Analy_update3.pdf (494 KB)
Analy_update3.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 06/13/2019 06:31 PM
2022-01-05_Update_Nathan.pdf (663 KB)
2022-01-05_Update_Nathan.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/05/2022 12:18 PM
PionLT EDTM Analysis Summary.pptx (216 KB)
PionLT EDTM Analysis Summary.pptx |
Jacob Murphy, 01/05/2022 12:37 PM
PionLT EDTM Analysis Summary.pptx (216 KB)
PionLT EDTM Analysis Summary.pptx |
Jacob Murphy, 01/05/2022 12:41 PM
mtg_22jan05.txt (3.88 KB)
mtg_22jan05.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/15/2022 03:31 PM
mtg_22jan12.txt (3.09 KB)
mtg_22jan12.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/15/2022 03:31 PM
Analysis_Updates1_Jan12.pdf (447 KB)
Analysis_Updates1_Jan12.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/15/2022 03:46 PM
Analysed_4p5.pdf (714 KB)
Analysed_4p5.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:44 PM
Analysed_3p6.pdf (696 KB)
Analysed_3p6.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:44 PM
Analysed_2p7.pdf (635 KB)
Analysed_2p7.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:44 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_5.pdf (284 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_5.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_6.pdf (286 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_6.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_4.pdf (257 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_4.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_3.pdf (285 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_3.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_2.pdf (281 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_2.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
HMS_Analysed_2p7_1.pdf (281 KB)
HMS_Analysed_2p7_1.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:50 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_6.pdf (441 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_6.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_5.pdf (429 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_5.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_4.pdf (389 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_4.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_3.pdf (410 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_3.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_1.pdf (369 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_1.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_2.pdf (402 KB)
SHMS_Analysed_2p7_2.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 09:54 PM
Analysis_Updates_Jan26_2022.pdf (45 KB)
Analysis_Updates_Jan26_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/25/2022 10:05 PM
2022-01-26NathanHeinrich.pdf (724 KB)
2022-01-26NathanHeinrich.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/26/2022 11:56 AM
PionLT EDTM Study # 2 Analysis.pptx (823 KB)
PionLT EDTM Study # 2 Analysis.pptx |
Jacob Murphy, 01/27/2022 02:36 AM
PionLT_EDTM_Study2_Analysis.pdf (882 KB)
PionLT_EDTM_Study2_Analysis.pdf |
Jacob Murphy, 01/27/2022 02:40 AM
KaonLTMeeting3_9_22.pdf (208 KB)
KaonLTMeeting3_9_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/09/2022 10:56 AM
Mode10Update_2022Mar9.pdf (455 KB)
Mode10Update_2022Mar9.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 03/09/2022 12:39 PM
mtg_22jan26.txt (2.04 KB)
mtg_22jan26.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/14/2022 04:51 PM
mtg_22feb23.txt (2.57 KB)
mtg_22feb23.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/14/2022 04:51 PM
mtg_22mar09.txt (5.48 KB)
mtg_22mar09.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/14/2022 04:51 PM
grp_22mar04.txt (2.35 KB)
grp_22mar04.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/14/2022 06:01 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_23_22.pdf (319 KB)
KaonLTMeeting3_23_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/23/2022 12:08 PM
Mode10Update_2022Mar23.pdf (1.13 MB)
Mode10Update_2022Mar23.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 03/23/2022 02:48 PM
mtg_22mar23.txt (6.39 KB)
mtg_22mar23.txt |
Richard Trotta, 03/24/2022 02:05 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_Meeting_Apri_06_2022.pdf (999 KB)
Vijay_KaonLT_Meeting_Apri_06_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/05/2022 05:58 PM
KaonLTMeeting4_6_22.pdf (385 KB)
KaonLTMeeting4_6_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2022 12:12 PM
Analysis_Update_Apr_6.pdf (30.5 KB)
Analysis_Update_Apr_6.pdf |
Ali Usman, 04/06/2022 02:17 PM
mtg_22apr06.txt (5.27 KB)
mtg_22apr06.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/07/2022 02:46 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_Meeting_Apr19_2022.pdf (928 KB)
Vijay_KaonLT_Meeting_Apr19_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/18/2022 06:08 PM
mtg_22apr19.txt (4.5 KB)
mtg_22apr19.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/01/2022 11:05 PM
Vijay_analysis_May3_2022.pdf (1.06 MB)
Vijay_analysis_May3_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/02/2022 04:47 PM
KaonLT_May_3.pdf (35.2 KB)
KaonLT_May_3.pdf |
Ali Usman, 05/03/2022 01:55 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_3_22.pdf (1.24 MB)
KaonLTMeeting5_3_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/03/2022 01:57 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_3_22.pdf (1.24 MB)
KaonLTMeeting5_3_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/03/2022 01:57 PM
mtg_22may03.odt (21.7 KB)
mtg_22may03.odt |
Garth Huber, 05/06/2022 05:35 PM
efficiencies_22may03.odt (17.2 KB)
efficiencies_22may03.odt |
Garth Huber, 05/06/2022 05:56 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting.pdf (1.07 MB)
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/16/2022 05:35 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_17_22.pdf (2.37 MB)
KaonLTMeeting5_17_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/17/2022 03:26 PM
efficiency_output_list.docx (7.52 KB)
efficiency_output_list.docx |
Richard Trotta, 05/17/2022 03:27 PM
mtg_22may17.txt (10.8 KB)
mtg_22may17.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/21/2022 01:22 PM
efficiencies_22may25.txt (3.54 KB)
efficiencies_22may25.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/26/2022 07:08 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_May31_2022.pdf (270 KB)
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_May31_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/31/2022 10:52 AM
KaonLT_May31.pdf (431 KB)
KaonLT_May31.pdf |
Ali Usman, 06/01/2022 06:24 PM
mtg_22may31.txt (8.69 KB)
mtg_22may31.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/01/2022 06:39 PM
efficiencies_22jun02.txt (4.1 KB)
efficiencies_22jun02.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/03/2022 01:53 PM
efficiencies_22jun13.txt (3.55 KB)
efficiencies_22jun13.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/13/2022 09:10 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_14_22.pdf (1.65 MB)
KaonLTMeeting6_14_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/14/2022 01:07 PM
EDTM_Study_Report.pdf (149 KB)
EDTM_Study_Report.pdf |
Jacob Murphy, 06/28/2022 01:40 PM
Graphical_Guide_Evt_Type.pdf (4.64 MB)
Graphical_Guide_Evt_Type.pdf |
Jacob Murphy, 06/28/2022 01:40 PM
mtg_22jun28.txt (6.35 KB)
mtg_22jun28.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/01/2022 11:41 PM
KaonLTMeeting7_14_22.pdf (527 KB)
KaonLTMeeting7_14_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/15/2022 10:03 AM
mtg_22jul14.txt (7.88 KB)
mtg_22jul14.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/16/2022 09:39 PM
Heep_coin_no_offsets_vijay_22jul08.pdf (1.27 MB)
Heep_coin_no_offsets_vijay_22jul08.pdf |
Garth Huber, 07/16/2022 09:40 PM
KaonLTMeeting_8_4_22.pdf (1.03 MB)
KaonLTMeeting_8_4_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/04/2022 10:48 AM
Vijay_HeepCheckStudy.pdf (24.6 KB)
Vijay_HeepCheckStudy.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 08/04/2022 11:16 AM
mtg_22aug04.txt (4.42 KB)
mtg_22aug04.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/06/2022 07:16 PM
Vijay_Aug17_2022.pdf (100 KB)
Vijay_Aug17_2022.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 08/12/2022 05:14 PM
FullAnalysis_Offset_10p6.pdf (417 KB)
FullAnalysis_Offset_10p6.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/17/2022 10:42 AM
HcanavSimc_scatter_calc.pdf (8.17 MB)
HcanavSimc_scatter_calc.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/17/2022 10:42 AM
mtg_22aug17.txt (6.65 KB)
mtg_22aug17.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/19/2022 08:54 PM
LT_sep_iterations.pdf (1020 KB)
LT_sep_iterations.pdf |
Garth Huber, 08/25/2022 05:32 PM
Kaon_LT_tutorial_18nov28.pdf (914 KB)
Kaon_LT_tutorial_18nov28.pdf |
Garth Huber, 08/25/2022 05:33 PM
LTsep_mtg_22aug26.txt (5.85 KB)
LTsep_mtg_22aug26.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/26/2022 08:24 PM
KaonLTMeeting8_31_22.pdf (1.05 MB)
KaonLTMeeting8_31_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2022 11:27 AM
mtg_22aug31.txt (6.64 KB)
mtg_22aug31.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/31/2022 08:34 PM
Yield_10p6_l1_all.pdf (274 KB)
Yield_10p6_l1_all.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/08/2022 11:56 AM
Yield_6p2_l1_all.pdf (254 KB)
Yield_6p2_l1_all.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/08/2022 11:56 AM
Yield_10p6_l2_all.pdf (255 KB)
Yield_10p6_l2_all.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/08/2022 11:56 AM
