


Hallc beamtest runlist highrate » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Jixie Zhang, 01/23/2023 11:11 AM) → Revision 2/3 (Jixie Zhang, 03/09/2023 12:46 PM)

 h1. Hallc beamtest runlist highrate 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 

 board2, 2kV, 16-ch: 


 3944    By Jixie: debug FADC trigger 

 3949    cosmic(6h) and tune beam no target(3h). By Jixie: debug FADC trigger 

 3950 Pedestal. No HV 
 3951 cosmic, no beam. debug FADC trigger 
 3952 debug gem ssp 
 3953 cosmic, no beam. debug FADC trigger 
 3954 production.    21:16 Jan 11st - 23:14 Jan 11st 
      daq rate = 12.5kHz 
 3955 production.    22:16 Jan 11st - 23:32 Jan 11st 
      daq rate = 12kHz 

 ==change prescale factors, disable internal pulse trigger for the first 100k events == 

   /*Set prescale for each TS#*/ 

 ==use hallc_fadc_ssp config== 

 3956 trash.    22:34    Jan 11st 
      tried to use hallc_fadc_ssp config, could not start CODA 

 ==use hallc_fadc config== 

 3957 production.    23:37 Jan 11st - 23:45 Jan 11st 
      daq rate = 12.5kHz @ 2uA , this is the maximum of the daq rate for uvasoild2 
      Threshold:    Cer_Sum(30mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV) 

 3958 production.    23:48 Jan 11st - 00:47 Jan 12th 
      Threshold:    Cer_Sum(100mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV) 

 ==Turn off HVs== 

 Jan 12th, 12:30 

 3959-3971 Trash, debug deug daq 
 ==Turn on HVs, all Cer HVs are changed from 1000V to 950V, Shower_T(SDU#5) lower from 850V to 800V== 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 

 board2, 2kV, 16-ch: 


 only TS#6 is enabled, PS#(15,15,15,15,15,15,0)  
 Threshold:    Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV) 

 Cer_HV = 950V 
 3972 pulse, no beam.    18:11 Jan 12th - 18:18 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 950V      
 3973 pulse, no beam.    18:19 Jan 12th - 18:24 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 950V 
      15.5kHz @ no beam, pulse trigger  

 Cer_HV = 970V 
 3974 pulse, no beam.    18:26 Jan 12th - 18:32 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 970V 
 3975 pulse, no beam.    18:32 Jan 12th - 18:52 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 970V 

 Cer_HV = 930V 
 3976 pulse, no beam.    18:54 Jan 12th - 19:01 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 930V 
 3977 pulse, no beam.    19:03 Jan 12th - 19:09 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 930V 

 Cer_HV = 1000V 
 3978 pulse, no beam.    19:54 Jan 12th - 20:06 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1000V 
 3979 pulse, no beam.    20:06 Jan 12th - 20:16 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1000V 

 Cer_HV = 1050V 
 3980 pulse, no beam.    20:17 Jan 12th - 20:24 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1050V 
 3981 pulse, no beam.    20:25 Jan 12th - 20:39 Jan 12th, Cer_HV = 1050V 

 3982 cosmic production,  
      first 100k is pulse trigger, 22:36 - 23:28 Jan 12th 
      debug TS#6, all trigger bits enabled, PS#(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)  
      Threshold:    Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV) 

 ==cosmic test for Shower only, HVs for others are off, first 100k is pulse trigger== 
      TS#4 only PS#(15,15,15,0,15,15)  
      Threshold:    Cer_Sum(300mV), Shower_Sum(10mV),SC_D(Kedi6-Tile,10mv),SC_B(downstream of Shower,10mV) 

 3983 cosmic production, 23:34 - 00:25 Jan 13th 

 ==00:27 Jan 13th,    turn all HVs off== 

 3984 cosmic production, 08:25 Jan 13th - 13:03 Jan 13th  

 3985 cosmic production, 13:04 Jan 13th - 17:13 Jan 13th  
 see 12 minutes of beam ... detectors are fully saturated 

 3986 cosmic production, 17:13 Jan 13th - 18:32 Jan 13th  
 see 5 minutes of beam ... detectors are fully saturated 

 ==all HVs are off== 
 all 6 trigger bits are on, no prescale factors 

 ==dark current run (beam on but HV off, pulse trigger)== 
 3987 cosmic production, 18:36 Jan 13th - 18:42 Jan 13th  
      I tried to get beam on data, but beam is off 

 3988 dark current run, 11:05 Jan 14th - 11:11 Jan 14th 
      beam current 40uA, HV off, pulse trigger 
 3989 dark current run, 11:12 Jan 14th - 11:20 Jan 14th 
      beam current 40uA, HV off, pulse trigger 

 ==5uA to test the prescale factors== 
 HV for CerD is off (forgot to turn on) 


