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Stephen Kay, 03/08/2021 02:53 PM
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- Pion LT Software Meetings
Pion LT Software Meetings¶
Pion LT software meetings. Please add your talk to the meeting ahead of time. Add the newest meeting to the top of the list!
2021.03.08 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- HeeP studies discussion
- Discussed minimal criteria for singles runs
- No setting shorter than 12 minutes
- No setting longer than one hour
- No setting with less than 10k events
- Want elastics rates of under 100 kHz
- Criteria/Discussion for coin runs
- Want roughly 50k elastics
- Multiple would be good
- ~3 hours for one previous setting (at 50% data taking eff), this is OK
- Discussed solid angles for each spectrometer
- HMS - 8 mSr, 8.1?
- SHMS - 3.5 mSr, Carlos states > 4 mSr in his thesis
- Both Nathan and Jacob had some spreadsheets with settings analysed, a few numbers did not match previous settings, both looking into this (probably a solid angle off or similar)
- Garth sent on Fortran code for cross sections
- Discussed minimal criteria for singles runs
- Analysis Code Updates
- Stephen has finalised the pathing/directory structure updates for
- hallc_replay_lt
- All have a new branch, offline_pionlt
- Further testing and updates needed, Stephen will work through updating the scripts for the calibrations now that the new structure is set up
- Some are outdated now, DC, Hodoscopes e.t.c (grab wrong DB files to begin with)
- Stephen has finalised the pathing/directory structure updates for
- Numerous people reported that the farm was very slow over the weekend, if this continues, should raise with Brad/SciComp
2021.03.01 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- HeeP studies
- Students still working on this, Jacob looking at rate calculations
- Stephen - updates on new git and directory setup scripts
- Scripts in place but still some work on hallc_replay_lt and UTIL_BATCH needed
- Issues with pathing that need to be corrected for new area
- Should have these finalised by mid/late this week
- Jacob has tested and seems to be working OK
- Will work on updating/testing DC/Calorimeter calibration scripts next
- Scripts in place but still some work on hallc_replay_lt and UTIL_BATCH needed
- Jacob conducting sanity checks on new matrix elements, noticed discrepancy between kaonlt/pionlt hcana and previous versions, likely due to changes in hcana from April last year
- Meeting time discussed, remaining at 13:00 ET (which means it shifts to 11:00 Regina time)
2021.02.22 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- Updates from the group
- Garth
- HeeP data discussion, one per beam energy
- KaonLT and PionLT Phase I had nearly every beam energy setting
- Updates about the new target config, phase II and III of PionLT likely going to have new target ladder
- Thicker aluminium cans, CAD design done but not completely finalised, will know soon
- KaonLT beamline will be used in 2021 run, new beamline for 2022 run
- Start of run pushed back slightly, 2022 run will be May to December, PionLT might be slotted into parts of this
- HeeP data discussion, one per beam energy
- Stephen
- Demo2 script fixed, bug was slightly stupid, run not in range but the script did not report this
- Will look at tweaks to to fix this
- New hcana installed in pionlt area, used root 6.14.04, scons issue with newer root (6.18.04)
- Will create setup scripts for use in migrating over to this area for working
- Minor issue with /cache/c-pionlt directory, permissions related
- Demo2 script fixed, bug was slightly stupid, run not in range but the script did not report this
- Garth
- Discussed plans and potential problems for upcoming run regarding COVID procedures, how many people can be on shift, how many people will travel and so on
- Will need to shift meeting time in a few weeks due to daylight savings time change for some people
2021.02.15 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- Updates from the group
- Carlos
- Previously looked at optimisation of kinematics for HeeP data
- Document on DocDB
- Will revisit this and try to make some notes on code
- Stephen
- No major updates, resolved some issues with scripts Jacob/Junaid were having
- /group/c-pionlt now exists, will try to install hcana here with a more up to date version of root
- Garth mentioned some changes to farm software, cmake, singularity, Jupyter - shouldn't affect us much
- Nathan
- Combing hodo script DBase files, will try and update, including batch scripts
- Jacob
- Sanity checks of running old scripts and comparing to new
- Should be in place to combine in new matrix elements soon
- Junaid
- demo1 being slow, file probably too large
- Farm also being slow could be an issue
- Ali
- Sym link hardcoding, switch location of outputting
- Carlos
- Idea of a directory setup script, something people can run and it will set up a tree of directories to save files to
- Can try making a version of this later this week, will need to modify output of lots of scripts!
2021.02.08 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- Updates from the group
- Stephen - Tried to replicate errors Jacob was having with Demo2, could not replicate issues and didn't see any script differences
- May be a versioning issue, Stephen and Richard will investigate further
- JLab environment/root version issue likely cause
- Jacob - Questions about the pionlt directories, all but the /group/c-pionlt one seem to be set up
- Stephen following up with Brad on this
- Junaid - Some environment issues
- Stephen will try to resolve later today
- Casey - Gave an update on his timing window scripts
- Scripts look very nice, compare timing windows to existing ones and upload plots to network accessible location
- Stephen will take a look at how they can be adapted for our coincidence running
- Stephen - Tried to replicate errors Jacob was having with Demo2, could not replicate issues and didn't see any script differences
- HeeP running discussion
- Minimum accessible spectrometer angles - SHMS 5.5, HMS 10.5, opening angle ??
- Want higher for HeeP running for practicality (no hall access e.t.c.)
2021.02.01 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- Updates from the group
- Stephen - Cointime peak script updates and fixes
- Jacob - Issues with Demo2 cuts
- Stephen thinks this may be due to lack of updating of the script after some changes Richard made, will investigate
- Nathan - Hodoscope script issues, tracked down to .database file. Investigating fixes
- Junaid - Software setup on Lark but python/root issues here, working on JLab account. Will investigate root compilation on Lark
- Stephen raised that issue in getting root to compile isn't actually related to the python version used, other package/component causing issues
- Ali - Working on improving report files and def files
- Casey Presentation
- Discussion of process and software used by XEM experiment
- Nice reference time script in place, will exchange with Stephen/Richard and see what can be merged with each
- Structure and plan for analysis look similar to our own, will try to collaborate as much as possible on having a nice working set of software for online usage
- Raised point of online BCM/BPM monitoring
- Dave mentioned it would be nice to track the stability of the BCM/BPMs over the run period, at least once per shift produce a plot/document checking this
- Stephen added that this could also track the prescale factors (reported vs calculated)
- Investigate idea of a once per shift script that checks last X runs and produces plots above
2021.01.25 PionLT Preparation Meeting¶
- Garth Discussed run plan kinematics, purpose of Heep runs, and Luminosity scans
- Homework: students should look at distributed Heep kinematics and try to find some sets of singles (e') and coin (e'+p) runs which would overlap either in energy or angle with the physics kinematics, for the purpose of establishing angle and momentum offsets.
- Jacob also looked through Garth's physics kinematics spreadsheet, and did not find any additional errors, beyond the one GH had already identified. That error turned out to be an error in the kinematics table in the Jeopardy (2019) proposal, and GH subsequently distributed a corrected spreadsheet.
2021.01.12 PionLT Software Meeting¶
- Stephen Presentation
- Discussion of analysis tasks and status as of 12/01/21. The non-annotated version of the notes is also available here
- Homework for next week is the following -
- Setup and try the batch calibration scripts and the python analysis script demo
- For Stephen - Check with Brad regarding new area for files
Updated by Stephen Kay almost 4 years ago · 18 revisions