mtg_22sep08.txt (8.25 KB)
mtg_22sep08.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/08/2022 05:55 PM
Sep8_Analysis.pdf (1.45 MB)
Sep8_Analysis.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:08 PM
FullAnalysis_4p9-2.pdf (1.22 MB)
FullAnalysis_4p9-2.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:10 PM
FullAnalysis_8p2.pdf (1.06 MB)
FullAnalysis_8p2.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:10 PM
FullAnalysis_3p8-1.pdf (1.1 MB)
FullAnalysis_3p8-1.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:10 PM
FullAnalysis_10p6-1.pdf (1.18 MB)
FullAnalysis_10p6-1.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:10 PM
FullAnalysis_6p2.pdf (1.14 MB)
FullAnalysis_6p2.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/08/2022 08:10 PM
KaonLTMeeting9_8_22.pdf (1.63 MB)
KaonLTMeeting9_8_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/20/2022 11:21 PM
Yield_6p2cl1.pdf (253 KB)
Yield_6p2cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/21/2022 01:17 AM
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf (261 KB)
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/21/2022 01:17 AM
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf (263 KB)
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/21/2022 01:17 AM
Ali_Sep21_Analysis.pdf (1.35 MB)
Ali_Sep21_Analysis.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/21/2022 09:45 AM
mtg_22sep21.txt (6.75 KB)
mtg_22sep21.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/21/2022 05:50 PM
mtg_22sep28.txt (5.47 KB)
mtg_22sep28.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/30/2022 10:44 AM
HMS_Optics_Calibrations_Update.pdf (664 KB)
HMS_Optics_Calibrations_Update.pdf |
Jacob Murphy, 10/01/2022 06:16 AM
KaonLTMeeting10_4_22.pdf (2.59 MB)
KaonLTMeeting10_4_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/05/2022 09:42 AM
mtg_22oct05.txt (7.27 KB)
mtg_22oct05.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/05/2022 05:35 PM
mtg_22oct12.txt (4.85 KB)
mtg_22oct12.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/13/2022 05:56 PM
mtg_22oct19.txt (5.66 KB)
mtg_22oct19.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/19/2022 02:47 PM
mtg_22oct26.txt (2.08 KB)
mtg_22oct26.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/28/2022 12:31 PM
Vijay_REYIELD_2p7C.pdf (153 KB)
Vijay_REYIELD_2p7C.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 11/01/2022 10:48 PM
Carlo_scaler_yield.pdf (271 KB)
Carlo_scaler_yield.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 11/01/2022 11:03 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Nov_2.pdf (1.87 MB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Nov_2.pdf |
Ali Usman, 11/02/2022 08:27 AM
Yield_6p2cl1.pdf (241 KB)
Yield_6p2cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_6p2lh2l1.pdf (234 KB)
Yield_6p2lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf (251 KB)
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf (244 KB)
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf (239 KB)
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf (238 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf (239 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf (233 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2022 09:01 AM
mtg_22nov02.txt (9.67 KB)
mtg_22nov02.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/02/2022 01:26 PM
HMS_Optimization_at_High_Momentum.pdf (1.94 MB)
HMS_Optimization_at_High_Momentum.pdf |
Jacob Murphy, 11/03/2022 10:46 AM
Vijay_LumiStuy.odp (130 KB)
Vijay_LumiStuy.odp |
Vijay Kumar, 11/08/2022 03:58 PM
Vijay_LumiStuy.pdf (159 KB)
Vijay_LumiStuy.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 11/08/2022 04:01 PM
mtg_22nov09.txt (6.65 KB)
mtg_22nov09.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/10/2022 05:16 PM
Yield_8p2lh2l1.pdf (284 KB)
Yield_8p2lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_8p2cl1.pdf (284 KB)
Yield_8p2cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf (275 KB)
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf (284 KB)
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf (275 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf (277 KB)
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf (278 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf (283 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2022 08:13 AM
SJDK_LT_Meeting_16_11_22.pdf (385 KB)
SJDK_LT_Meeting_16_11_22.pdf |
Slides with some explanation |
Stephen Kay, 11/16/2022 12:16 PM
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_15_11_22.pdf (1.59 MB)
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_15_11_22.pdf |
Offset is simply the particle ToF added within the modulo fn, seem to work. |
Stephen Kay, 11/16/2022 12:16 PM
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_SJia.pdf (1.72 MB)
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_SJia.pdf |
RF corrections applied as Shuo defined them, also used as Shuo used them, outside of the modulo |
Stephen Kay, 11/16/2022 12:16 PM
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_Reg.pdf (1.7 MB)
Q2_3p0_W2p32_loweps_Reg.pdf |
RF corrections applied using same correction as Shuo, but added in the modulo fn, not externally |
Stephen Kay, 11/16/2022 12:16 PM
mtg_22nov16.txt (7.96 KB)
mtg_22nov16.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/16/2022 01:08 PM
CPULT_lowQ2.png (28 KB)
CPULT_lowQ2.png |
Garth Huber, 11/16/2022 01:12 PM
ELT_lowQ2.png (26 KB)
ELT_lowQ2.png |
Garth Huber, 11/16/2022 01:12 PM
TLT_lowQ2.png (25.4 KB)
TLT_lowQ2.png |
Garth Huber, 11/16/2022 01:12 PM
mtg_22nov23.txt (5.15 KB)
mtg_22nov23.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/23/2022 01:38 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates.pdf (910 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 11/23/2022 02:15 PM
mtg_22nov30.txt (3.06 KB)
mtg_22nov30.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/02/2022 11:29 AM
KaonLT_Dec_5.pdf (181 KB)
KaonLT_Dec_5.pdf |
Ali Usman, 12/07/2022 08:00 AM
FullAnalysis_Q3W3p14_lowe.pdf (488 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q3W3p14_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf (512 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
FullAnalysis_Q4p4W2p74_lowe.pdf (495 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q4p4W2p74_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
FullAnalysis_Q4p4W2p74_highe.pdf (771 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q4p4W2p74_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (730 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
FullAnalysis_Q3W3p14_highe.pdf (831 KB)
FullAnalysis_Q3W3p14_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2022 08:40 AM
mtg_22dec07.txt (7.81 KB)
mtg_22dec07.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/07/2022 11:56 AM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Dec07.pdf (535 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Dec07.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 12/15/2022 10:11 AM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Dec07.pdf (535 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Dec07.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 12/15/2022 10:15 AM
mtg_22dec14.txt (5.92 KB)
mtg_22dec14.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/15/2022 01:31 PM
KaonLTMeeting12_21_22.pdf (348 KB)
KaonLTMeeting12_21_22.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2022 09:20 AM
mtg_22dec21.txt (4.95 KB)
mtg_22dec21.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/21/2022 01:38 PM
Jan4_KLT_Meeting.pdf (190 KB)
Jan4_KLT_Meeting.pdf |
Ali Usman, 01/03/2023 11:31 PM
mtg_23jan04.txt (4.38 KB)
mtg_23jan04.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/04/2023 04:51 PM
KaonLTMeeting1_19_23.pdf (775 KB)
KaonLTMeeting1_19_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 01/19/2023 02:22 PM
Vijay_Jan19_2023.pdf (574 KB)
Vijay_Jan19_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 01/19/2023 04:16 PM
RefTimes_Update_2023-01-19.pdf (535 KB)
RefTimes_Update_2023-01-19.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/19/2023 04:34 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Jan_19.pdf (70.1 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Jan_19.pdf |
Ali Usman, 01/19/2023 04:45 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates-6.pdf (1.17 MB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates-6.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 01/20/2023 12:22 PM
Asymmetry_Errors.pdf (96.7 KB)
Asymmetry_Errors.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 01/20/2023 12:23 PM
mtg_23jan19.txt (10.4 KB)
mtg_23jan19.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/20/2023 03:55 PM
KaonLTMeeting1_26_23.pdf (44.4 KB)
KaonLTMeeting1_26_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 01/26/2023 04:12 PM
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (1.31 MB)
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 01/26/2023 04:13 PM
RefTimes_Update_2023-01-26.pdf (1.13 MB)
RefTimes_Update_2023-01-26.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/26/2023 04:58 PM
ref_times_email_exchange.txt (2.84 KB)
ref_times_email_exchange.txt |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/26/2023 05:00 PM
mtg_23jan26.txt (4.38 KB)
mtg_23jan26.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/30/2023 05:17 PM
KaonLT_meeting_Feb2_2023.pdf (535 KB)
