clean, daq never saturated) 
 4648    TS3, PS3=8, threshold: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=1.7kHz @45uA, 1.9M events    (daq saturated at 10uA<I<35uA, need to apply bcm cut) 
 4649    TS3, PS3=10, threshold: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=0.4kHz @45uA, rate=3.3kHz @20uA, 2M events (very clean, daq never saturated) 

 4650    TS3,TS2, PS3=8,PS2=12, threshold3: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=1.8kHz @45uA, threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D),rate=1.1kHz @45uA, 
       expected_rate=1.8+1.1=2.9kHz @45 uA, daq will be ssaturated at 10uA<I<35uA, need to apply bcm cut 
       Actual rate is ~2.7kHz, 19M 
 4651    TS3,TS2, PS3=8,PS2=12, threshold3: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D) && threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=2.7k, 10.5M events. Beam tripped for the last 20 minutes 
 4652    TS3,TS2, PS3=8,PS2=12, threshold3: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D) && threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=2.7k, 20.5M events 
 4653    TS3,TS2, PS3=8,PS2=12, threshold3: 31mV(SC_A) & 35mV(SC_D) && threshold2: 35mV(SC_B) & 35mV(SC_D), rate=2.7k, 38M events 

 4654    TS4_high, PS4=0, threshold: 310mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.7kHz @48uA, 0.5kHz@65uA.    Detector partly saturated. 1.1M events 
 4655    TS4_low, PS4=11, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.7kHz @70uA. daq saturated. 110k events 
 4656    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.9kHz @70uA. 6.2M events 
 4657    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=1.5kHz @80uA. 926k events 
 4658    pedestal, beam off, HVs on  
 4659    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.7kHz @48uA, 1.9kHz@70uA. 5.5M events, stoped because of HV issues 
       From the raw data, It seemed that the MPOD HV started to have have problem since 19:02, subrun 8. When it happened,  
       no more triggers come to the coda. We will need to look into the data to verify this. 
 4660    TS4 low, PS4=10, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), NO GEM. rate=1.5kHz @50uA, 422k 
 4661    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), With GEM. 20k events.   
       CODA did not show ER rates, stop this run to restart coda. 
 4662    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), With GEM. rate=2.6kHz @67uA, 250k events.   
       CODA did not show ER rates, stop this run to restart coda. 
 4663    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), With GEM. rate=2.6kHz @67uA, 5.1M events.   
       CODA crashed at the end 
 4664    TS4_low, PS4=12, threshold: 15mV(ShowerSum), With GEM. rate=2.6kHz @67uA, 1.3M events.   

 4665    TS1, PS1=7, threshold: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), rate= 1.8kHz @65uA, 505k events 
 4666    TS1,TS4_low, PS1=7, PS4=12, threshold1: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold4: 15mV(ShowerSum), 
       expected_rate=1.8+1.3=3.1kHz @65uA, actrual_rate=3.0kHz @65uA, 6.0M events 

 4667    TS1,TS4_low, PS1=7, PS4=12, threshold1: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold4: 15mV(ShowerSum),  
       rate=3.0kHz @65uA, 45M events 
 4668    TS1,TS4_low, PS1=7, PS4=12, threshold1: 25mV(CerSum) & 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold4: 15mV(ShowerSum),  
       rate=3.0kHz @65uA, 10.2M good events with GEM.    HV board for GEM and CERD was tripped off at 9:31.  
       Part of subrun 16 is affected, full subruns 17-18 are affected. 
 4669    TS3, PS=10, threshold 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), rate up to 3.7 kHz when beam is >30 uA,  
       beam was very trippy taking data on beam ramp ups, 2.5M events 

 4670    Pedestal run, 100k pulser triggers, beam off, HV on 

 4671    TS1, PS=0, threshold: 40mV(CerSum)&&210mV(ShowerSum), first ~1.5k events with 10uA beam, rest of data up to 3.5kHz, 150k events 
 4672    TS1, PS=0, threshold: 40mV(CerSum)&&300mV(ShowerSum), rate 450Hz, 70uA, 340k events  

