May 6th 2021
- Updates
- VHDL code at 1 gbit speed, going through GBT with 10 serial lines
- PCB : working on power distribution, added signal lines with mezzanine to save space on board, move flash memory to mezzanine and JTAG
- can make progress on VMM design rapidly
- do not need to have both ethernet or GBT at same time so can save
- 1 FPGA received from NewArk
- some FPGA ordered from unauthorized source : cancelled - only 30 days warranty
- new order should arrive before 30 weeks lead time
- can use 040 or 035 : development board using 040 abour 3K$, could order a few (AVNET has 12 )
- 4 chips : new order with AVNET through for regular FPGA, might get those in time (30 to 35 weeks )
- could check for other board with this chip
- need to follow up on special parts with Nilanga ( might be able to use some spare parts from SAMPA but needs to replenish stock )
- VMM in customs
- Need to follow up with George
- VTP readout completed
- MPD APV readout still need to fix issues
- 2 FADC readout - need add CODA GUI for controls
- no performance test yet
- took asymmetry test data, writing software
- test with chamber in UVA in EEL clean room
- getting starting with UVA setup for X-ray
- adapter for the VMM eval board for direct
*start to think about CD1 needs
*streaming workshop : quickly put number together SIDIS seems doable - need to do some studies
- VHDL code at 1 gbit speed, going through GBT with 10 serial lines
- PCB : working on power distribution, added signal lines with mezzanine to save space on board, move flash memory to mezzanine and JTAG
- can make progress on VMM design rapidly
- do not need to have both ethernet or GBT at same time so can save
- 1 FPGA received from NewArk
- some FPGA ordered from unauthorized source : cancelled - only 30 days warranty
- new order should arrive before 30 weeks lead time
- can use 040 or 035 : development board using 040 abour 3K$, could order a few (AVNET has 12 )
- 4 chips : new order with AVNET through for regular FPGA, might get those in time (30 to 35 weeks )
- could check for other board with this chip
- need to follow up on special parts with Nilanga ( might be able to use some spare parts from SAMPA but needs to replenish stock )
- VMM in customs
- Need to follow up with George
- VTP readout completed
- MPD APV readout still need to fix issues
- 2 FADC readout - need add CODA GUI for controls
- no performance test yet
**UMass - took asymmetry test data, writing software
**VMM - test with chamber in UVA in EEL clean room
- getting starting with UVA setup for X-ray
- adapter for the VMM eval board for direct
*start to think about CD1 needs
*streaming workshop : quickly put number together SIDIS seems doable - need to do some studies
Updated by Alexandre Camsonne almost 4 years ago · 3 revisions