



September 3rd 2020

  • Updates
    • VMM3
      • Progress with Jeff, almost done with schematics ( 8 layers 1 mm pitch FPGA ), still tweaking taking Ben and William feedback, Oscillator to be chosen for ethernet, could use clock from GBT link.
      • Parts in for evaluation board, eval board powered up - need ribbon cables made to connect to eval board -
      • Possible test : could borrow gas system and HV if needed
      • VMM3 eval board : reloaded firmware and board operating correctly, might be pull up resistor which has issues
        • test external trigger : did not work but might miss jumper
        • trying different integration time : for 200 ns 100 ns, no trigger 50 ns ans 25 ns with pulser, need to understand threshold setting
  • APV25 :
    • INFN : sbs-aonl account created on all computers triton atedf3 sbsvme20 - readout list need to be adapted -
      MPD setup using VME. Issues with configuration with optical - plan to do with VME
  • ASOC : met with Hawai people , still issues, might be hardware, discussion for having a spare
  • FNAL test beam
    • possible beam test at FNAL : December 9th and 16th - 12 hours beam every day - expect 2 days to setup system
    • Manpower : Jixie taking lead and willing to drive
    • FNAL MWPC separate DAQ - need to bring DAQ for our detectors
    • Xinzhan could help for Fermilab setup , Kondo could be interested - one week before beam test would be safe
    • DAQ system : 4 modules + 3 preshower = minimum 6 channels - scintillator trigger ? Need to look for scintillator trigger : at least
      2 weeks for testing at JLab
    • lead plate 6 or 7 mm ? 1 or 2 radiation length - need to check if there are issues to lead loaning and with Fermilab if safety issues
  • text from Ed and Ben
  • Alex working on draft for Friday

*Nilanga : mention PRAD2 and LAD with large area GEMs, opportunity to test VMM3
20 000 channels
2 wafers = 200 chips = 12 000 channels
2 years or more - hit rate low ( Hall B ) - if use GBT trigger and clock but need FELIX boards for readout
if read with Ethernet need clock and trigger to be developped - 1 GBT for 2 VMM - one FELIX 48 low rate links
GBT is in initial design. Ed has a few GBT and GBT SCA left but need to get more. GBT 40 to 50 $ and optical
250 $ - 300 $ per board - could lower cost with more VMM per boards

*Xinzhan waiting for paperwork, might be ready mid September

*SBIR opportunity for GEM ?


Updated by Alexandre Camsonne about 4 years ago · 3 revisions