 4673    TS1, PS=0, threshold: 40mV(CerSum)&&300mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.3kHz @40uA, rate 450Hz @70uA, 84k events 
       When the bema ramping up, diaggui scaler rate: TS2=220kHz, TS3=800kHz @10uA,  
 4674    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 310mV(ShowerSum), rate=3.0kHz @45uA, rate 500Hz @70uA, 102k events 
 4675    TS3, PS=11, threshold 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), rate = 70Hz @ ~40uA, rate=0Hz @70uA, 40k events 
 4676    TS3, PS=8, threshold 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), rate = 3.7kHz @ ~15uA,daq saturated, 671k events 

 4677    TS1,TS3,TS4: PS1=0,PS3=10,PS4=0,  
       threshold1 = 40mV(CerSum, 4pe) && 230mV(ShowerSum), threshold3: 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), threshold4= 340mV(ShowerSum), 
       rate=260Hz @70uA, 280k events 
 4678    TS1,TS3,TS4: PS1=0,PS3=10,PS4=0, 41k events, rate=260Hz @5uA 
 4679    TS1 TS4, determine threshold,    threshold1 = 25mV(CerSum, 2.5pe) && 70mV(ShowerSum) --> 250Hz @5uA    
       threshold4= 120mV(ShowerSum) --> 450Hz @5uA,    82k event. threshold    are channgingduring this run 

 4680    TS1,TS3,TS4: PS1=0,PS3=7,PS4=0,  
       threshold1 = 25mV(CerSum, 2.5pe) && 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold3: 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), threshold4= 120mV(ShowerSum), 
       rate=2.6kHz @ 5uA 
 4681    TS1,TS3,TS4: PS1=0,PS3=7,PS4=0,  
       threshold1 = 25mV(CerSum, 2.5pe) && 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold3: 31mV(SC_A)&&35mV(SC_D), threshold4= 120mV(ShowerSum), 
       151k events, beam current ramping up from 5uA to 40uA 
 4682    TS4_high, PS4=0, threshold: 310mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.3kHz @45uA, 0.6kHz@65uA. 762k events 
 4683    TS4_high, PS4=0, threshold: 310mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.3kHz @45uA, 0.6kHz@65uA. 43k events 

 4684    TS1,TS4: PS1=7,PS4=0, threshold1=25mV(CerSum, 2.5pe) && 70mV(ShowerSum), threshold4=310mV(ShowerSum),  
       rate=2.2kHz @65uA, 25.5M events, approx 50% each trigger 
 4685    TS2,TS4_high: PS2=12, PS4=0, threshold2: 35mV(SC_B)&&35mV(SC_D) threshold4: 280mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.5kHz @ 65uA,  
       detectors partially saturated, 16.5M events 

 4686    TS2,TS4_high: PS2=12, PS4=0, threshold2: 35mV(SC_B)&&35mV(SC_D) threshold4: 280mV(ShowerSum), rate=2.5kHz @ 65uA,  
       detectors partially saturated, 43.1M events 

 4687     pedestal, beam off, HVs on 
 4688     pedestal, beam off, HVs off 

 vmeDSC map: 
 TS1:    DSC01 (CerSum, 25mV) & DSC03(ShowerSum, 70mV) --> PS1>=5 
 TS2:    DSC06 (SC_B, 35mV) & DSC07(SC_D, 35mV)    --> PS2>=11 
 TS3:    DSC05 (SC_A, 31mV) & DSC08(SC_D, 35mV)    --> requires I<20uA, PS2>=10 
 TS4_low:     DSC14 (ShowerSum, 15mV)     --> PS>=10 for 40uA 
 TS4_high:    DSC14 (ShowerSum, 230mV)    --> keep PS4=0, 40uA(230mV-->2.7kHz) 

 other unused channels: 
 DSC04 ShowerSum 

 Maximum daq rate : 3.7kHz for 4 GEMS, 4.6kHz for 3 GEMs, 12.7kHz for no GEMs 
 Suggested daq operation rate:  
 3kHz for 4 GEMs 
 4kHz for 3 GEMs 
 9kHz for no GEMs 

 Run summary:    Sum stats for runs in    4611-4686 
 TS4_low:     104M   
 TS2:         113M   
 TS1:         103M  
 TS4_High:    82M  
 TS3:         60M