 3990 all PS=0 TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz 
 3991 all PS=0 TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz 
 3992 PS4=5, TS1-6 daq rate=15.5kHz 
 3993 TS4 only PS4=5 daq rate=12.5kHz 

 Increase shower_T HV from 850 to 900 
 Decrease shower_R HV from 1050 to 1030 
 HVs for SC_D, SC_A, LASPD_T,LASPD_B, PreSh_# were all got lower 


 CerD HV is also 930V 

 3994-3995 trash, HV boardB tripped 

 3996    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 930V 
 3997    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 930V 

 3998    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 940V 
 3999    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 940V 

 4000    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 920V 
 4001    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 920V 

 4002    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 910V 
 4003    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 910V 

 4004    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 950V 
 4005    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 950V 

 4006    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 900V 
 4007    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 900V 

 4008    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 960V 
 4009    dark current run, beam off, HVs all on, pulse trigger, 960V 

 Cer HVs go back to 950V, 1uA CW beam on He3 target  

 4010    beam on, but only pulse trigger 
 4011    first 100k is pulse trigger, 50Hz rate without beam.    TS1 to 6 are all on, PS4=5;    NO real beam on this run 
 4012    disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=5, no beam 
 4013    disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=9, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam  
 4014    disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=11, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam  
 4015    disabled pulse trigger. All TS#. PS4=15, PS5=15, daq rate = 13.5kHz,1uA beam  
 4016    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS2=PS3=PS6=0, daq rate = 13.5kHz, 1uA beam  
 4017    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=5, no beam 
 4018    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=5, 2uA beam. 12.8KHz 
 4019    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=10, 2uA beam. 8.5KHz 
 4020    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS1=PS3=PS6=15, PS2=12, 2uA beam. 2.7KHz 
 4021    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS3=PS6=15, PS1=0,PS2=12, 2uA beam. 11KHz 
 4022    disabled pulse trigger. only TS1,TS2,TS3,TS6 enabled, PS3=PS6=15, PS1=5,PS2=12, 1.8uA beam. 5.7KHz 

 Conclusion:    on He3 target, PS1=5 will have 1.8kHz/uA for TS#1, PS2=12 will have 1.4kHz/uA for TS#2. 
 We still need to determine PS for PS4 and PS5. 
 After analyze run 4022, I found that for PS3=15, TS#3 has 28Hz/2uA. For PS6=15, TS#6 has 8Hz/2uA. Scaling PS from  
 15 to 10, we got TS#3 rate as 450Hz/uA and TS#6 rate 130Hz/uA.  

 20230120 pedestal runs, beam off, pulse trigger, HV scan 


 For Cherenkov: ch13,ch14,ch15, E08C2_ch07: 910, 930,    950,    970 
 For Shower:                       ch10,ch11: 900, 950, 1000, 1050 
 For Shower:                            ch12: 800, 850,    900,    950 

                                     ch 10     11     12     13     14    15      07 
 4023, 4024:    HV(ch10-15,E08C2_ch07) :    800, 900, 900, 910, 910, 910, 910 
 4025, 4026:                              950, 950, 850, 930, 930, 930, 930 
 4027, 4028:                             1000,1000, 900, 950, 950, 950, 950 
 4029, 4030:                             1050,1050, 950, 970, 970, 970, 970 
 4031, 4032:                             1030,1030, 900, 950, 950, 950, 950 



 ==turn on FADC threshold to remove no pulse events == 
 slot 7: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31 
 slot 8: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 10    10    10    20    10    10    10    5    5    5    5    5    5    15    15    25 

 4033    debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger 
 4034    debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger 

 ==turn on slot 8 FADC threshold to remove no pulse events == 
 slot 7: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31    31 
 slot 8: FADC250_ALLCH_TET 10    10    10    20    10    10    10    10    10    10    10    10    10    20    20    25 
 4035    trash 
 4036    debug FADC config, no beam, HV on. 5M pulse trigger 

 4037    disabled pulse trigger, cosmic only, beam off HV on 

 4038-4040 trash, check daq, adjust adkust threshold  

 ==20230123 threshold== 
 Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform: 
 TS1: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit) & ShowerSum(70mv or 143 adc unit);  
 TS2: SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit) & ShowerSum(70mv or 143 adc unit) & SC_B(15mv or 123 adc unit). 
 TS3: 2 out of these 3 inputs: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit), ShowerSum(50mv or 103 adc unit), SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit); 
 TS4: ShowerSum(100mv or 205 adc unit) 
 TS5: SC_B(20mv or 164 adc unit). 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input 

 5uA tune beam on LHe4,  
 4041    5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=10,10,10,10,10,10, rate=250Hz 
 4042    5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=4,4,3,1,0,0, rate=2.4kHz     
 4043    5uA tune beam on LHe4, PS=3,3,2,0,0,0, rate=4kHz     