KaonLT_meeting_Feb2_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 02/02/2023 02:07 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_2_23.pdf (336 KB)
KaonLTMeeting2_2_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/02/2023 03:37 PM
mtg_23feb02.txt (10.4 KB)
mtg_23feb02.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/03/2023 07:12 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Feb2.pdf (736 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Feb2.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 02/06/2023 10:01 AM
KaonLTMeeting2_9_23.pdf (520 KB)
KaonLTMeeting2_9_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/09/2023 03:03 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_09.pdf (1 MB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_09.pdf |
Ali Usman, 02/09/2023 04:56 PM
mtg_23feb09.txt (7.04 KB)
mtg_23feb09.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/10/2023 04:29 PM
KaonLT_meeting_Feb16_2023.pdf (299 KB)
KaonLT_meeting_Feb16_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 02/16/2023 02:15 PM
mtg_23feb16.txt (5.09 KB)
mtg_23feb16.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/16/2023 07:28 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_23.pdf (377 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_23.pdf |
Ali Usman, 02/23/2023 05:14 PM
mtg_23feb23.txt (5.74 KB)
mtg_23feb23.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/24/2023 11:10 AM
KaonLT_meeting_March02_2023.pdf (252 KB)
KaonLT_meeting_March02_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 03/02/2023 02:21 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_23.pdf (390 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_23.pdf |
Ali Usman, 03/02/2023 04:15 PM
FullAnalysis_8p2.pdf (1.27 MB)
FullAnalysis_8p2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:41 PM
FullAnalysis_6p2.pdf (1.39 MB)
FullAnalysis_6p2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:41 PM
FullAnalysis_3p8.pdf (1.35 MB)
FullAnalysis_3p8.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:41 PM
FullAnalysis_4p9.pdf (1.46 MB)
FullAnalysis_4p9.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:41 PM
FullAnalysis_10p6.pdf (1.46 MB)
FullAnalysis_10p6.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:41 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_2_23.pdf (3.08 MB)
KaonLTMeeting3_2_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:43 PM
unsep_xsects_Q5p5W3p02.pdf (49.2 KB)
unsep_xsects_Q5p5W3p02.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:46 PM
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf (1.72 MB)
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:46 PM
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (5.65 MB)
FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/02/2023 05:46 PM
mtg_23mar02.txt (4.83 KB)
mtg_23mar02.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/02/2023 06:45 PM
mtg_23mar09.txt (5.33 KB)
mtg_23mar09.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/10/2023 03:08 PM
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt-summary.pdf (2.29 MB)
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt-summary.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 03/10/2023 04:31 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_3_16_23.pdf (215 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_3_16_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/16/2023 03:51 PM
mtg_23mar16.txt (4.3 KB)
mtg_23mar16.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/16/2023 05:49 PM
AerogelCalib_2023-03-16.pdf (589 KB)
AerogelCalib_2023-03-16.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 03/16/2023 06:05 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Mar_23.pdf (118 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Mar_23.pdf |
Ali Usman, 03/23/2023 04:24 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_23_23.pdf (796 KB)
KaonLTMeeting3_23_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/23/2023 05:31 PM
mtg_23mar23.txt (7.44 KB)
mtg_23mar23.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/24/2023 08:41 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_Mar30_2023.pdf (125 KB)
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_Mar30_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 03/30/2023 05:31 PM
mtg_23mar30.txt (7.31 KB)
mtg_23mar30.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/30/2023 07:17 PM
KaonLTMeeting4_6_23.pdf (778 KB)
KaonLTMeeting4_6_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:42 PM
Yield_8p2cl1.pdf (416 KB)
Yield_8p2cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_8p2lh2l1.pdf (398 KB)
Yield_8p2lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf (381 KB)
Yield_10p6cl2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf (414 KB)
Yield_10p6cl1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf (388 KB)
Yield_10p6cl3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf (385 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l1.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf (410 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf (403 KB)
Yield_10p6lh2l3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/06/2023 03:44 PM
mtg_23apr06.txt (5.38 KB)
mtg_23apr06.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/06/2023 07:33 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Apr_13.pdf (102 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Apr_13.pdf |
Ali Usman, 04/13/2023 03:55 PM
Vijay_Apr13_2023.pdf (120 KB)
Vijay_Apr13_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/13/2023 04:58 PM
mtg_23apr13.txt (5.76 KB)
mtg_23apr13.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/13/2023 06:43 PM
mtg_23apr13.txt (5.76 KB)
mtg_23apr13.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/13/2023 06:44 PM
mtg_23apr13.txt (5.76 KB)
mtg_23apr13.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/13/2023 06:45 PM
mtg_23apr20.txt (3.32 KB)
mtg_23apr20.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/20/2023 05:37 PM
AerogelCalib_2023-04-20.pdf (778 KB)
AerogelCalib_2023-04-20.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/25/2023 03:12 PM
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt-summary.pdf (2.29 MB)
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt-summary.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/25/2023 04:54 PM
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt.pdf (3.86 MB)
presentation-2020-09-23-kaonlt.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/25/2023 04:54 PM
Vijay_Apr27_2023.pdf (90.1 KB)
Vijay_Apr27_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/27/2023 02:18 PM
Left_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf (27.6 KB)
Left_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
KaonLTMeeting4_27_23.pdf (436 KB)
KaonLTMeeting4_27_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
Right_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (33.5 KB)
Right_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
Center_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (32.5 KB)
Center_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
Left_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (30.4 KB)
Left_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
Center_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf (29.9 KB)
Center_kaon_MM_subtract_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/27/2023 03:34 PM
mtg_23apr27.txt (10.1 KB)
mtg_23apr27.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/27/2023 07:58 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_4_23.pdf (535 KB)
KaonLTMeeting5_4_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/04/2023 03:45 PM
mtg_23may04.txt (10.2 KB)
mtg_23may04.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/05/2023 03:39 PM
Vijay_May11_2023.pdf (93.3 KB)
Vijay_May11_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/11/2023 02:52 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_11_23.pdf (554 KB)
KaonLTMeeting5_11_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/11/2023 04:00 PM
mtg_23may11.txt (2.21 KB)
mtg_23may11.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/12/2023 03:35 PM
Raster_check_summer19.pdf (110 KB)
Raster_check_summer19.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/18/2023 03:11 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_May_18.pdf (617 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_May_18.pdf |
Ali Usman, 05/18/2023 03:45 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_May_11.pdf (450 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_May_11.pdf |
Ali Usman, 05/18/2023 03:45 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_May_4.pdf (242 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_May_4.pdf |
Ali Usman, 05/18/2023 03:45 PM
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf (42.9 KB)
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/18/2023 04:37 PM
hms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf (37.9 KB)
hms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/18/2023 04:37 PM
shms_regression_current_carbon.pdf (36.3 KB)
shms_regression_current_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/18/2023 04:37 PM
shms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf (32.1 KB)
shms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/18/2023 04:37 PM
mtg_23may18.txt (7.12 KB)
mtg_23may18.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/19/2023 05:14 PM
Vijay_May25_2023.pdf (113 KB)
