


October 28th 2021 » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Alexandre Camsonne, 10/28/2021 02:58 PM) → Revision 3/4 (Alexandre Camsonne, 10/28/2021 03:41 PM)

h1. October 28th 2021 

 * Updates 
 ** VMM 
 ***issue with connector tolerance - solution using fixed and floating connectors  
 ***send power board end of week 
 ***gave VMM Eval board to Xinzhan 
 ***Got 2nd VMM, working on software to  
 ***Radioactive source area 
 ***ArCO2 gas  
 ***can look at signal from VMM 
 ***Friday to Monday in UVA - to setup X-ray 
 ***VERSO : could use 
 ** APV 
 ***working in Hall A 5.2 KHz 6 samples 
 ** FADC 
 *** driver for ethernet adapater not loaded correctly - and should work - might need new kernel  
 ** VTP  
 *** New firmware is ready for multicrate ECAL trigger testing (fixed a bug with it early this week) 
 *** Trying to get solidvtp1 and 2 root mounts to be same as Hall A VTPs. solidvtp1 seems to mount it now, solidvtp2 doesn't 
 *** These VTPs we're (kernel) crashing often before, so this is why I want to run the same mounts as the Hall A VTPs (where we don't see this). Not sure if the issue will be gone after this mount change - if not I'll check if Bryan can figure it out and probably we can run as-is if we can at least get the VME crates online so we can remotely power cycle to recover 

 *new funding request 
 **will test radiation hardness next week 
 **new bPOL supply, GBT ordered 
 **might need to    switch to lpGBT and VTRx+  
 **TMR commercial software - evaluate cost 
 **filtering of VMM : ferrite saturates    - air core inductors are big - might be better if far from supply - could use linear regulator - 
 **TDIS : flex circuit board to get signal out