 2uA CW beam on LHe4, 
 4044    all TS1-6; PS=7,7,5,5,3,0, 11.5kHz, daq saturated     
 4045    all TS1-6; PS=8,8,5,3,4,0, 11.2kHz, daq saturated      
 4046    all TS1-6; PS=8,8,5,3,3,1, 11.2kHz, daq saturated 
 4047 4045    all TS1-6; PS=9,9,5,3,3,0, 11.2kHz, daq saturated     

 2uA CW beanm on LHe4, 
 4048    TS#4 only, PS4=3, rate=10.0kHz 
 4049-4050 trash 
 4051    TS#4 only, PS4=4, rate=5.9kHz 
 4052-4054 trash, TS#5 only, no rate, TS#5 cable connection might have problem  
 4055    TS#4 only, PS4=4, rate=5.6kHz 
 ==turn off sw test pulse in diaggui, this test inserts 100Hz pulse into FADC== 
 ==do not know how it affects the above data== 
 4056    trash, TS#6 only, no rate,   
 4057    TS#3 only, PS3=5, rate=2.0kHz 
 4058    TS#3 only, PS3=3, rate=6.8kHz 
 4059    trash 
 4060    TS#2 only, PS2=10, rate=1.1kHz 
 4061    TS#2 only, PS2= 7, rate=7.6kHz 
 4062    TS#1 only, PS1= PS2= 9, rate=2.8kHz 
 4063    TS#1 only, PS1= PS2= 7, rate=9.2kHz 
 4064    All TS, PS=9,9,5,6,6,1, rate=7.8kHz,  
 4065    All TS, PS=9,9,5,6,6,1, 20uA beam on LHe4, rate=11.2kHz, daq saturated    

 4066 pedestal verification, beam off, HV off, pulse trigger, 500k 

 Jimmy reported that the level1 tree has bug that some variables (cer[16]) are still  
 keeping the value of previous event if there is no hit in current event. (run4015) 

 Mistakes for runs from 3972 to 4066 
 1. The vmeDSC has positive pulse output if one follows the +|- label.    NIM logic board expects 
 negative pulse inputs.    Therefore our TS#1,TS#2 and TS#3 in run 3972-4066 are not what we designed.  
 TS#1 and TS#2 are logical "OR". TS#3 is complicated to express. 

 Mistakes for runs between 4023 and 4066: 
 1. TS#4 is actually triggered by SC_B due to cable wrongly shift by 1 pin. 
 On Jan 20 I tried to move TS#4(vmeDSC_ch12) and TS#5(vmeDSC_ch11) to vmeDSC_ch14 and vmeDSC_ch15.     
 But they are actually shifted by one pin location, which are vmeDSC_ch15 and vmeDSC_ch16.   
 Due to this mistake, trigger-bit 4 (0x1000) is actually triggered by SC_B (the SC behind shower),  
 Runs 4023-4066 are affected. 

 Fixed ECL cable invertly connection problem, FADC TrigOut is connected to vmeDSC_ch16, then connecting to TS#6 
 Verified TS#1-5 using function generator, still need to verify TS#6 from data 

 4067    all TS1-6, no PS, pulse trigger, no beam  
 4068    all TS1-6, no PS, pulse trigger, no beam 
 4069    all TS1-6, no PS, cosmic trigger trigger, no beam  
 ==cosmic trigger threshold== 
 Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform: 
 TS1: CerSum(150mv or 307 adc unit) & ShowerSum(30mv or 61 adc unit);  
 TS2: SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit) & ShowerSum(30mv or 61 adc unit) & SC_B(15mv or 123 adc unit). 
 TS3: 2 out of these 3 inputs: CerSum(150mv or 307 adc unit), ShowerSum(30mv or 61 adc unit), SC_D(20mv or 164 adc unit); 
 TS4: ShowerSum(50mv or 102 adc unit). 
 TS5: SC_B(20mv or 164 adc unit). 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input 


 to do:  
  look into run 4055 for Shower_R and SC_A 
 Raise TS4 threshold to 700mV and take some runs. 
 For TS4-only run, please adjust PS to keep rate at 3kHz. (If PS is too high, raise the threshold to 800mV or 900mV or 1V).  
 Need dedicated runs for each of TS4,5,1,2,3, in that order, and ideally also one run with all triggers on.  

