October 15th 2020
- Updates
- VMM3
- working with FPGA eval board with VMM3 eval board - can talk the Xilinx Eval board - don't see the direct signal from eval board for now - issue with virtual machine crashing , when plugging things
- Jeff still working on layout
- tried continuous firmware, seems to work, could use the setup to send trigger to channel 63
- L0 max width 8 clock cycles
- APV25
- testing the rate limit in INFN tomorrow or next week
- QSFP to VXS out for quoting
- multiple 10gigE easier - 10 gigE
- UMass : FADC working with CODA, use TI internal trigger and use VTP
- MAROC : still noise issue - special windowing to cancel
- VMM3
- working with FPGA eval board with VMM3 eval board - can talk the Xilinx Eval board - don't see the direct signal from eval board for now - issue with virtual machine crashing , when plugging things
- Jeff still working on layout
- tried continuous firmware, seems to work, could use the setup to send trigger to channel 63
- L0 max width 8 clock cycles
- APV25
- testing the rate limit in INFN tomorrow or next week
- QSFP to VXS out for quoting
- multiple 10gigE easier - 10 gigE
- UMass : FADC working with CODA, use TI internal trigger and use VTP
- MAROC : still noise issue - special windowing to cancel
*Science review talk slides : add plan and status -
*Update SoLID collaboration
Updated by Alexandre Camsonne over 4 years ago · 3 revisions