Vijay_May25_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/25/2023 02:35 PM
mtg_23may25.txt (7.3 KB)
mtg_23may25.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/26/2023 12:16 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_May1.pdf (560 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_May1.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 05/26/2023 01:00 PM
mm_simcdata1.pdf (77.2 KB)
mm_simcdata1.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 05/26/2023 01:04 PM
mm_simcdata2.pdf (151 KB)
mm_simcdata2.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 05/26/2023 01:04 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_1_23.pdf (223 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_1_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/01/2023 03:01 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_8_23.pdf (527 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_8_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/08/2023 05:21 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates_2023.pdf (654 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Updates_2023.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 06/09/2023 10:55 AM
mtg_23jun01.txt (2.4 KB)
mtg_23jun01.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/13/2023 06:14 AM
mtg_23jun08.txt (1.92 KB)
mtg_23jun08.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/13/2023 06:15 AM
CalibUpdate_2023-06-15.pdf (1 MB)
CalibUpdate_2023-06-15.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 06/15/2023 03:59 PM
HMSCerUpdate2023-05-25.pdf (424 KB)
HMSCerUpdate2023-05-25.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 06/15/2023 03:59 PM
mtg_23jun22.txt (4.38 KB)
mtg_23jun22.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/23/2023 10:51 AM
KaonLTMeeting6_28_23.pdf (463 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_28_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/28/2023 03:32 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_22_23.pdf (234 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_22_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/28/2023 03:32 PM
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_Jun28_2023.pdf (53 KB)
Vijay_KaonLT_meeting_Jun28_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 06/28/2023 11:24 PM
mtg_23jun28.txt (5.5 KB)
mtg_23jun28.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/29/2023 03:42 PM
mtg_23jun15.txt (1.18 KB)
mtg_23jun15.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/29/2023 03:43 PM
peter_mtg_23jun25.txt (3.26 KB)
peter_mtg_23jun25.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/29/2023 03:45 PM
mtg_23jul06.txt (5.86 KB)
mtg_23jul06.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/06/2023 06:24 PM
Vijay_July6_2023.pdf (68.3 KB)
Vijay_July6_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 07/07/2023 10:00 AM
mtg_23jul13.txt (4.56 KB)
mtg_23jul13.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/14/2023 11:43 AM
Vijay_July20_2023.pdf (77.4 KB)
Vijay_July20_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 07/20/2023 11:51 AM
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf (1.09 MB)
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_lowe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/20/2023 04:40 PM
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf (3.63 MB)
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/20/2023 04:40 PM
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe_no_hgcer_cut.pdf (3.64 MB)
kaon_FullAnalysis_Q5p5W3p02_highe_no_hgcer_cut.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/20/2023 04:40 PM
mtg_23jul20.txt (4.03 KB)
mtg_23jul20.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/20/2023 05:50 PM
mtg_23jul27.txt (5.92 KB)
mtg_23jul27.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/27/2023 06:24 PM
KaonLTMeeting8_10_23.pdf (355 KB)
KaonLTMeeting8_10_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/10/2023 03:58 PM
mtg_23aug10.txt (4.25 KB)
mtg_23aug10.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/10/2023 06:18 PM
mtg_23aug17.txt (4.88 KB)
mtg_23aug17.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/17/2023 06:23 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Binning2.pdf (863 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Binning2.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 08/17/2023 06:26 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_PiDelta.pdf (765 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_PiDelta.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 08/17/2023 06:26 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Binning1.pdf (677 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Binning1.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 08/17/2023 06:28 PM
Vijay_update_Aug24_2023.pdf (129 KB)
Vijay_update_Aug24_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 08/24/2023 02:58 PM
mtg_23aug24.txt (3.58 KB)
mtg_23aug24.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/24/2023 06:35 PM
KaonLTMeeting8_31_23.pdf (340 KB)
KaonLTMeeting8_31_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:13 PM
hms_regression_current_LH2.pdf (49.1 KB)
hms_regression_current_LH2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf (47 KB)
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
hms_regression_rate_LH2.pdf (48.6 KB)
hms_regression_rate_LH2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
hms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf (47.4 KB)
hms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
shms_regression_current_carbon.pdf (41.8 KB)
shms_regression_current_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
shms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf (41.8 KB)
shms_regression_rate_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
shms_regression_current_LH2.pdf (42.2 KB)
shms_regression_current_LH2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
shms_regression_rate_LH2.pdf (41.7 KB)
shms_regression_rate_LH2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/31/2023 04:14 PM
mtg_23aug31.txt (8.99 KB)
mtg_23aug31.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/01/2023 01:32 PM
results_summary_23aug28.txt (3.54 KB)
results_summary_23aug28.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/01/2023 01:33 PM
offset_oop.pdf (11.4 KB)
offset_oop.pdf |
Garth Huber, 09/01/2023 01:34 PM
Vijay_Sep07_2023.pdf (119 KB)
Vijay_Sep07_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 09/07/2023 01:16 PM
mtg_23sep07.txt (4.41 KB)
mtg_23sep07.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/08/2023 05:32 PM
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf (51.4 KB)
hms_regression_current_carbon.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/10/2023 04:18 PM
hms_regression_current_LH2.pdf (53.7 KB)
hms_regression_current_LH2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/10/2023 04:18 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_BinMC2.pdf (1.09 MB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_BinMC2.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 09/11/2023 02:27 PM
Scan_prelim.pdf (15.4 KB)
Scan_prelim.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 09/11/2023 02:28 PM
mtg_23sep12.txt (4.63 KB)
mtg_23sep12.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/12/2023 05:16 PM
LTsep_mtg_23sep13.txt (3.37 KB)
LTsep_mtg_23sep13.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/13/2023 03:02 PM
mtg_23sep19.txt (4.38 KB)
mtg_23sep19.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/20/2023 12:52 PM
kaon_unsep_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf (60.8 KB)
kaon_unsep_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/26/2023 03:14 PM
mtg_23sep26.txt (5.8 KB)
mtg_23sep26.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/26/2023 05:33 PM
log_ctime.pdf (17.2 KB)
log_ctime.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 09/28/2023 12:28 PM
mmcointime.pdf (194 KB)
mmcointime.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 09/28/2023 12:28 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_Sep16.pdf (685 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_Sep16.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 09/28/2023 12:32 PM
kaon_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf (47.9 KB)
kaon_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/03/2023 03:52 PM
mtg_23oct03.txt (7.85 KB)
mtg_23oct03.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/03/2023 07:22 PM
heep_coin_time_10p6.pdf (14.5 KB)
heep_coin_time_10p6.pdf |
Garth Huber, 10/03/2023 07:23 PM
ctime_vs_beta.pdf (524 KB)
ctime_vs_beta.pdf |
Garth Huber, 10/03/2023 07:23 PM
cointime_mmpi_10p6.pdf (194 KB)
cointime_mmpi_10p6.pdf |
Garth Huber, 10/03/2023 07:24 PM
cointime_beta_10p6.pdf (123 KB)
cointime_beta_10p6.pdf |
Garth Huber, 10/03/2023 07:24 PM
KaonLTMeeting10_10_23.pdf (929 KB)
KaonLTMeeting10_10_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/10/2023 04:17 PM
mtg_23oct10.txt (3.79 KB)
mtg_23oct10.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/10/2023 05:06 PM
Vijay_Oct17_23.pdf (250 KB)
Vijay_Oct17_23.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 10/17/2023 01:40 PM
kaon_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf (66.8 KB)
kaon_xsects_Q2p1W2p95.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/17/2023 03:22 PM
CTleakage_mtg_23oct16.txt (1.51 KB)
CTleakage_mtg_23oct16.txt |
Richard Trotta, 10/17/2023 03:48 PM