 4071    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#4 only, PS=0, only Shower HVs are on. ShowerSum threshold is 85mV, daq rate is 4.5kHz. 
 4072    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#5 only, PS=0, only SC_B HV is on. SC_B threshold is 90mV, daq rate is 4.8kHz. 
 4073    trash 
 4074    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#2 only, PS2=5, all HVs are on. threshold: SC_B(15mV),SC_D(20mV),ShowerSum(50mV), daq rate is 7.7kHz. 
 4075    trash 
 4076    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#3 only, PS3=10, all HVs are on. threshold: CerSum(200mV),SC_D(20mV),ShowerSum(50mV), daq rate is 5.5kHz. 
 4077    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#1 only, PS1=7, all HVs are on. threshold: CerSum(200mV),ShowerSum(70mV), daq rate is 0.7kHz. 
 4078    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#1 only, PS1=4, all HVs are on. threshold: CerSum(200mV),ShowerSum(70mV), daq rate is 4.8kHz. 
 4079    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#6 only, PS6=5, all HVs are on. threshold: CerSum(200mV), daq rate is 0Hz. MaPMTs are fully saturated. 
 4080    40uA beam on Carbon target, TS#5 only, PS=8, only SC_B HV is on. SC_B threshold is 30mV, daq rate is 6.8kHz. 

 ==I doubt the signal cable of left and right shower are swapped==  
 4081     debug daq, only left preshower and left shower on, TS4 only, PS4=1, threshold=85mV 
 4082     debug daq, only right preshower and right shower on, TS4 only, PS4=1, threshold=85mV 
 4083     debug daq, only top preshower and top shower on, TS4 only, PS4=1, threshold=85mV 

 Result(conclusion): cable connections are all good. 


 A) What type of input pulse TI expects?  
 The TI we are using expects a positive differential pulse (meaning positive pulse on the + pin,  
 and simultaneously a negative pulse on the - pin). 
 The output of most level translator used in JLab can connect directly to TI, but not any logic unit output.  
 Its manual can be found here: 

 B) can we tell readout to read FADC waveform even though it can not pass the given threshold? 

 JLab FADC250 can force all channels to be readout even with a threshold still specified.  
 The flag/mask, FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK, tells the readout whether or not to use the threshold (but the trigger will). 
 For example: 
 FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 

 to do:  
 1) Addjust the following thresholds 
 Trig5:    SC_B 10mV 
 Trig4:    addjust threshold to get 3-4 kHz rate when PS4=0; 
 Trig2:    SC_B 10mV, SC_D 10mV, ShowerSum 10mV 

 **Trig1 and Trag3 not mentioned in the meeting, should I change ShowerSum for these 2??? 

 2)take dedicated runs for each trigger type in this order : TS4, TS5, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS6 
 It will take about 45s-60s to change TS configuration. 
 Each run will take about 300k to 400k triggers for 60s of beam time. 
 in total 12 minutes. 

 3)take one run with all triggers on. (2 minutes including TS configuration changing time)  


 4084    pedestal run. No beam HVs on, Preshower HVs stayed at    ___________1470,___________1740,___________1680, 
 4085    pedestal run. No beam HVs on, Preshower HVs changed back to ______1515,___________1800,___________1730, 
 4086    pedestal run. No beam HVs off 

 15:11 all HVs on 
 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 ==20230127 threshold== 
 Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform: 
 TS1: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit) & ShowerSum(70mv or 143 adc unit);  
 TS2: SC_D(10mv or 82 adc unit) & ShowerSum(10mv or 21 adc unit) & SC_B(10mv or 82 adc unit). 
 TS3: 2 out of these 3 inputs: CerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit), ShowerSum(50mv or 103 adc unit), SC_D(10mv or 82 adc unit); 
 TS4: ShowerSum(200mv or 410 adc unit) 
 TS5: SC_B(10mv or 82 adc unit). 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input 

 2uA cw beam on He3 target 

 4087    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=67mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4088    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=70mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4089    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=75mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4090    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=80mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4091    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=100mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4092    TS#4 only, PS4=0, threshold=200mV, daq rate=12kHz, saturated 
 4093    TS#4 only, PS4=5, threshold=200mV, daq rate=1.2kHz 
 4094    TS#4 only, PS4=3, threshold=200mV, daq rate=5kHz 
 4095    TS#2 only, PS2=10,threshold=SC_D(10mV),SC_B(10mV),ShowerSum(10mV), daq rate=5Hz 
 4096    TS#2 only, PS2=3, threshold=SC_D(10mV),SC_B(10mV),ShowerSum(10mV), daq rate=550Hz 
 4097    TS#2 only, PS2=0, threshold=SC_D(10mV),SC_B(10mV),ShowerSum(10mV), daq rate=2.5kHz 
 4098    TS#1 only, PS1=4, threshold=CerSum(200mV),ShowerSum(50mV), daq rate=3.2kHz 
 4099    TS#1 only, PS1=2, threshold=CerSum(200mV),ShowerSum(50mV), daq rate=9.5kHz 
 4100    TS#1 only, PS1=4, threshold=CerSum(200mV),ShowerSum(50mV), daq rate=3.2kHz 
 4101    TS#1-6 all, PS1-6=4,0,10,4,10,5, daq rate=5.2kHz 

 4102-4109 debug GEM daq 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 1. Chagned GEM gas bottle 
 2. Connected GEM cables 
 3. Flipped polarity for the inputs of TS4,TS5,TS6 

