

Zhiwen Zhao

  • Login: zwzhao
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 05/22/2017
  • Last connection: 06/13/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 5 1 6
Reported issues 36 5 41


Project Roles Registered on
SoLID Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID Software Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID Geometry Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID Reconstruction Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID Simulations Developer 05/23/2017
SoLID ECal Developer, Reporter 06/13/2022
January 2022 test run Developer, Reporter 06/13/2022
SoLID-muons Developer, Reporter 11/01/2022
SoLID CLFV Developer, Reporter 11/01/2022
SoLID CLFV simulation Developer, Reporter 11/08/2022
SoLID CLFV background Developer, Reporter 11/08/2022
DDVCS-detectors Developer, Reporter 11/01/2022
DDVCS events Developer, Reporter 11/01/2022
DDVCS_partons Developer, Reporter 04/05/2023
DDVCS_PAC51_proposal Developer, Reporter 02/01/2023
Experimental setup Developer, Reporter 02/07/2023
Intro/Physics case Developer, Reporter 02/07/2023
Simulation, prediction results Developer, Reporter 02/07/2023



10:33 PM SoLID Simulations Task #203: make trigger in software
test Zhiwen Zhao
06:00 PM SoLID Simulations Feature #219 (New): magnet map
Zhiwen Zhao
05:36 PM SoLID Simulations Feature #181 (Closed): test
Zhiwen Zhao
12:18 AM SoLID Simulations Task #209: make simulation more realistic
add Birk effect of scintilator, add photon static effect Zhiwen Zhao


01:34 PM SoLID Reconstruction Task #218 (New): SIDIS NH3 target reconstruction
Target reconstruction, vertex finding/fitting for SIDIS configuration Zhiwen Zhao
01:11 PM SoLID Software Task #217 (New): move from svn to github
Zhiwen Zhao
01:10 PM SoLID Simulations Task #216 (New): study with new magnet
Zhiwen Zhao
01:10 PM SoLID Simulations Feature #215 (New): radiation
Zhiwen Zhao
01:08 PM SoLID Simulations Task #214 (New): study DAQ deadtime ???
Zhiwen Zhao
01:07 PM SoLID Simulations Task #213 (New): SIDIS NH3 trigger study
Zhiwen Zhao

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