mtg_23oct17.txt (4.48 KB)
mtg_23oct17.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/18/2023 12:17 PM
KaonLTMeeting11_2_23.pdf (2.9 MB)
KaonLTMeeting11_2_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/02/2023 05:26 PM
mtg_23nov02.txt (4.97 KB)
mtg_23nov02.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/02/2023 06:55 PM
mtg_23nov09.txt (4.81 KB)
mtg_23nov09.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/09/2023 04:50 PM
KaonLTMeeting11_9_23.pdf (6.42 MB)
KaonLTMeeting11_9_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/09/2023 05:13 PM
mtg_23oct24.txt (3.82 KB)
mtg_23oct24.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/13/2023 02:58 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Nov_16_2023.pdf (746 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Nov_16_2023.pdf |
Ali Usman, 11/16/2023 01:43 PM
Heep_pmy_summer19_offset.pdf (243 KB)
Heep_pmy_summer19_offset.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 11/16/2023 02:51 PM
KaonLTMeeting11_16_23.pdf (0 Bytes)
KaonLTMeeting11_16_23.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/16/2023 02:59 PM
mtg_23nov16.txt (4.88 KB)
mtg_23nov16.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/17/2023 12:39 PM
offset_pmy2c.pdf (44.3 KB)
offset_pmy2c.pdf |
Garth Huber, 11/17/2023 12:42 PM
RefTimes_Update_2023-11-30.pdf (238 KB)
RefTimes_Update_2023-11-30.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/30/2023 12:56 PM
KaonLT_FinalHeepOffsets.pdf (3.15 MB)
KaonLT_FinalHeepOffsets.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 02:58 PM
Final_4p9_nooffset.pdf (1.47 MB)
Final_4p9_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 03:03 PM
Final_3p8_nooffset.pdf (1.36 MB)
Final_3p8_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 03:03 PM
Final_8p2_nooffset.pdf (1.23 MB)
Final_8p2_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 03:03 PM
Final_6p2_nooffset.pdf (1.37 MB)
Final_6p2_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 03:03 PM
Final_10p6_nooffset.pdf (1.4 MB)
Final_10p6_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/30/2023 03:03 PM
RefTimes_Update_2023-11-30.pdf (239 KB)
RefTimes_Update_2023-11-30.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/30/2023 03:51 PM
mtg_23nov30.txt (6.15 KB)
mtg_23nov30.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/30/2023 06:53 PM
FinalHeepOffsets_v2.pdf (3.11 MB)
FinalHeepOffsets_v2.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:01 PM
Final_8p2_offset.pdf (1.25 MB)
Final_8p2_offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_6p2_offset.pdf (1.35 MB)
Final_6p2_offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_4p9_offset.pdf (1.42 MB)
Final_4p9_offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_3p8_offset.pdf (1.31 MB)
Final_3p8_offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_10p6_offset.pdf (1.36 MB)
Final_10p6_offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_8p2_nooffset.pdf (1.25 MB)
Final_8p2_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_6p2_nooffset.pdf (1.35 MB)
Final_6p2_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_4p9_nooffset.pdf (1.42 MB)
Final_4p9_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_3p8_nooffset.pdf (1.31 MB)
Final_3p8_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
Final_10p6_nooffset.pdf (1.36 MB)
Final_10p6_nooffset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/07/2023 03:11 PM
mtg_23dec07.txt (4.59 KB)
mtg_23dec07.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/07/2023 09:36 PM
PionLT_Smmer19_Lumi_elastic_Studies.pdf (102 KB)
PionLT_Smmer19_Lumi_elastic_Studies.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 12/13/2023 02:22 PM
20231214_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.34 MB)
20231214_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
beta_SHMS_calibration |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 12/14/2023 04:12 PM
mtg_23dec14.txt (6.32 KB)
mtg_23dec14.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/14/2023 08:20 PM
FinalHeepOffsets_v3.pdf (3.21 MB)
FinalHeepOffsets_v3.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:41 PM
8p2_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf (1020 KB)
8p2_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
3p8_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf (869 KB)
3p8_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
heep_yield.pdf (131 KB)
heep_yield.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
6p2_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf (731 KB)
6p2_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
4p9_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf (862 KB)
4p9_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
10p6_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf (1.2 MB)
10p6_Prod_2023_12_18.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/21/2023 03:42 PM
mtg_23dec21.txt (5.73 KB)
mtg_23dec21.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/21/2023 05:49 PM
PionLT_Smmer19_Lumi_elastic_Studies_Dec21_2023.pdf (101 KB)
PionLT_Smmer19_Lumi_elastic_Studies_Dec21_2023.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 12/28/2023 11:28 AM
mtg_24jan04.txt (5.04 KB)
mtg_24jan04.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/04/2024 05:49 PM
20240104_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.76 MB)
20240104_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 01/05/2024 10:52 AM
mtg_24jan04.txt (5.04 KB)
mtg_24jan04.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/05/2024 12:01 PM
D1_2024WinterHallCTalk.pdf (2.77 MB)
D1_2024WinterHallCTalk.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 01/11/2024 03:16 PM
mtg_24jan11.txt (3.51 KB)
mtg_24jan11.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/12/2024 05:35 PM
DG_24jan11_hms_hsxpfp.pptx (672 KB)
DG_24jan11_hms_hsxpfp.pptx |
Garth Huber, 01/12/2024 05:36 PM
GitHub_mtg_24jan10.txt (3.04 KB)
GitHub_mtg_24jan10.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/12/2024 06:36 PM
DG_24jan11_hms_hsxpfp.pdf (478 KB)
DG_24jan11_hms_hsxpfp.pdf |
Garth Huber, 01/15/2024 11:23 AM
KaonLTMeeting1_24_24.pdf (1.41 MB)
KaonLTMeeting1_24_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 01/25/2024 04:07 PM
mtg_24jan25.txt (6.8 KB)
mtg_24jan25.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/30/2024 02:25 PM
DG_24jan25_hms_hsxpfp.pdf (520 KB)
DG_24jan25_hms_hsxpfp.pdf |
Garth Huber, 01/30/2024 02:26 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_1_24.pdf (526 KB)
KaonLTMeeting2_1_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/01/2024 02:54 PM
mtg_24feb01.txt (3.64 KB)
mtg_24feb01.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/01/2024 05:10 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_8_24.pdf (2.41 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_8_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/08/2024 12:36 PM
mtg_24feb08.txt (4.82 KB)
mtg_24feb08.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/08/2024 05:31 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_15_24.pdf (1.35 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_15_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/15/2024 03:55 PM
dsig_totstaterror_calc.pdf (1.85 MB)
dsig_totstaterror_calc.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/15/2024 03:55 PM
GitHub_mtg_24feb14.txt (3.19 KB)
GitHub_mtg_24feb14.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/16/2024 05:34 PM
mtg_24feb15.txt (6.9 KB)
mtg_24feb15.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/16/2024 05:34 PM
Asymmetry_Postuma_2024-1.pdf (709 KB)
Asymmetry_Postuma_2024-1.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 02/16/2024 06:06 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_15_2024.pdf (429 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_15_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 02/16/2024 06:18 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_22_24.pdf (2.58 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_22_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/22/2024 03:39 PM
mtg_24feb22.txt (6.19 KB)
mtg_24feb22.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/22/2024 06:33 PM
Lattice_form_factor.pdf (507 KB)
Lattice_form_factor.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 02/29/2024 01:37 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_29_24.pdf (445 KB)
KaonLTMeeting2_29_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/29/2024 04:44 PM
mtg_24feb29.txt (7.88 KB)
mtg_24feb29.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/02/2024 10:30 AM
Postuma_MissMass_Feb29.pdf (852 KB)
Postuma_MissMass_Feb29.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 03/04/2024 12:05 PM
Postuma_MissMass_Feb22.pdf (629 KB)
Postuma_MissMass_Feb22.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 03/04/2024 12:06 PM
20240229_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (3.21 MB)
20240229_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 03/06/2024 01:42 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_7_24.pdf (797 KB)
KaonLTMeeting3_7_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/07/2024 05:05 PM
mtg_24mar07.txt (7.95 KB)
mtg_24mar07.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/08/2024 02:26 PM
Efficiency_Studies_PionLT.pdf (1.54 MB)
Efficiency_Studies_PionLT.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 03/08/2024 03:26 PM
HeeP_Studies_PionLT.pdf (181 KB)
