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Hours: 48.00

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Hall A Analyzer 08/22/2017 Ole Hansen Design Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaVhist 2.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/29/2017 Ole Hansen Design Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput histogramming rethinking 2.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 07/31/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Review BranchHandler implementation on hansenjo/removing-vform branch 0.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput formulas review/planning 0.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/06/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files Start adding #include support to THaOutput::LoadFile 0.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files Support search path for #include 0.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/06/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput work in progress 1.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput branch handlers 1.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/16/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput formulas 1.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/30/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files Add THaOutput #include feature to master branch 1.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/21/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput formulas 1.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/23/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Output::Histogram 1.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 01/08/2018 Ole Hansen Development Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files Support #include in cut definition files 1.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/26/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Output::Histogram/HistogramAxis 2.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/31/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput histogramming 2.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files Prelimonary support for #include in odef files 2.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Histogram init, BranchHandlers 3.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/18/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput formulas 3.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/30/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput histogramming 4.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/26/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaVhist replacement 5.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/28/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput histogramming 5.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/24/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Output::Histogram, HistogramAxis 6.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/07/2017 Ole Hansen Testing Feature #220: Support #include in output definition files THaOutput #include testing 0.50 Actions

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