



UVA-phys-Zheng: Are there more left- than right-handed quarks in the proton?

Added by Richard Trotta 10 months ago

A collaborative paper, “Signals of strong parity violation in deep inelastic scattering”, has been accepted by Phys. Lett. B for publication. In this work, we consider the possibility that the strong interaction could violate parity symmetry, causing a non-vanishing, new structure function F3. Existing world data on parity-violating deep inelastic scattering (PVDIS) asymmetry from SLAC E122, HERA, and JLab 6 GeV indicate a 1.5 σ deviation from a null result, thus the signal of possible strong parity violation is small but not negligible. Our impact study shows that the planned SoLID experimental program at JLab will have sufficient precision to demonstrate a 5σ effect should the central value of the signal remains the same.

For full texts please see and references therein.

Update on Jan. 23: the accepted version of the manuscript can be found at

Compton simulation: GEMC gcard

Added by Alexandre Camsonne over 7 years ago


The command to run the script is given below. The LUND file directory is in the command and I have added a copy of the gcard and the electron detector geometry file in-case you need them. Of course you will need to change $SCRIPT_DIR to where ever you put the gcard.



gemc -OUTPUT="evio, output_generator_left_3GeV_1.evio" -INPUT_GEN_FILE="LUND, /work/eic/jhoskins/generator/compton_left_3GeV_1_LUND.dat" $SCRIPT_DIR/det1_compton_eledownstream_batch_LUND_3GeV.gcard


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