HeeP_Studies_PionLT.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 03/08/2024 03:30 PM
Vijay_update_Mar14_24.pdf (162 KB)
Vijay_update_Mar14_24.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 03/14/2024 02:50 PM
mtg_24mar14.txt (8.31 KB)
mtg_24mar14.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/14/2024 06:49 PM
Asym_Mar14.pdf (1.14 MB)
Asym_Mar14.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 03/14/2024 06:53 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_15_2024.pdf (429 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Feb_15_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 03/15/2024 01:40 PM
Q3p0W3p14center_pos.pdf (269 KB)
Q3p0W3p14center_pos.pdf |
Ali Usman, 03/15/2024 01:44 PM
HeePCoin_PID_Study.pdf (286 KB)
HeePCoin_PID_Study.pdf |
PionLT |
Muhammad Junaid, 03/15/2024 04:03 PM
Yield_9-2C.pdf (304 KB)
Yield_9-2C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 03/21/2024 02:29 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Mar_21_2024.pdf (412 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Mar_21_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 03/21/2024 03:58 PM
mtg_24mar21.txt (5.33 KB)
mtg_24mar21.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/21/2024 06:48 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_28_24.pdf (4.02 MB)
KaonLTMeeting3_28_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/28/2024 04:11 PM
20240328_kaonLT_event_selection_nacer.pdf (1.33 MB)
20240328_kaonLT_event_selection_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 03/28/2024 05:04 PM
mtg_24mar28.txt (6.28 KB)
mtg_24mar28.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/28/2024 06:25 PM
Asym_Postuma_Mar28.pdf (565 KB)
Asym_Postuma_Mar28.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 04/01/2024 12:34 PM
Asym_Postuma_Mar21.pdf (988 KB)
Asym_Postuma_Mar21.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 04/01/2024 12:35 PM
bsa_24apr02.txt (2.91 KB)
bsa_24apr02.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/02/2024 06:46 PM
Asym_errors.pdf (680 KB)
Asym_errors.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 04/02/2024 07:08 PM
HeePCoin_Offset_Study.pdf (758 KB)
HeePCoin_Offset_Study.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 04/04/2024 01:22 PM
lumiUpdate2024-04-04.pdf (332 KB)
lumiUpdate2024-04-04.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/04/2024 01:42 PM
Yield_9-2pt1Carbon.pdf (329 KB)
Yield_9-2pt1Carbon.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/04/2024 01:43 PM
Yield_9-2pt2Carbon.pdf (330 KB)
Yield_9-2pt2Carbon.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 04/04/2024 01:43 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Apr_4_2024.pdf (305 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Apr_4_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 04/04/2024 04:42 PM
mtg_24apr04.txt (5.42 KB)
mtg_24apr04.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/04/2024 04:56 PM
AsymmetryErrors2.pdf (659 KB)
AsymmetryErrors2.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 04/04/2024 05:02 PM
Vijay_April_11_2024.pdf (91.9 KB)
Vijay_April_11_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/11/2024 03:29 PM
KaonLTMeeting4_11_24.pdf (636 KB)
KaonLTMeeting4_11_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/11/2024 03:49 PM
20240411_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (2.56 MB)
20240411_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 04/11/2024 04:10 PM
mtg_24apr11.txt (7.29 KB)
mtg_24apr11.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/11/2024 06:43 PM
mtg_24apr18.txt (5.99 KB)
mtg_24apr18.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/18/2024 06:14 PM
KaonLTMeeting4_18_24.pdf (2.75 MB)
KaonLTMeeting4_18_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 04/24/2024 08:51 PM
Vijay_Apr25_2024.pdf (273 KB)
Vijay_Apr25_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/25/2024 02:03 PM
Vijay_Apr25_2024.pdf (274 KB)
Vijay_Apr25_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 04/25/2024 02:14 PM
mtg_24apr25.txt (3.74 KB)
mtg_24apr25.txt |
Garth Huber, 04/25/2024 06:50 PM
Vijay_May2_2024.pdf (1.12 MB)
Vijay_May2_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/02/2024 03:57 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_2_24.pdf (660 KB)
KaonLTMeeting5_2_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/03/2024 04:33 PM
mtg_24may02.txt (6.21 KB)
mtg_24may02.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/03/2024 06:53 PM
Vijay_update_May9_2024.pdf (72.9 KB)
Vijay_update_May9_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 05/09/2024 02:59 PM
KaonLT-update-05092024.pdf (441 KB)
KaonLT-update-05092024.pdf |
Tanja Horn, 05/09/2024 03:46 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_May_9_2024.pdf (776 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_May_9_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 05/09/2024 04:02 PM
mtg_24may09.txt (5.48 KB)
mtg_24may09.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/09/2024 06:47 PM
mtg_24may16.txt (3.9 KB)
mtg_24may16.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/16/2024 05:36 PM
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_Out_of_plane_offset.pdf (414 KB)
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_Out_of_plane_offset.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 05/17/2024 01:45 PM
Yield_6-4HMS_C.pdf (333 KB)
Yield_6-4HMS_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/17/2024 04:37 PM
Yield_6-4SHMS_C.pdf (333 KB)
Yield_6-4SHMS_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/17/2024 04:37 PM
Yield_9-2pt1_C.pdf (339 KB)
Yield_9-2pt1_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/17/2024 04:37 PM
Yield_9-2pt2_C.pdf (341 KB)
Yield_9-2pt2_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/17/2024 04:37 PM
KaonLTMeeting5_23_24.pdf (996 KB)
KaonLTMeeting5_23_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 05/23/2024 03:29 PM
mtg_24may23.txt (6.59 KB)
mtg_24may23.txt |
Garth Huber, 05/23/2024 06:55 PM
HeeP_Studies_inplane_offset.pdf (228 KB)
HeeP_Studies_inplane_offset.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 05/23/2024 07:31 PM
refit_bcm2_2021a_noQuad.png (26.4 KB)
refit_bcm2_2021a_noQuad.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
refit_bcm2_2021a_Quad.png (27.5 KB)
refit_bcm2_2021a_Quad.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
refit_bcm2_2021a_Quad_fit.png (28.4 KB)
refit_bcm2_2021a_Quad_fit.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
refit_bcm2_2022_noQuad.png (24.8 KB)
refit_bcm2_2022_noQuad.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
refit_bcm2_2022_Quad.png (24.6 KB)
refit_bcm2_2022_Quad.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
refit_bcm2_2022_Quad_fit.png (25.1 KB)
refit_bcm2_2022_Quad_fit.png |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 01:55 PM
Yield_6-4HMS_C.pdf (333 KB)
Yield_6-4HMS_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 02:03 PM
Yield_6-4SHMS_C.pdf (333 KB)
Yield_6-4SHMS_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 02:03 PM
Yield_9-2pt1_C.pdf (339 KB)
Yield_9-2pt1_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 02:03 PM
Yield_9-2pt2_C.pdf (341 KB)
Yield_9-2pt2_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 05/24/2024 02:03 PM
Vijay_update_June6_2024.pdf (137 KB)
Vijay_update_June6_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 06/06/2024 04:44 PM
mtg_24jun06.txt (6.56 KB)
mtg_24jun06.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/06/2024 07:18 PM
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_v1.pdf (299 KB)
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 06/07/2024 02:42 AM
HeePCoin_Offset_Study_withoffset_v1.pdf (667 KB)
HeePCoin_Offset_Study_withoffset_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 06/07/2024 02:42 AM
PionLT_HMS_Detector_efficiencies.pdf (239 KB)
PionLT_HMS_Detector_efficiencies.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 06/07/2024 02:42 AM
KaonLTMeeting6_6_24.pdf (483 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_6_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/07/2024 08:39 AM
20240606_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (843 KB)
20240606_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 06/07/2024 04:07 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_June_6_2024.pdf (549 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_June_6_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 06/13/2024 01:17 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_13_24.pdf (601 KB)
KaonLTMeeting6_13_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/13/2024 03:05 PM
mtg_24jun13.txt (5.34 KB)
mtg_24jun13.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/14/2024 12:50 PM
mtg_24jun19.txt (4.12 KB)
mtg_24jun19.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/19/2024 04:59 PM
Q1MMpiCutStudy.ods (15.8 KB)
Q1MMpiCutStudy.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 06/19/2024 10:01 PM
Q1RadiativeStudy.ods (12.8 KB)
Q1RadiativeStudy.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 06/19/2024 10:01 PM
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_in_plane_offset_Final.pdf (274 KB)
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_in_plane_offset_Final.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 06/20/2024 05:38 PM
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_in_plane_offset_plots_Final.pdf (651 KB)