 4110    pedestal run, beam off, HVs off, pulse trigger 
 4111    pedestal run, beam off, HVs off, pulse trigger 
 4112    pedestal run, beam off, HVs on, pulse trigger 
 4113    pedestal run, beam off, HVs on, pulse trigger 

 4114-4118 GEM pedestal run 


 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 ==20230203 threshold== 
 Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform: 
 TS1: CerSum(100mv or 205 adc unit) & ShowerSum(150mv or 307 adc unit);  
 TS2: SC_D(5mv or 41 adc unit) & ShowerSum(5mv or 11 adc unit) & SC_B(6mv or 49 adc unit). 
 TS3: disabled 
 TS4: ShowerSum(300mv or 615 adc unit) 
 TS5: SC_B(6mv or 49 adc unit). 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit) for each Cherenkov individual input 

 4019    GEM pedestal run, HV off, 40uA beam on He3 target 

 ==2uA CW beam on He3 target== 
 all HVs are on without GEM, hallc_fadc config 

 4120    TS4 only, PS4=3, rate<600Hz 
 4121    TS4 only, PS4=0, rate=1.2kHz 
 4122    TS2 only, PS2=0, rate=5.4kHz 
 4123    TS1 only, PS1=5, rate<25Hz 
 4124    TS1 only, PS1=0, rate=600Hz 
 4125    TS1,TS2,TS4,TS5,TS6, PS=0,0,0,10,5, rate=10kHz 

 change to hallc_fadc_ssp config 
 4126    TS1,TS4, PS1=PS4=0, GEM HVs on after starting the run 


 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 GEM HVs are off all the time. 
 use hallc_fadc_ssp config 

 4127-4128 pedestal run, beam off and on, HV off,  

 4129-4130 pedestal run, beam off, HV off,  
 4131-4132 pedestal run, beam off, HV on,  
 4133-4134 pedestal run, beam off, HV on, change Shower HVs (L,R,T) from (900,1030,1030) to (900,1100,1000) 

 4135 trash, reboot coda  
 use hallc_fadc config, keep HVs as run 4133, FADC will not record signal below threshold. 
 4136-4139     pedestal run, no beam, HVs on. 8M events each run 
 4140          pedestal run, no beam, HVs on. 137M events in this run, 16:00 Feb 8th - 00:05 Feb 9th,  
             beam was back during from 19:02-19:22 (subrun 5-11) and 22:13-00:05 (subrun 17-37) 
             data triggers (TS#6 only) are missed with pulse triggers. The timing of TS#6 is out of scope,  
             therefore these events are all random!    

 ==Escorded access 20230210== 
 1. HV channel of 2nd GEM (from upstream to downstream) switched from Board A.1 to A.5.   
    A.1 is not stable, sometimes it will not work, sometime do. 
 2. Reconnected SC_A signal cable 
 3. Reduced the delay cable length of SC_B by 5 feet,   
 4. We need to have 5 copies of ShowerSum signal. One go to FADC, four go to vmeDSC.  
    Therefore we need to have an extra FIFO after summing up 3 shower blocks. The copy goes to  
    FADC is coming right after the summing. All four ShowerSum signals used in vmeDSC are from the extra FIFO. 
    This FIFO will have ~10ns delay, which will match to CerSum better.   
    (In the past vmeDSC ch03,ch04,ch05 are all come from summing unit, FADC and vmeDSC ch14 are from the extra FIFO.)  

 40uA beam on Carbon target,keep Shower HVs (L,R,T) at (900,1100,1000) 
 4141     pedestal run, beam on, HV off,  
 4142     TS4 only, PS4=5, threshold 20mv,  
 4143     TS4 only, PS4=5, threshold 20mv 
 4144     TS1 only, PS1=5    threshold 200mv & 20mv 
 4145     TS1 only, PS1=5    threshold 200mv & 20mv 
 4146     TS5 only, PS5=5, threshold 10mv 
 4147     TS2 only, PS2=0, threshold 10mv & 20mv & 10mv 
 4148     TS2 only, PS2=0, threshold 10mv & 20mv & 10mv 
 4149     TS4 only, PS4=5, threshold 20mv, change Shower HVs (L,R,T) from (900,1100,1000) to (800,1050,900)  

 4150-4151 debug GEM, TS5 only, only GEM and SC_B HVs are on, threshold 40mv, PS5=5 
 4152     TS4 only, GEM and all other HVs are on, threshold 200mv, PS4=0. SC_D DAC value set too low 

 4153     trash, no raw data file 
 4154     TS5 only, PS5=3, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 60mv 
 4155     TS6 only, PS6=0, all HVs are on without GEM, 15mv 2/15 Cer individual 

