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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1052 SBS DAQ GEp GEMS Task New Normal LV improvements : spread more ? 02/28/2025 11:25 AM Actions
1051 SBS DAQ GEp HCAL Bug Resolved Normal F1 RF time hits loss Jiwan Poudel 03/07/2025 10:09 AM Actions
1050 SBS DAQ GEp GEMS Task Resolved Normal Improve error handling APV and MPD Ching Him Leung 03/07/2025 10:07 AM Actions
1048 SBS DAQ GEp GEMS Task In Progress Normal Algorithm for GEM region of interest 03/07/2025 10:07 AM Actions
1047 SBS DAQ GEp GEMS Task In Progress Normal Look up tables for selective readout 03/07/2025 10:07 AM Actions
1045 SBS DAQ GEp HCAL Task In Progress Normal CODA sync reset Ben Raydo 03/07/2025 10:08 AM Actions
1044 SBS DAQ GEp HCAL Task In Progress Normal HCAL digital trigger implementation Ben Raydo 03/07/2025 10:12 AM Actions
1043 SBS DAQ GEp ECal Task Resolved Normal ECal VTP trigger Ben Raydo 03/07/2025 10:10 AM Actions
1039 SBS DAQ GEp ECal Task New Normal Move cables in Hall A 06/03/2024 09:50 AM Actions
1038 SBS DAQ GeP Trigger Task New Normal Full report 05/30/2024 01:17 PM Actions
1037 SBS DAQ GeP Trigger Task New Normal Final poster 05/30/2024 01:16 PM Actions
1036 SBS DAQ GeP Trigger Task New Normal Poster draft 05/30/2024 01:16 PM Actions
1035 SBS DAQ GeP Trigger Task New Normal Draft abstract project 05/30/2024 01:15 PM Actions
1034 Database format and implementation Task In Progress High Fill database with existing data from Pawel Melany Higuera Angulo 05/29/2024 11:53 AM Actions
1031 Target studies Task New Normal y target vs raster X 05/03/2024 06:15 PM Actions
1030 Target studies Bug New Urgent Target issue (a compendium of links) 05/13/2024 08:55 PM Actions
1018 NPS Task New High Desinstallation supplies list Joshua Crafts 04/29/2024 02:01 PM Actions
1017 NPS Task New High Loop 3 data Charles Hyde 04/25/2024 10:18 AM Actions
1016 NPS Bug New High Run plan for additionnal / missing data for boiling Yaopeng Zhang 04/29/2024 04:16 AM Actions
1015 NPS Idea New High Do we need to take more dummy target single arm for DIS analysis ? 04/29/2024 10:02 AM Actions
1014 LAD experiment Task New Normal LAD event display/monitoring plots 04/15/2024 05:48 PM Actions
1013 LAD experiment Task New Normal Reconstruction: Combine GEM track and LAD hit 04/15/2024 05:19 PM Actions
1012 LAD experiment Task New Normal Reconstruction: LAD hits 04/15/2024 05:13 PM Actions
1011 LAD experiment Task New Normal Simulation: GEM digitization Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso 04/15/2024 05:13 PM Actions
1010 LAD experiment Task New Normal Simulation: LAD digitization Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso 04/15/2024 05:09 PM Actions
(26-50/567) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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