PionLT_HeeP_Studies_in_plane_offset_plots_Final.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 06/20/2024 09:22 PM
Q1RadiativeStudy_June27_24.ods (13.4 KB)
Q1RadiativeStudy_June27_24.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 06/27/2024 04:51 PM
Q1MMpiCutStudy_June27_24.ods (20.2 KB)
Q1MMpiCutStudy_June27_24.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 06/27/2024 04:51 PM
mtg_24jun27.txt (4.91 KB)
mtg_24jun27.txt |
Garth Huber, 06/28/2024 12:10 PM
KaonLTMeeting6_27_24.pdf (2.39 MB)
KaonLTMeeting6_27_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 06/30/2024 11:41 PM
Q1SHMSAcceptanceStudy.ods (13.3 KB)
Q1SHMSAcceptanceStudy.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 07/11/2024 01:46 PM
Pion LT meeting july 11 2024.pdf (2.01 MB)
Pion LT meeting july 11 2024.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 07/11/2024 04:05 PM
PionLTmeetingjuly112024(1).pdf (2.01 MB)
PionLTmeetingjuly112024(1).pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 07/11/2024 04:07 PM
PionLTmeetingjuly112024.pdf (2.01 MB)
PionLTmeetingjuly112024.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 07/11/2024 04:08 PM
KaonLTMeeting7_11_24.pdf (2.51 MB)
KaonLTMeeting7_11_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/12/2024 01:09 PM
mtg_24jul11.txt (5.94 KB)
mtg_24jul11.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/12/2024 07:14 PM
KaonLTMeeting7_16_24.pdf (1.51 MB)
KaonLTMeeting7_16_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/18/2024 03:29 PM
mtg_24jul18.txt (4.23 KB)
mtg_24jul18.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/18/2024 06:50 PM
KaonLTMeeting7_25_24.pdf (2.44 MB)
KaonLTMeeting7_25_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/25/2024 04:41 PM
mtg_24jul25.txt (2.67 KB)
mtg_24jul25.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/29/2024 01:55 PM
Q1SHMSAcceptanceStudy_July31_24.ods (16.5 KB)
Q1SHMSAcceptanceStudy_July31_24.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 07/31/2024 01:26 PM
Q1HMSAcceptanceStudy_July31_24.ods (16.6 KB)
Q1HMSAcceptanceStudy_July31_24.ods |
Vijay Kumar, 07/31/2024 01:26 PM
KaonLTMeeting7_31_24.pdf (2.63 MB)
KaonLTMeeting7_31_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 07/31/2024 03:52 PM
mtg_24jul31.txt (6.32 KB)
mtg_24jul31.txt |
Garth Huber, 07/31/2024 07:05 PM
KaonLTMeeting8_7_24.pdf (1.46 MB)
KaonLTMeeting8_7_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/07/2024 03:25 PM
20240807_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.28 MB)
20240807_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 08/07/2024 03:58 PM
375_629.png (13.6 KB)
375_629.png |
Vijay Kumar, 08/07/2024 04:22 PM
375_781.png (14 KB)
375_781.png |
Vijay Kumar, 08/07/2024 04:22 PM
375_286.png (13.3 KB)
375_286.png |
Vijay Kumar, 08/07/2024 04:22 PM
mtg_24aug07.txt (5.51 KB)
mtg_24aug07.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/08/2024 05:41 AM
20240815_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (2.35 MB)
20240815_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 08/15/2024 04:21 PM
heep_ratio.pdf (18.5 KB)
heep_ratio.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
FullAnalysis_3p8_Offset.pdf (1.02 MB)
FullAnalysis_3p8_Offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
FullAnalysis_8p2_Offset.pdf (1.08 MB)
FullAnalysis_8p2_Offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
FullAnalysis_4p9_Offset.pdf (1.16 MB)
FullAnalysis_4p9_Offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
FullAnalysis_6p2_Offset.pdf (1.09 MB)
FullAnalysis_6p2_Offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
FullAnalysis_10p6_Offset.pdf (1.21 MB)
FullAnalysis_10p6_Offset.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 08/19/2024 09:40 AM
mtg_24aug15.txt (3.51 KB)
mtg_24aug15.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/21/2024 06:09 PM
mtg_24aug22.txt (4.67 KB)
mtg_24aug22.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/22/2024 06:10 PM
mtg_24aug29.txt (6.73 KB)
mtg_24aug29.txt |
Garth Huber, 08/29/2024 07:25 PM
20240829_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (2.05 MB)
20240829_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 08/30/2024 10:56 AM
Yield_2022_HMS_C_Final_EDTM.pdf (381 KB)
Yield_2022_HMS_C_Final_EDTM.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_HMS_C_Final_ELT.pdf (379 KB)
Yield_2022_HMS_C_Final_ELT.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_HMS_LH2_Final_EDTM.pdf (381 KB)
Yield_2022_HMS_LH2_Final_EDTM.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_HMS_LH2_Final_ELT.pdf (342 KB)
Yield_2022_HMS_LH2_Final_ELT.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_SHMS_C.pdf (385 KB)
Yield_2022_SHMS_C.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_SHMS_C_Final.pdf (385 KB)
Yield_2022_SHMS_C_Final.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_SHMS_LH2_before.pdf (380 KB)
Yield_2022_SHMS_LH2_before.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
Yield_2022_SHMS_LH2_Final.pdf (378 KB)
Yield_2022_SHMS_LH2_Final.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 09/03/2024 12:08 PM
KaonLTMeeting9_5_24.pdf (631 KB)
KaonLTMeeting9_5_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/05/2024 05:34 PM
mtg_24sep05.txt (8.8 KB)
mtg_24sep05.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/05/2024 07:55 PM
20240912_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (2.72 MB)
20240912_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 09/12/2024 05:55 PM
mtg_24sep12.txt (6.51 KB)
mtg_24sep12.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/12/2024 10:44 PM
KaonLT_Meeting_Sept_12_2024.pdf (257 KB)
KaonLT_Meeting_Sept_12_2024.pdf |
Ali Usman, 09/18/2024 05:19 PM
KaonLTMeeting9_18_24.pdf (332 KB)
KaonLTMeeting9_18_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 09/19/2024 05:28 PM
mtg_24sep19.txt (5.62 KB)
mtg_24sep19.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/20/2024 04:30 PM
mtg_24sep26.txt (4.53 KB)
mtg_24sep26.txt |
Garth Huber, 09/26/2024 07:20 PM
Vijay_Oct3_2024.pdf (104 KB)
Vijay_Oct3_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 10/03/2024 02:36 PM
BSA_Postuma_Sep26.pdf (622 KB)
BSA_Postuma_Sep26.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 10/03/2024 05:23 PM
KaonLTMeeting10_3_24.pdf (877 KB)
KaonLTMeeting10_3_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/03/2024 05:27 PM
mtg_24oct03.txt (3.58 KB)
mtg_24oct03.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/04/2024 04:05 PM
Vijay_Oct10_2024.pdf (41.1 KB)
Vijay_Oct10_2024.pdf |
Vijay Kumar, 10/10/2024 02:01 PM
PionLTCoinLumi_Pass1.pdf (522 KB)
PionLTCoinLumi_Pass1.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 10/10/2024 03:14 PM
KaonLTMeeting10_10_24.pdf (4.81 MB)
KaonLTMeeting10_10_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/10/2024 05:44 PM
mtg_24oct10.txt (5.18 KB)
mtg_24oct10.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/10/2024 07:22 PM
KaonLTMeeting10_17_24.pdf (1.64 MB)
KaonLTMeeting10_17_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 10/17/2024 06:12 PM
20241017_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (4.64 MB)
20241017_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 10/17/2024 06:53 PM
mtg_24oct17.txt (5.26 KB)
mtg_24oct17.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/18/2024 04:32 PM
MJones-HCANA-DC-update.pdf (1.22 MB)
MJones-HCANA-DC-update.pdf |
Garth Huber, 10/18/2024 04:32 PM
mtg_24oct24.txt (6.18 KB)
mtg_24oct24.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/24/2024 06:59 PM
20241024_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.24 MB)
20241024_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 10/28/2024 11:24 AM
mtg_24oct31.txt (2.83 KB)
mtg_24oct31.txt |
Garth Huber, 10/31/2024 06:15 PM
mtg_24nov14.txt (5.19 KB)
mtg_24nov14.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/15/2024 06:21 PM
mtg_24nov14.txt (5.19 KB)
mtg_24nov14.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/15/2024 06:22 PM
mtg_24nov07.txt (1.29 KB)
mtg_24nov07.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/19/2024 11:23 AM
CombinedPlotCarbon.pdf (37.9 KB)
CombinedPlotCarbon.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
CombinedPlotCoin.pdf (45.1 KB)
CombinedPlotCoin.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2.pdf (26.4 KB)
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_ALL.pdf (68.9 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_ALL.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles.pdf (37.5 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2.pdf (25.6 KB)
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 11/19/2024 02:39 PM
HeeP_Studies_offsetsigns.pdf (233 KB)
HeeP_Studies_offsetsigns.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:14 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v1.pdf (426 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:23 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v2.pdf (426 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v2.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:27 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v3.pdf (244 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v3.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:32 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v4.pdf (296 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v4.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:39 PM
E6p395s1_HeePCoin_RasterCheck_Uncut_Distributions.pdf (587 KB)