 15:25    10uA CW beam on He3 target 
 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 4156     TS4 only, PS4=3, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 200mv, rate=470Hz, 66k events 
 4157     TS4 only, PS4=3, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 20mv, rate=12.2kHz, 1.7M events, daq saturated 
 set FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK to 0 for slot7 and slot8  
 4158     TS4 only, PS4=3, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 20mv(ShowerSum), rate=13.8kHz, 1.7M events 
 4159     TS1 only, PS1=3, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 200mv(CerSum, about 12 pe) & 20mv(ShowerSum), rate=13.8kHz, 1.2M events 
 4160     TS2 only, PS2=0, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 10mv(SC_D) & 10mv(ShowerSum) & 40mv(SC_B), rate=200Hz, 16k events 
 4161     TS2 only, PS2=0, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 6mv(SC_D) & 10mv(ShowerSum) & 6mv(SC_B), rate=13.2kHz, 2.4M events 
 4162     TS2 only, PS2=0, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 10mv(SC_D) & 20mv(ShowerSum) & 10mv(SC_B), rate=12.2kHz, 1.1M events 
 4163     TS3 only, PS3=5, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 10mv(SC_D) & 50mv(ShowerSum) & 200mv(CerSum, about 12 pe), rate=6kHz, 1.1M events 

 4164     TS2 only, PS2=1, all HVs are on without GEM, threshold 10mv(SC_D) & 20mv(ShowerSum) & 10mv(SC_B),  
        beam current went up to 25uA, rate=450Hz (detector saturated if beam current>20uA), 26k events 
 16:02       Turn aLL HVs off 
 ===4161     good TS2 hreshold: 5mv(SC_D) & 10mv(ShowerSum) & 6mv(SC_B), rate=13.2kHz, 2.4M events=== 

 20230213     reboot NIM crate and vme crate 

 ==20230213 threshold== 
 Threshold is applied to the height of the waveform: 
 TS1: CerSum(50mv or 102 adc unit, about 2.9 pe) & ShowerSum(20mv or 41 adc unit);  
 TS2: SC_D(6mv or 49 adc unit) & ShowerSum(20mv or 41 adc unit) & SC_B(6mv or 49 adc unit). 
 TS3: disabled 
 TS4: ShowerSum(200mv or 405 adc unit) 
 TS5: SC_B(6mv or 49 adc unit). 
 TS6: CerA#,CerB#,CerC#,CerD#(15mv or 31 adc unit,about 0.8 pe) for each Cherenkov individual input 

 set FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK to 0 for slot7 and slot8  
 4165    pedestal run, beam off, HVs on 
 4166    pedestal run, beam off, HVs on 
 4167    pedestal run, beam off, HVs off 
 set FADC250_TET_IGNORE_MASK to 1 for slot7 and slot8  
 4168    pedestal run, beam off, HVs off 
 4169    pedestal run, beam off, HVs on 

 Carbon target 
 4170    TS4 only, PS4=0, threshold 200mv, change Shower HVs(L,R,T) from (800,1050,900) to (900,1030,1030), daq rate 100Hz, tune beam   
 4171    TS4 only, PS4=0, threshold 200mv, HVs(L,R,T) stay at (900,1030,1030), daq rate 5kHz, cw beam < 20uA 

 2uA CW beam, TS2 only, PS2=0, HV scan at the same threshold as 4122: 
 SC_D(5mv or 41 adc unit) & ShowerSum(5mv or 11 adc unit) & SC_B(6mv or 49 adc unit). 
 1) HVs(L,R,T) = (900,1030,1030) 
 2) HVs(L,R,T) = (880,1030,1000) 
 3) HVs(L,R,T) = (860,1030,975) 
 4) HVs(L,R,T) = (840,1030,950) 
 5) HVs(L,R,T) = (820,1030,930) 

 4172-4189     debug GEM and coda 

 20230214    Pedestal runs 

 4190-4191     pedestal runs, beam off, HVs on, hallc_fadc config  
 4192          pedestal runs, beam off, HVs off, hallc_fadc config  
 4193          trash, pedestal runs, beam off, HVs off, hallc_fadc_ssp config, ssp fail 
 4194          pedestal runs, beam off, HVs off, hallc_fadc config  
 4195          trash, debug ssp 
 4196-4197     pedestal runs, beam off, HVs off, hallc_fadc_ssp config, With all 4 GEM detectors, daq rate =3.7kHz, saturated 
 4198-4200     pedestal runs, beam off, HVs on, hallc_fadc_ssp config, With all 4 GEM detectors, daq rate =3.7kHz, saturated 

 ====Only shower and GEM HV on==== 
 40uA CW on dummy 
 4201    TS6, trash 
 4202    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 100mV(ShowerSum) Shower HV (L=700, R=730, T=680 V) 
 4203    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 150mV(ShowerSum) Shower HV (L=700, R=730, T=680 V) 
 4204    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 150mV(ShowerSum) Shower HV (L=900, R=1030, T=1030 V) change GEM latancy to 59, beam current to high, trash 
 4205    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 150mV(ShowerSum) Shower HV (L=900, R=1030, T=1030 V), taken on beam ramp up 

