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Hours: 511.55

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
SoLID preRD 03/26/2020 Alexandre Camsonne Installation Task #543: Setup Cerenkov FADC crate 60.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 05/08/2018 Robert Michaels Update Feature #274: CODA 3 data format CODA3 / 2 mods working now 50.00 Actions
SBS Software 08/28/2020 Eric Fuchey Development Task #550: Rewrite libsbsdig 40.00 Actions
SBS Software 09/04/2020 Eric Fuchey Development Task #550: Rewrite libsbsdig 40.00 Actions
SBS Software 09/18/2020 Eric Fuchey Development Feature #572: Add randomized background hits as an alternate of superimposing background files 30.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 05/08/2018 Robert Michaels Update Feature #350: BankData class and support in decoder project complete, for now 20.00 Actions
SBS-DAQ-GMn-HCal 09/11/2020 Juan Carlos Cornejo Update Task #573: Adapt readout list HCAL to CODA3 VXS ROL already migrated 16.00 Actions
SBS Software 09/08/2020 Eric Fuchey Troubleshooting Task #550: Rewrite libsbsdig 15.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 03/12/2018 Robert Michaels Update Bug #265: Static variable in PipeliningModule::SplitBuffer I think the job (issue 151) is done but will let Ole close it if he agrees. 12.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 05/07/2018 Robert Michaels Update Feature #274: CODA 3 data format Mostly done, but hit a snag with FADC data 10.00 Actions
SBS Software 09/11/2020 Eric Fuchey Development Feature #572: Add randomized background hits as an alternate of superimposing background files 10.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 04/21/2018 Ole Hansen Development Feature #40: Replace THa prefix with namespaces Podd namespace 8.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/24/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula Output::Histogram, HistogramAxis 6.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/09/2018 Robert Michaels Testing Bug #407: Setting CODA version for files filtered with EVIO 4 Done, I think. 6.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 09/28/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #65: Port SCons changes from 1.5 branch to master Merge Release-150 SCons changes into master 6.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 11/27/2017 Ole Hansen Development Bug #246: Prescale event decoding missing Add prescale event processing to new decoder 6.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 01/24/2018 Ole Hansen Development Feature #253: VDC geometry parameters VDC geometry 6.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 04/20/2018 Ole Hansen Development Feature #40: Replace THa prefix with namespaces Podd namespace 6.00 Actions
SBS Software 08/21/2020 Eric Fuchey Development Task #550: Rewrite libsbsdig 6.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/28/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaOutput histogramming 5.50 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 03/05/2018 Ole Hansen Migration Support #239: Move online documentation into Redmine Wiki Convert "Writing Code" HTML docs to Wiki pages 5.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 08/26/2017 Ole Hansen Development Feature #53: Replace THaVform with THaFormula THaVhist replacement 5.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 10/11/2022 Ole Hansen Development Bug #676: PipeliningModule::LoadBank calling TIBlobModule::LoadSlot with too short a length 5.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 02/23/2018 Robert Michaels Testing Bug #265: Static variable in PipeliningModule::SplitBuffer Testing with CODA 3 files revealed more issues 4.00 Actions
Hall A Analyzer 05/08/2018 Robert Michaels Testing Feature #350: BankData class and support in decoder Some "how to use" instructions. 4.00 Actions
(1-25/115) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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