



May 20th 2021
  • Updates
    • VMM
      • Jeff and Ed working full time on prototype
        Discussion VMM power: VMM requires 8 voltages rails
      • slides for power distribution
      • firmware work : almost done simulating GBT
      • configuration VMM3 code
      • check with Nilanga for parts
      • VMM3 on site , compiling
      • FPGA :
      • waiting for quote and trying finish simulation and will order
      • fast memory could be shortage too
    • FADC being readout by Dave Abbott, modifying CODA to setup FPGA ROC
      • Bryan working on MPD readout with VTP
    • UMass
      • preliminary results for asymmetry : 5% , but get 10 % need to check - not delayed - 30 Hz quad -
        GEM UVA ready
        start setup UVA X-ray
        check if all harware needed for SSP readout
        *can check Eval board VMM while waiting for prototype

Updated by Alexandre Camsonne about 3 years ago · 3 revisions