 ===All HV on=== 
 2uA CW beam on dummy tartet 
 4206    TS4, PS4=0, threshold: 200mv(ShowerSum), rate=2.0kHz Shower HV (L=900, R=1030, T=1030 V) 
 4207    TS2, PS2=0, threshold: 5mv(ShowerSum), 5mv(SC_D), 6mv(SC_B), rate=3.3kHz Shower HV (L=900, R=1030, T=1030 V) 
 4208    TS2, PS2=0, threshold: 5mv(ShowerSum), 5mv(SC_D), 6mv(SC_B), rate=2.7kHz Shower HV (L=880, R=1030, T=1010 V) 
 4209    TS2, PS2=0, threshold: 5mv(ShowerSum), 5mv(SC_D), 6mv(SC_B), rate=2.3kHz Shower HV (L=860, R=1030, T=990 V) 
 4210    TS2, PS2=0, threshold: 5mv(ShowerSum), 5mv(SC_D), 6mv(SC_B), rate=2.0kHz Shower HV (L=840, R=1030, T=970 V) 

 Recommented HVs: (L=850, R=1030, T=970 V) ---> MIP at 600 
 Used in FermiLab beam test: (L=760, R=880, T=860 V) 

 ==20230217: test trigger latency== 
 4211-4213 trash, no beam,  
 4214    TS1, PS1=3, threshold: 50mV (CerSum) & 200mv(ShowerSum), Shower HV (L=760, R=880, T=860 V) 
 4215    TS2, PS2=0, threshold: 5mv(ShowerSum), 5mv(SC_D), 6mv(SC_B), Shower HV (L=760, R=880, T=860 V) 
 4216    TS5, PS5=5, threshold: 40mv(SC_B), Shower HV (L=760, R=880, T=860 V) 

 1) TS5: SC_B signal is 200ns earlier than TS5  
 2) TS4: Shower_L,Shower_R,Shower_T are 200ns earlier than TS4, ShowerSum is 6ns later than Shower_L 
 3) TS1: only one peak, but showers have a wide range of 12~14 windows 
 4) TS2: only one peak, but most detectors have a wide range of 14-16 windows 
 5) SC_D, SC_B, CerSum have 44ns,38ns,44ns cable delay. SC_B is 6ns later than SC_D before delay.  
    After these delay, SC_B is 16ns later than ShowerSum, CerSum is 4ns later than ShowerSum. 
    We need to reduce the delay cable length for SC_B, SC_D and CerSum. 
 6) TS6 is 352ns (or 88 windows) behind its input signals  

 Trigger signal at Slot7_ch07 is 9 windows eariler than the trigger signal at slot8_ch15. Because Slot7_ch07 signal  
 is only 1 window later than that of Slot8_ch15, we should set FADC250_W_OFFSET 10 windows 40ns eariler in order to  
 match these 2 slots in timing. Therefore I changed slot7 from "FADC250_W_OFFSET 1060"    to "FADC250_W_OFFSET 1100". 
 I also changed slot7 FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY from 160ns to 80ns. 
 FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80   

 4217    will be the first run after FADC slo7 config change in FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY and    FADC250_W_OFFSET. 

 4217 TS4     good data, need to verify if Shower HV(L,R,T) = (760,880,860)? 
 4218 TS2     good data, need to verify if Shower HV(L,R,T) = (760,880,860)? 

 check TS6 latency, trash run are removed 
 4219-4221 Trash 
 4222-4225 TS6, only slot8 is useful, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (760,880,860), peak location is 5 windows earilier than TS4 
 4226-4238 Trash 
 4239-4240 TS6, only slot8 is useful, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), peak location is 5 windows earilier than TS4 
 4241-4242 Trash 
 4243-4247 TS6, only slot8 is useful, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), peak location is the same as    TS4 
 4248-4250 TS4, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), 
 4251        TS2, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), 
 4252-4260 Trash, FADC need to reboot 
 4261        TS4, only Shower HVs are on. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), TS4 delay = 40 windows, first 100k are pulse triggers 
 4262        TS1 and TS2, all HVs are on without GEM. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), TS1 TS2 delay = 4,7 windows 
 4263        TS1 and TS2, all HVs are on without GEM. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970), TS1 TS2 delay = 4,7 windows 
 no TS delay 
 4264        TS4, PS4=3, thredhold=200mv(ShowerSum), rate=1.5kHz 
 4265        TS4, PS4=3, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=12.8kHz, daq Saturated 
 4266        TS4, PS4=3, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=12.8kHz, daq Saturated 
 4267        TS4, PS4=5, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=12.8kHz, daq Saturated 
 4268        TS4, PS4=10, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=7.8kHz,  
 4269        TS4, PS4=10, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=7.8kHz,  
 4270        TS4, PS4=10, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=7.8kHz,  
 4271        TS4, PS4=10, thredhold=40mv(ShowerSum), rate=7.8kHz,  
 4272        TS1, PS1=5, thredhold=50mv(CerSum),20mv(ShowerSum), rate=12.8kHz, daq Saturated 
 4273        trash 
 4274        TS1, PS1=10, thredhold=50mv(CerSum),20mv(ShowerSum), rate=7.8kHz 
 How to determine TS6 latency: 
 basic knowledge:  
 A) TS6 (FADC trigger) is ~88 windows behind FADC input signal (viewed in DiagGui). 
 B) TS4(NIM trigger) is about 49 windows behind the input signal of logic unit (viewed in data).  

