



March 4th 2021
  • VMM
    • working on 128 channels firmware - complete and close to final - 8 x 16 channels group - operating same as the 12 channel module - 4 independent event building units - up to 4 triggers - ~ 5 MHz trigger rate for 800 ns
      windows - could extend to 6 or 8 if needed - simulating 128 channel code ( ethernet not implemented yet )
      will get 1 gigE block to be added ) Ultrascale 035 chip use about 22% can fit TMR - still need to complete all simulation - could use 040 to get more resources - logic clocked at 160 MHz - 10 gigE on eval board ? could add SFP - 10gigE on PC available copper - could loop back for testing 10 gigE
    • Eval board : still need to check connector / cable - software from Ben + additionnal processing - running on VM linux - need use adapter ( already available )
    • chips still being packaged - checking for the testing with China and borrowing CERN test system
    • Jeff still working on layout - should plan to meet
      with Gianluigi to review ( about 4 weeks )
  • FADC : waiting on Dave to start FADC VTP readout - MPD SSP code update - FADC firmware done
  • can set additionnal crate for VTP MPD - waiting for f
  • MAROC : Bishnu looking at cosmics
  • GEM : bubbler - checking -
  • VMM : MIP around set around 20 ADC channels, pedestal noise about 2 ADC channel - If 100 mV signal gives ADC 6 pretty close from noise - will have to optimize gain - ( option to include higher gain in new batch of chip )

*SoLID review next week
  • need prepare back up slides for DAQ question

Updated by Alexandre Camsonne about 4 years ago · 1 revisions