E6p395s1_HeePCoin_RasterCheck_Uncut_Distributions.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:39 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v5.pdf (354 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v5.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:39 PM
E10p549_HeePCoin_RasterCheck_Uncut_Distributions.pdf (366 KB)
E10p549_HeePCoin_RasterCheck_Uncut_Distributions.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:43 PM
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf (71.5 KB)
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:50 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v6.pdf (230 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v6.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:50 PM
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf (71.5 KB)
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:50 PM
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study_v1.pdf (344 KB)
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:57 PM
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf (71.5 KB)
E5p986_-1_HeePCoin_Proton_Analysis_Distributions_newraster.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 10:59 PM
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study_v2.pdf (267 KB)
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study_v2.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:05 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v7.pdf (305 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v7.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:09 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v8.pdf (305 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v8.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:12 PM
HeeP_Studies_study_v9.pdf (272 KB)
HeeP_Studies_study_v9.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:14 PM
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study.pdf (269 KB)
Hodo_3_of_4_Effciency_Study.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:24 PM
SHMS_PID_Studies_v1.pdf (154 KB)
SHMS_PID_Studies_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:26 PM
E5p986_Q3p85_W2p02_ptheta15p79_ProdCoin_Analysed_Data_-1_Pion_PID_Analysis_Distributions.pdf (409 KB)
E5p986_Q3p85_W2p02_ptheta15p79_ProdCoin_Analysed_Data_-1_Pion_PID_Analysis_Distributions.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:26 PM
SHMS_PID_plots_v1.pdf (409 KB)
SHMS_PID_plots_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:27 PM
SHMS_PID_Studies_v2.pdf (192 KB)
SHMS_PID_Studies_v2.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:30 PM
SHMS_PID_plots_v2.pdf (531 KB)
SHMS_PID_plots_v2.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:30 PM
SHMS_PID_Studies_v3.pdf (228 KB)
SHMS_PID_Studies_v3.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:32 PM
SHMS_PID_plots_v3.pdf (611 KB)
SHMS_PID_plots_v3.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:32 PM
New_raster_plots1.pdf (71.5 KB)
New_raster_plots1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 11/19/2024 11:33 PM
KaonLTMeeting11_21_24.pdf (955 KB)
KaonLTMeeting11_21_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 11/21/2024 04:59 PM
20241121_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.07 MB)
20241121_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 11/21/2024 05:40 PM
mtg_24nov21.txt (4.28 KB)
mtg_24nov21.txt |
Garth Huber, 11/22/2024 01:20 PM
KaonLTMeeting12_5_24.pdf (971 KB)
KaonLTMeeting12_5_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/05/2024 04:56 PM
mtg_24dec05.txt (4.13 KB)
mtg_24dec05.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/05/2024 05:23 PM
20241212_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.22 MB)
20241212_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 12/12/2024 05:03 PM
KaonLTMeeting12_12_24.pdf (918 KB)
KaonLTMeeting12_12_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/13/2024 12:47 PM
mtg_12dec24.txt (2.34 KB)
mtg_12dec24.txt |
Richard Trotta, 12/13/2024 12:48 PM
20241219_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.24 MB)
20241219_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 12/19/2024 04:46 PM
KaonLTMeeting12_19_24.pdf (1.64 MB)
KaonLTMeeting12_19_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 12/19/2024 04:48 PM
mtg_24dec19.txt (2.97 KB)
mtg_24dec19.txt |
Garth Huber, 12/20/2024 04:00 PM
20250102_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.4 MB)
20250102_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 01/02/2025 05:30 PM
mtg_25jan02.txt (3.27 KB)
mtg_25jan02.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/03/2025 06:35 PM
mtg_25jan09.txt (3.93 KB)
mtg_25jan09.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/10/2025 04:21 PM
mtg_25jan16.txt (3.94 KB)
mtg_25jan16.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/17/2025 06:51 PM
20250123_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (622 KB)
20250123_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 01/23/2025 04:37 PM
mtg_25jan23.txt (5.74 KB)
mtg_25jan23.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/23/2025 06:22 PM
CombinedPlotHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf (26.3 KB)
CombinedPlotHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf (26.6 KB)
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Rate_Scalar.pdf (37.9 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Rate_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Scalar.pdf (38 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf (26.1 KB)
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotSHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf (25.9 KB)
CombinedPlotSHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:48 PM
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf (26.3 KB)
CombinedPlotHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
CombinedPlotHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf (25.9 KB)
CombinedPlotHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Rate_Scalar.pdf (37.5 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Rate_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Scalar.pdf (37.5 KB)
CombinedPlotLH2_Singles_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf (25.9 KB)
CombinedPlotSHMS_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
CombinedPlotSHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf (26 KB)
CombinedPlotSHMS_rate_LH2_Scalar.pdf |
Nathan Heinrich, 01/24/2025 01:53 PM
20250123_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (622 KB)
20250123_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 01/27/2025 12:26 PM
mtg_25jan30.txt (4.6 KB)
mtg_25jan30.txt |
Garth Huber, 01/31/2025 06:31 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_6_24.pdf (1.72 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_6_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/06/2025 04:08 PM
20250206_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (1.46 MB)
20250206_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 02/06/2025 05:17 PM
mtg_25feb06.txt (8.17 KB)
mtg_25feb06.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/06/2025 06:18 PM
geant4slides.pdf (1.08 MB)
geant4slides.pdf |
Alicia Postuma, 02/07/2025 10:49 AM
HMS_Optics_update_v1.pdf (142 KB)
HMS_Optics_update_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/12/2025 05:09 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_13_24.pdf (1.05 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_13_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/13/2025 03:48 PM
mtg_25feb13.txt (7 KB)
mtg_25feb13.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/13/2025 05:33 PM
PionLT_Meeting_Update_13_02_25.pdf (273 KB)
PionLT_Meeting_Update_13_02_25.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/16/2025 09:09 PM
KaonLTMeeting2_20_24.pdf (1.24 MB)
KaonLTMeeting2_20_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 02/20/2025 04:15 PM
mtg_25feb20.txt (4.54 KB)
mtg_25feb20.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/20/2025 05:45 PM
20250227_kaonLT_nacer.pdf (3.08 MB)
20250227_kaonLT_nacer.pdf |
Abdennacer Hamdi, 02/27/2025 04:32 PM
mtg_25feb27.txt (5.84 KB)
mtg_25feb27.txt |
Garth Huber, 02/27/2025 05:40 PM
PionLT_Meeting_Update_v3.pdf (190 KB)
PionLT_Meeting_Update_v3.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 09:44 PM
HeePCoinPlots_nooffset.pdf (648 KB)
HeePCoinPlots_nooffset.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 09:46 PM
HeePCoinPlots_withoffset.pdf (648 KB)
HeePCoinPlots_withoffset.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 09:46 PM
HeePCoinPlots_withoffsetP0p47.pdf (645 KB)
HeePCoinPlots_withoffsetP0p47.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 09:46 PM
HeePCoinPlots_withoffset_v1.pdf (648 KB)
HeePCoinPlots_withoffset_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 10:23 PM
HeePCoinPlots_nooffset_v1.pdf (649 KB)
HeePCoinPlots_nooffset_v1.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 10:23 PM
PionLT_Meeting_Update_v2.pdf (178 KB)
PionLT_Meeting_Update_v2.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 02/27/2025 10:24 PM
KaonLTMeeting3_6_24.pdf (3.1 MB)
KaonLTMeeting3_6_24.pdf |
Richard Trotta, 03/06/2025 04:52 PM
mtg_25mar06.txt (4.5 KB)
mtg_25mar06.txt |
Garth Huber, 03/06/2025 06:11 PM
HeeP_Studies_Ratios.pdf (224 KB)
HeeP_Studies_Ratios.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 03/06/2025 06:17 PM
HeeP_Studies_Ratios_Plots.pdf (690 KB)
HeeP_Studies_Ratios_Plots.pdf |
Muhammad Junaid, 03/06/2025 06:17 PM