 1)    Use TS4 (NIM trigger, trigger by slot8_ch14), plug the trigger signal(L1A) into FADC slot7 and slot8.  
     Modify FADC250_W_OFFSET and FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY of FADC config file such that the peaks of  
     these 2 signals stay at the same time in slot7 and slot8.    The following is my current setting. 
     Trigger signals have ZERO delay. 
 slot7: FADC250_W_OFFSET 1100  
 slot7: FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 
 slot8: FADC250_W_OFFSET 1060  
 slot8: FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY 40 80 40 40 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0 
     Here is the peak location of each channel. 
 double kSlot7PeakPos_4[16] = { 44.5, 43.5, 44.5, 44.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 78.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5, 43.5 }; 
 double kSlot8PeakPos_4[16] = { 40.5, 35.5, 41.5, 39.5, 38.5, 37.5, 31.5, 35.5, 35.5, 36.5, 37.5, 37.5, 37.5, 37.5, 38.5, 77.5 }; 
     Note that the trigger signal of slot7_ch07 is 6ns late than that of slot8_ch14 because it gord thrught an extra FIFO. 

 2)    From the above peak location, we can see that TS6_peak = 43.5 + 94 = 137.5 (windows). To align TS4 to TS6, we have to  
     delay TS4 by 137.5 - 77.5 = 60 windows.    In my case, I change the readout list, delay TS4 by 54 windows.  
     We fisrtly change FADC250_W_OFFSET to view the peak location of these 2 trigger signals.  
     To keep slot7_ch07 at 78.5, slot7_W_offset should be 1100 - 60x4 = 860.  
     To keep slot8_ch15 at 77.5, slot8_W_offset should be 1060 - 60x4 = 820.  
     Since FADC trigger is 88 windows later than its inputs, it is impossible to view inputs and trigger within a 400ns windows. 
     Therefore do not bother to change slot7 delay. But we can add 60 windows (240ns) delay to slot8 such that the peaks of all  
     channels stay the same location. 
 slot7: FADC250_W_OFFSET 860 
 slot7: FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 
 slot8: FADC250_W_OFFSET 820 
 slot8: FADC250_ALLCH_DELAY 256 296 256 256 296 296 296 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 0 
       Take a run using TS6 trigger with the above changes to determine the peak location for 2 trigger signals. 
 20230219 run list 
 All HVs are on without GEM. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970). 
 40uA CW beam on Li-7 target. 

 List of HVs: 
 board1, 6kV, 8-ch: 


 4275     TS4, PS=10, Threshold: 40mV(ShowerSum), rate=8.2kHz, Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970) 
 4276     TS2, PS=0, Threshold: 5mV(SC_D) & 5mV(ShowerSum) & 6mV(SC_B), Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970),  
        rate=12.5kHz then detectors got saturated. 170k triggers 
 4277     TS2, PS=0, Threshold: 5mV(SC_D) & 5mV(ShowerSum) & 6mV(SC_B), Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970),  
        rate=12.5kHz then detectors got saturated. 988k triggers 
 4278     TS2, PS=0, Threshold: 5mV(SC_D) & 5mV(ShowerSum) & 6mV(SC_B), Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970),  
        rate=12.5kHz then detectors got saturated. 508k trigger 
 4279     TS2, PS=0, Threshold: 5mV(SC_D) & 5mV(ShowerSum) & 6mV(SC_B), Shower HV(L,R,T) = (840,1030,970),  
        rate=12.5kHz then detectors got saturated. 856k triggers 
 4280     TS2, PS=0, Threshold: 5mV(SC_D) & 5mV(ShowerSum) & 6mV(SC_B), Shower HV(L,R,T) = (840,1030,970),  
        rate=12.5kHz then detectors got saturated. 526k triggers 

 4281     trash 
 4282     pedestal. Beam off, HV off. 
 4283     pedestal. Beam off, HV off. 
 4284     pedestal. Beam off, HV on. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (840,1030,970),  
 4285     pedestal. Beam off, HV on. Shower HV(L,R,T) = (850,1030,970). 

 ==================== End of 7 deg     ====================================